Tell me about Afghanistan

Tell me about Afghanistan
The history?
The culture?
The society today?

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shitty terrorist country that no one can conquer because of the shitty terrain and shitty development which makes for good guerrilla warfare
spent a lot of their history being conquered by other tribal countries but they always come back like cancer. that is why they call it graveyard of empires
terrorist hotbed, oppressed society, ungrateful faggots, etc

Can't be conquered, correct.
Terrorist hotbed? Might be, it's our own fault.
Only became oppressed in the modernized perception recently

We made it into the terrorist shithole it is today. It was a nice place in the 1950s.

the relevancy of Afghanistan has really gone down ever since isis became a thing. now they have stolen their spotlight as 'that terrorist country'

Should be split between Iran and Pakistan with Dari-speaking population being deported to Iranian part and Pasho-speaking population deported to Pakistanian part. No other way to fix it.

There's no such thing as an 'unconquerable' country. Every country has been conquered unless you live in some remote shithole like Iceland.
You do realize that was only for a small portion of the population right? The rest was durka durka.

you mean when iran was run by the pro-American shah?

Dont listen to burgers

They used to be western tier but than soviet invasion happened, togather with merica we armed militants to drive them away creating the taliban but fucking up the country into extreme islamic shithole. Now the taliban are known as the freedom fighters that is trying to drive away American troops. There also other bunches of small rebel groups that attack pakistan and afghan government. Apart from a 3-4 cities most of the country in hard to live in so they migrate to paki land. Too many migrants started flooding more than our shit dirt poor government could manage so we're sending the illegle ones back

Don't you unofficially support Taliban?

No, the taliban are trying to drive off mericans which would be good for afghans. We dont have good relations with afghan government. No benifit to us whatso ever just more burger propaganda

You housed Osama though, I know there's a difference between Al-Qaeda and Taliben, but still..
I refuse to believe the Paki government were oblivious to the presence of Osama near Abbottabad

>used to be western tier
Maybe Kabul and some other cities but that's it. The rest of the country has always been a tribal shithole just like Pakistan.
>Now the taliban are known as the freedom fighters
They're the allies of the ISI you lying fuck

Also why are there so many paki posters, compared to afghani posters? Unless you're the only paki poster

I live in abbottabad its my home town. Literally no one knew about him. His family lives there though, they're nice.

Firstly no paki has bin in his name, its an arab thing

Secondly, implying he wasn't some CIA nigger

>allies of the ISI
>being the much of a bluepilled faggot

ISIS=islamic state if syria and iraq
Al-Qaeda=Afghani freedom fighters

What Al-Qaeda does is terrorism but they believe its for the good of their country

Write correct spelling, you fucking paki

That picture is just terrorist propaganda. You'd think he would have given of signs of life in the last 6 years, if he wasn't dead.

His family lives in Riyadh, they're the biggest entrepeneurs in the Arab world.

Anyway, is there hope for Afghanistan? Will it become a decent country in the next 20-30 years? I would want to visit the countryside some day.

There are 3-5 total paki posters right now. Afghanistan is a normie nation, they're mostly on facebook

I know they're divided between 2 (or 3?) tribes

Pashkun is one of them, they're also common in Pakistan I think

The other group are Tajiks I think, but that's just a guess

Fuck off gook shit
Depends if they get their shit togather. They just go around blaming us for all their problems when we're the ones giving thier people aid and refugee. Oh and we also give food and aid to merican troops iirc, maybe thats why the taliban hate us. IMO 2 things cab improve the country

>merica leaves
>pashtunistan state formed

There are more pashtuns in pakistsn than all of afghanistan. The tribe thing is an afghani pashtun thing, dont know about tajiks but hazaras(3rd largest group) are the most peaceful ones with the safest areas to travel

Their national sport is cricket after the pakistani members of Taliban banned every other sport and they're actually quite good at it. I saw them play against Australia in the World Cup a few years back

>Now the taliban are known as the freedom fighters that is trying to drive away American troops.
you camel riding terrorists can't stop us

Do Pashtuns want a Pashtunistan?

>cant stop us
Stop what you dipshit? They just want you out of their country

Yes, they're also asking paki pashtuns to come but 80% of us dont want to because we identify as pakis now which gets them angry and they call us indians or daal khors(punjabis) as insult

why do you keep making threads all day? fuck off

Extremely brave people, fighting with honour.
Very conservative and religious, basically feudal state.
The biggest ethnicity are pushtuns.
>The history
Mountains where Indo-european Iranian tribes have been living for the last 3000 years. Barely were touched by other peoples, very isolated people. Were Buddhists and were a part of elinized greek-bactrian state. Than there were mostly various tribe leaders, finally they became a kingdom. Converted to Islam in middle ages, but islam was combined with local traditions in an interesting way. In 20th century too much to write, read wiki.
Iranian have problems with immigrants from Afghanistan already btw

I doubt countries like Punjabistan, Pashtunistan or Kurdistan will ever be formed.

this is my first thread in 3-4 days, fuck off McGooby. Discussions about countries are more interesting than the usual "do you love France" or "I hate nignog turkey" or the infinite amount of generals.

Punjabis dont want one and great chance the pashtunistan can form. They are the biggest group in Afghan-land. Pashtuns basically means afghans, they were the original inhabitants

all your threads are shit
fuck you

Tell me stroy of the USSR vs Afgan war

There is also mizrahi admixture along with iranic, turkish and some euro

How does the average person in Pakistan view India/Indians?

They dont think much outside of cricket. Not good. Liberals like them and middle class like them/dont mind them.

How unified is Pakistan as a country both in terms of ethnicities and class?

More than india, they have a north south thing going on and there isn't a single national language, people say its hindi but south doesn't accept it. Our country is smol, urdu is the lingua franca of everyone, we grow up with 3 language. National language, mother tounge and english. There is also no concept of superior race or class, dark skin is considered ugly but they are still treated as equals and not mocked

>Not wanting a united Emirate of Khorasan.

also technically afghan was synonymous with pashtun, so yeah thats why the ultranationalist pashtuns in politics are butthurt about the durand line and want paki pashtuns to join.

Daud coups Shah and start ass-licking US. Afghanistani communists coup Daud and Takari becomes the ruler of Afghanistan. Communists begin reforms which are seen with hostility by most of Afghanis, especially peasantry and landlords. Reactionaries start rebellion, Taraki asks USSR for help. Taraki is couped by person #2 in party Amin. USSR invades, killing Amin. Babrak Karmal becomes the head of the state and USSR is fighting rebels. I late 80s Najibulla becomes the ruler of Afghanistan. He was trying to become more lax with Islam and traditions, Afghanistan accepts new constitution. Soviet troops control all the country and leave. 2 years later Taliban is formed and USSR is dissolved. In 4 years Najibulla loses civil war and gets killed by Talibs.

Burgers find funny to massacre Afghans which some of them are white and created great civilizations between Persia and India. They should rather train their GIs and test their new weapons on niggers in Africa.

Might want to visit/join to check how it is. Cant be worse than now

They should have stayed Buddhists. Islamic conversion was brutal
Fuck the Abrahamics

This is least likely. Countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and India etc etc are always on the verge of collapsing.
Iran and Turkey are pretty stable tho and won't hesitate to punish the shit out of Kurds if they get uppity.

Is it true that afghani pashtuns are whiter than tajiks?

Kurds are eyeing an opportunity in Syria atm, that's why they're fighting IS. Kurdistan is more likely than a Pashtu nation

Ayy lmao. There's a greater chance of the MENA world coming together.

They used to be a hell of alot of things mainly Zoroastrians and Buddhists but there were sun worshipper, pagans and even small communities of jews. What matters is they're muslim now, cant change that.

I've already been there years ago but it would be nice to go again.
Are you pashtun?


A literal non country. Should be partitioned.
The Pashtos can be their own country. The Turkic parts should be annexed to Uzbekistan and the Persian parts split between Iran and Tajikstan

Is it successful in USSR's aspect?

d-delete this

not really fa m go to badakhshan and panjshir provinces which are 99% tajik, people there are amongst the fairest in the country.

There's this really addictive pashto song on weed, can u translate:

Mr Burger no one in Afghanistan wants this tb h, if they did it could've happened during the 1990s civil war, when warlords controlled their respective ethnic homelands vast swaths of their corresponding ethnic populations.

It was afghani pashto(persian mixed) and bretty complecate so I asked me mum. Basically its "Im a drug addict I cant sleep"

kek, its interesting I didn't know there would be difficulty understanding pashto across the borders

Im not that fluent in it. I grew up around punjabis

>yfw most popular sport in your cunt isn't cricket
I hate you stupid bongs. Shoud've colonized us before eternal ruskie did

They should make this an Olympic sport or at least have regional competitions

>Turkic parts should be annexed to Uzbekistan and the Persian parts split between Iran and Tajikstan
Holy shit, ameritard opinion in it's finest.
No one in Uzbekistan would like it. Uzbekistan is pretty civilized and secular country with working economy and so. No one there would like to take in Afghani Uzbeks because they are ages behind Uzbekistanian Uzbeks in everything - extremely poor country, no education, no industry, etc.

>Anyway, is there hope for Afghanistan?
Nope. To put things into perspective, the terrorists actually improved their quality of life in many areas by banning some of their more barbaric cultural practices. There's also a HUGE opiate problem for obvious reasons.
>Will it become a decent country in the next 20-30 years?
Even if the urban centers develop (unlikely), the remoteness of the country and their thousands-year-old culture provide no hope for development whatsoever. There are common stories of Americans rolling into villages and being mistaken for Soviets, along with stories of villagers not knowing how to count beyond subitization, having crazy myths and beliefs, etc. It sounds like an anthropologist's paradise, but one of those places where a state as we know it just isn't feasible.

>, it's our own fault.

It was kinda nice until the Soviets fucked them over.

Only Kabul. Afghanistan's like Nepal in that there's literally no way of enforcing a central government due to the remote and isolated nature of the different tribes. You'd have to pull some Cambodia-tier brutality to change their ways and modernize them.

basically america 2.0

Man, how you would make Rambo 3 plot?

I find that hard to believe considering the soviets were helping the local government against foreign and local religious extremists in the region.