Do you love Japan?

Do you love Japan?

i do love their jidaigeki just like quentin taratino

Aspects, but I love aspects of every country.

What do you think of japs who are into western movies?

I do not like.

how do you stay in the mood after setting up all of that crazy shit?


maybe go verbal?

It's a way of life.

Excellent gimmick you've got going for yourself there m8

What are your thoughts on the country you live in?

asians don't get good roles in hollywood, waste of talents imo

Why do you keep making this thread?

This is an alternative to Japanese Thread.
They are under spamming attack for months.

I don't think there's anything wrong with movie makers investing their own money and make movies which a majority of potential movie goers feel easier to relate to.

it's not about population ease since movies are suppose to surpass the limits of society, as the case with the famous early portrayals

and since asians never have strong political action with their identity they tolerate it

blacks hispanics natives middle easterners all have strong lead roles and so on but asians almost never do

for foreigners think it is fine to just get some roles but ultimately movies are not suppose to have racial affirmative action but your fear is the same as the directors they think the movies won't do well and desu that's not making movies for movies sake, it's to make propaganda to support dogma

I know my rights as a national and how to exercise them.
Japan is not perfect, but it's pretty damn close if you know how to hack the system.

>movies are suppose to surpass the limits of society
>movies are not suppose to have racial affirmative action

well, things don't always go the way they are supposed to, do they...

I remember jacking it to this picture in a magazine years ago

>if you know how to hack the system.
hold on a minute ... we have a japanese mastermind over here
what are your recent hacks?

I hate Japan.

I love Rila Fukushima

not sharing the hacks

they did, decades ago...

sneaky sneaky

sometimes we have to accept changes and move on
even if it means to let go of things we once loved

we know sneaky
remember pearl harbour?

good advice but you have to believe because without hope we have nothing

it was another one of those terrible american war films yanks like to make

shut it
tora tora tora was a masterpiece


see these fires, they are not fake

hope is disappointment in disguise
that is why it was boxed with other bad stuff in the world

hope is the last because it is the only gift

she should have released it all out of the box
that's why the world is so short of it

not quite
hope remained, the evils are the gifts of man, they were released unwittingly but she kept hope, the last god

simply man (pandora) keeps hope (against the abandonment of gods)

>All that remained in the box was Hope. It fluttered from the box like a beautiful dragonfly, touching the wounds created by the evil creatures, and healing them. Even though Pandora had released pain and suffering upon the world, she had also allowed Hope to follow them.

I remembered it wrong. Hope got out of the box too.

hope remained, pretty sure

I like Araki Nobuyoshi

I fucking love japan