
the jewish gf edition again

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need a bf

want to feel another mans weight pressing down on me

ewww no

want to be mine x

>those ice blue Aryan ashkeNAZI irises
>that lovely rack

I would betray my goy bloodline to inseminate Ashley

she looks ok until she stops looking directly at the camera
her profile is ghoulish

Honey's arriving on Wednesday. I'm gonna put it in peanut butter and banana sandwiches and milk tea.

Joe King wants a fight with you mate


actually scientifically speaking japanese has one of the most superior cadence of any human language

found this piccie on my harddrive
don't remember why i made it
probably a good reason

chester btfo

business idea: double F cup as the standard for big boobs rather than double D

>actually scientifically speaking japanese has one of the most superior cadence of any human language




oh yeah it was poleaboo being a runt
also have this

anyone who uses redditflags is a fucking cunt

>the irish
lmao'ing rn

how do i shave to get like this:

you can only see redditflags if you yourself use the plugin, so who's really reddit here

>cow tits

will someone please be my bf


Cover your genitals with Nair, wait 15 minutes, then wash it off.

Depends. Are you a girl, or a "girl"?

only if ur'are a cute(ish) girl(not a boy)

are you a qt girl

have always thought homosexuality seemed like a good time after you leave school but I can't get over the very basic hurdle of not being attracted to other men



ill be your bf if youll have me

Greatest city in the world.

Standard Mandarin is worse, Beijing dialect is worse than that, and Cantonese is the worst
t. studying Mandarin

*puts on tube socks and a miniskirt*

err... yes...

what unites europe other than beer, and the drinking thereof?

I'm attracted to men until they start talking about pinning me on a desk and fucking my boihole raw.
Then, I try being attracted to women until I listen to them talk.
'tis a struggl
Maybe furries are right

as in we set a time to watch it and watch it on 4od whilst posting on /brit/

think the trick is to find a girl (boy) and delude yourself into thinking that its a girl (girl)


all sorts of accents around these parts, lads

I sort of wish I was bisexual so I could play on a wider playing field. Sadly, I'm solidly heterosexual.

I'm not racist but I disproportionately dislike non whites co pared to whites (often based on the colour of their skin)
think it's just natural


uhhh nah
I enjoy the company of my fellow men but have not had good experiences with the transoids

have you thought about topping instead

all sound the same, easy to understand dumbed down yankpatter

Listening to some classics lads


c-c-cute bum user x

don't like commitment


I got some edible candies, and I thought it would be better if there was something I could stick in regular food (and drinks) and get high from. Edibles are a different experience from smoking weed. It's more psychedelic.

can someone make a vocaroo calling me a "good boy" so i can nut already please

hatred of?

clobbering the krauts

He doesn't want to bottom


I need gays to be put out of business

you are gay

relationships are about compromise

ask if hed mind taking turns


actual fucking madmen
you'd think the US would have their airspace covered or something

this is what's great about europeans
you can break the ice, start arguments, finish arguments, and generally have an enjoyable time when drinking with Europeans
can't do that anywhere else besides Australia and New Zealand
Africans can't afford alcohol, Middle Easterners aren't supposed to drink, Asians only drink at Karaoke, North Americans drink like "dude beer lmao" and I don't' know what South Americans do

ironic response 2bh

It's just a phase, haha

made my own diy dimmer


not sure we can be friends

I guess they will only shoot it down at the very last minute because they don't want to provoke them any more in case it was "just flying over"
I've also heard that the missile defence systems in the far east brought in by the Yanks can't shoot down all NK missiles

>2nd monitor in portrait

are you a boy

liverpool posetr

She is NOT sexy and stop making early news with her face on it.
Du bent kanker.

someone in one of the threads mentioned not wanting to cause debris to fall in case it wasn't an attack, which sounds reasonable

Legalise it.

you just think they sound hard to understand cause yanks spend their entire life listening to nothing but standard american accents

might shave my genitals
havent done it since i was 17 and im curious about how it feels again


i bet the yield/potency sucks

i do it every 3-4 days

/brit/s not talking about the missile hmmm

We have metric volumes listed on the opposite side of our measuring cups and metric lengths on the opposite side of our yardsticks and rules.

just a trim or totally smooth?

he literally has man feet dude. and its just a random picture i found on my computer

fluffy marshmallow

why can't we glass NK?

fucking hell, that's just basic male grooming
you must have a forest down there


use a razor blade so the latter

i am

about to launch a projectile of my own if you get my drift haha

north korea dropped another firework into the ocean.... who cares?

The fight just made me love McGregor more desu

YIFY is really awful lads, like really bad


>man feet

love sweating whilst trying to get to sleep

fucking LOVE it