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we're never bullying you what the fuck are you talking about

theres some french user who keeps bullying me even though i've never done anything to him

well just once I bullied you but it was like 3 weeks ago
i checked the archive and there wasn't any french since a while
stop being a pussy you sub-mutt

wtf! fuck you france

*report for the 3rd time tonight*


fuck fr*Nch ""people""

France is south africa tier demographically edition.

how was your day user?

Lofii-beats edition

Listen to this Nujabes - Who's Theme [feat MINMI]

It was fairly good. Even managed to get around to doing some exercise for a change. Was your day more of the same old?

>there will never again be a new nujabes track

yeah, been feeling down again it comes and goes you know

I know what you mean. I hope it passes sooner rather than later.

it's just because i'm about to get older and theres just no hope for anything good

imagine actually being of mixed blood

The years do seem to be getting shorter, though I already know why. It's because I am stuck in routine and is a lack of anything new.

That's pretty rude, especially from you mr Boli Bolingoli al-algeri.

the days feel longer and the years feel shorter

It isn't surprising that the year feels short if it's just the same day day repeated over and over again.

i know and it feels like theres no way to stop it

That is the 1# reason even want to go to uni, I feel it would be one more chance that would be given to me to fix things. Though I know many people go with those expectations and nothing changes for them. I feel it is my only realistic shot at turning things around. Though since I am by now used to my worst case scenarios being true I worry that I might just have to make due with how things are now. In that case I would try to make improvements that make day to day life more enjoyable, or at the very least more bearable.

at least you have that to look forward to I have nothing

I might just be looking forward to another disappointment though. It is still something I am not going to deny that. For now I am trying to do little things that make things better, though most of the time I can't be bothered to do even those. But I still occasionally manage to get something done. There probably is something you can do that can make things a little more enjoyable, or bearable.

Apologies for that burgerman, must have been some Algerian in disguise.

I mean it can go either way but it's still something to look forward to. I try and try to find something but I just can't find anything

There are no guarantees anything will pop up. Still maybe there is something you can do to make your surroundings more comfy, even if it doesn't seem like much those little things do stack up eventually. One thing I have noticed about myself is that I seem to have learned somethings "wrong", either I don't know what I should do and do the wrong thing and in some cases I just take the easy way out and do things half-assedly. But in many occasions you don't even think about what you do and work on autopilot and my autopilot is more or less fucked so it often ends in disaster if I don't pay attention. I am not sure if what I said now holds any relevance to this case though. I was thinking something along the lines of learning good habits insteads of harmful ones I guess. Anyhow learning things wrong is one of the reasons I am in this mess, and undoing a lifetime of that might be impossible. Still I believe I can improve somewhat even if i'll fall short of the potential that I might have had (though once again there are no guarantees that potential ever existed, maybe it's just wishful thinking), maybe you can too.

Though writing this I realise there aren't really any opportunities to work on awkward reactions in socializing if you are stuck in your own room, though being out won't fix that either if it's not an inherently social situation in the right set-up. Maybe there is room for improvement in other sectors of life?

i don't see my socializing getting better if anything it just gets worse and worse and idk what else could change really it's all in my head of course anyone else can see me changing things around easily but for me it seems impossible

>of course anyone else can see me changing things around easily
It's because they don't understand your situation at all, the notion of falling off is completely alien to them. It's not impossible to turn things around but it is very hard and I am not that confident about my chances of turning it around either.

all I know is I won't do this forever and thats all I have to look forward to

>page 11

you still up?