How do you feel about your murder/homocide rate?

I fear for the safety of our Brazilian and Russian posters.

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Portugal? Wtf


I fear for Portugal, what the fuck is happe ning there?

>lower than the us

its a meme

it's mostly gang members killing gang members
only robbery and high-collar crime is something to worry about

It is not safe to walk in the streets after 8pm. I myself avoid going to the downtown regardless of day or night.

Thankfully I live in a medium-sized city located in the southermost region. The genocidal barbarism is exponentially more intense in bigger cities.

Everyone with a basic education on Brazil knows what Rio de Janeiro is like - drug lords rule the favelas in consortium with politicans and corrupt police officers. Petty thieves steal at noon and the scared population fears too much to retaliate.

In São Paulo the situation was as much as bad. Fortunately the city has managed to drop its homicide rate by quite a lot.

The poorest region of Brazil, the Northeast, is the worst. Ten of the 40 most violent cities in the World are located in this region of Brazil.

Only 5% of the homicides cases are solved. ( I believe we face a situation of near-civilizational collapse.

It simply exhausts the will to live of anyone.

i have the will to live. I am not like the hysterical poster above

I feel fine, homicides are so rare here when one happens everyone finds out either from the news or social media


>Map of homicides in Russia
>most of them comes from finnic shitholes

Stay away, it's a literal war zone

You just wake up knowing that the moment you step outside you can be killed for a trivial reason. What's the big deal?

>Chile have a bigger murder rate than Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and USA
kek how old is this?

>Only 5% of the homicides cases are solved


It's a trap so newfags like yourself bite the bait. Look at portugal

Kek, why do you people always post old maps like this one? Our murder rate in 2016 was 5.2 or something

>Look at portugal
Yes is an old meme, and? the rest of the map is not edited, is just old. Stop trying to act like someome who was here for years and lurk more before posting, thanks you, have a good day.



For any newfag, it's a meme perpetruated by France, that for some reason keeps posting that map against Brotugal.
Here's the real one.

No one from my family has been killed and i don't really fear about getting killed so it's ok despite being so high compared to other countries, also that map is old as fuck this one is also very old

probably from before 2010

Qual cidade? Itajaí/SC aqui. Ta foda aqui tb.

Same here. But I live in the safest state of Brazil.

That still sounds pretty bad tho


Atlease he has free of will


It's the second lowest in Latin America though. I guess the fall of the rate through the years (i remember in 2011 or 2012 was 8) is related to an effort to increase security in Guayaquil (the biggest and most populous city). It could probably keep falling in the coming years.
It's also on par with the US's rate too

Pretty worrying, 16 people were shot dead nationwide last year and now the ministry is making guidelines to allow cops to use their gun after a cop was murdered.
Not to mention ISIS that have injured 5 people in 3 years.



>poortugal internet defence force

What did he mean by this

Hope it gets lower then

feels great m8

I'm more worried about the police killing me desu.


t.newest fag around


fuck niggers




I guess China doesn't include the drivers finishing the people they run over.

Nah, really?


I feel pretty safe 2bh, i don't live in Tuva thank god.

>north caucasus
want to know how I know this map is shit

It's not homicide if it isn't registered as such.
smart negro.png

Could be better

the caucas is full of love and harmony


Normal shit if you have lived through it since a child

>Portugal Italian defence force

it's a meme
every world map posted here Portugal gets the worst