Why do Europeans dress like homosexuals?

Why do Europeans dress like homosexuals?

How the fuck does he has no body hair? I probably have more hair in one of my fucking feet than he has in his entire body

Why do Americans dress like obese niggers?

>this short
>those shoes
>those hairless legs
Lmao wtf

Check any nazi parade and tell me how many guys with body hair you can see
Body hair is a subhuman trait

>I probably have more hair in one of my fucking feet than he has in his entire body
That's because you're a monkey eggs d


Shitty fashion threads are the best

because they're faggots



Lower testosterone

why are they all so tall? i bet that guys from mthe netherlands looks 6'8

Why do homosexuals dress like Europeans?

how are you gonna see a Nazi's leg hair in a parade lol? it's probably blonde too are you retarded?

>shaved legs
>shaved arms

must be the EU-mandated mandatory estrogen pills for all males

ask any girl you had a sexual intercourse with she'll tell you that shaved arms on a guy (especially if they are also tanned and muscular) is an attractive thing

girl on the right rules

10000000% chance this is exactly how most nerds here dress while making fun of fashion

not true at all

>tfw have too much hair on legs so I am ashamed to wear shorts but don't want to shave it and be claimed as faggot.
What to do?
If only there was a way to trim it a little without hair tips being wide from trimming :(


It's summer. Beside having no leg hair I don't think anything is gay about this guy.

do men in japan wear shorts that short?


No I rarely see one like that.
But is that really a gay signal? I kinda overlook it since it's not pink or anything.

Hey that looks pretty nor-
>those pants
>shaved legs

nobody cares about your opinion you dirt

masculine culture is for savage to be honest.

probably one.

>why do Americans dress like children?

I hate that film, typically American : help yourself, God will help you!

Funny how Americans have only remembered the selfish messages of Christianity. Should go and stay with Ayn Rand.

At least I don't care when legs are not tanned.

Nazi parade is your standard for manliness? What the fuck is wrong with you?

its pretty fucking gay to shave your legs and then wear short shorts to show off your shaved legs.

it isn't a opinion at all it's a fact, you should learn the difference

this fag used to post regularly. dunno if he still does. hes on par with the german "mach allies" guy constantly asking to be ridiculed

that faggot is sw*dish and therefore not european

Hair is virile and masculine. Wear it proudly.

Kek thats my city.
You dont see men with shaved legs and those kind of shorts here. Probably a tourist, athlet or literally going to gay pride

what you said has nothing to do with being a fact you dumb insect. you can like pale and hairy arms all you want but don't project your disgusting fetish on others. women do like shaved (or at least trimmed) tanned and muscular arms, and THIS is a fact

No, women don't like shaved men
Most you can do that women find attractive is trimming your pubes

Body hair is for monkeys
Reminder that if you have hair on your body you are a subhuman

That's a rent-a-bike so he's not a local.
Could easily be a Merkan tourist.

the bear types are hairy though

two types of people with no chest hair: women and children