Do you self-identify as a race different to that which you were assigned as at birth?

Do you self-identify as a race different to that which you were assigned as at birth?

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Yeah, I identify as Turkish.

I used to identify as wh*te, but Sup Forums has opened my eyes and now I fully accept my Mediterranean heritage

If only there was a haplogroup reassignment surgery ;_;

I wasn't assigned any race at birth. Didn't know UK census did it.

Nigga non-anglo countries don't assign you a """race""" at birth
Also this shit is exactly the result of le epin one drop rule and one of the reasons why it's retarded

Rachel Dolezal is completely white.

I used to identify as white but because I'm half english half irish I've started attending black empowerment events to meet with people such as myself

Threads like this are always great autism traps

Yeah I'm a celt but identify as an anglo

I identify as a paki even though my anus is pink

>anus is pink
pls explain the "pink butt hole" meme, this is the second time I've seen it here.

>assigned as at birth
Constructed as at conception you mean?

I don't need race to be a part of my identity

Sort of, im like 7/8 english and 1/8 german, but i tell people im half and half because its more interesting, its also a better explaination for why i know basic german, sounds better than "because i autistically browse int a lot"

This, racial classification is an anglo thing

my lil bro who just got into listening to rap music and probably smoking cannabis once said in front of me that he wished he was a nigger so he can freestyle better.
I had to beat the shit out of him on the spot

Good lad

transabbo here

I wasn't assigned any race, and it doesn't appear in forms here.
But I'm mediterranean, and consider mediterranean people to be my brothers

Do you like Haribo?

the candy?? yes

I am a Greek.

Do you like cheese?

I'm mostly italian but also german, polish and dutch and always thought I was white my whole life but after discovering this shit website idk anymore.


>I'm mostly italian but also german, polish and dutch
No, you are an amerimutt

Do you like peas?


I don't like cheese though

Then you'll love Cheezy Peaz!

A native Malay, during my teen rebellion years, I started "WE WUZ"ing as a chink, because I have chink ancestry. I also embraced Communism and learnt the Internationale and picked up cyrillic.
>FYI, I'm 19 now but have toned down everything from a few years ago

some people have naturally pink asshole, its one of most reliable whiteness checks

yes, i identify as white

post anus


Wut, i thought all assholes were pink? Atleast every one ive seen was


is racial identification at birth a thing? i mostly identify myself by the nation (Canada)

When you bone a chick from behind, its there staring up at you, kind of hard not to see it

I think it's an american thing

>picked up cyrillic

nice trolling to make gullible people spread their ass cheeks in a mirrior to see if their red anus is pink.

>red anus
You might want to see a doctor ASAP

No I'm just french

>Do you self-identify as a race
no i don't. never heard anyone said "i am of x race" irl in my life

I am Dutch, but identify as European

I used to identify as wh*te, but Sup Forums has opened my eyes and now I fully accept my Amerindian heritage.

Yeah. I'm Japanese.

I identify as a Central Asian

>t. Habeeb

Russians are mutts, i'm a finn. No need to thank me for your first time.

I identify as Jewish so I can make it in the film industry much easier


This, what the actual fuck