Ask Me Anything?

Ask Me Anything?

are you damn gooks really unaware that paris is a fucking african shithole already? stop coming here for fuck's sake

I don't believe there are actual Japanese on this board

Proofs by posting face and timestamp

Best Ministry album?

how did you like shin godzilla evangelion

why do Japs love Marie-Antoinette and Mont Saint-Michel?

Are you and most of your countrymen afraid of North Korea?

I don't understand English very well.
I am a real Japanese.

Is it really a good idea to teach Schrödinger's Cat in an introductory organic chemistry course?


do you hate japan user?



op did not deliver

they have an obsession over Marie-Antoinette
she's dumb headless bitch who cares




gave it away. Have a good one, スミス先生



Perhaps OP is using Google translation. Please give OP a question in easy English that can be understood by Google.

>op has answered fuck all

what colour is the sky?

Do japanes women/girls like italian men?

What do you think of niggers?

It is blue.

Fucking brilliant!
Well done, mate.

High physical ability.

do you like sopa de macaco?

Japanese women love Italian man because it's a handsome guy.

Is it true all couples cheat on each other>


I do not know.

It's true.

How long have you been an English teacher?

Wow... I don't want a waifu or a cool japanese friend anymore

not an English teacher.
I am a high school student.

can i have a loyal japanese girlfriend?

Perhaps the influence of "Berusaiyu no Bara," (The Rose of Versailles).

If Japanese can speak, you can be girlfriend.

Did you finish your summer holiday homework?

not quite finished.

I want my balls to be crushed by jc and then lick her feet. How are my chances?

jk*, lol

I think it is impossible.

Sharia 4 japan. Japan needs mass immigration from middle east and africa to help birth rate or else you are racist

This is me. Do you want to have sex with me?

Why didn't Japan shoot down the rocket the second it entered their airspace? They look really weak now.



Sorry,I am a woman.

Rule 16: There are no females on the internet

You're not fooling anyone takeshi-san

Also post hand

Japan can not counterattack anything.
In Japan, we take peace for granted.



Why does Tanaka get thai kicked every year?

Jap-user has hard time translating our autism, use easier and simpler english words

Tanaka's reaction is the most interesting.

Can I join a Bosozoku gang?

why is JAV censored and will this ridiculous law ever be fixed?

Because ridiculous Korean substitute of US rule this country desu.

It is difficult because now there are few bosozoku gang.

Would they let a gaijin join?

>I am a high school student.
underages out

Is anime music/anison popular there? Who are the popular anison artists there?

Probably not going to join.

Favorite anime?

Nana Mizuki

Are you ready to get nuked by North Korea? I am honestly very scared for Japan. I want to visit, but I'm thinking it won't even exist anymore pretty soon.

Do you guys actually hate Koreans and Chinese or is it just a meme?

btw, you can reply to more than one post in one post


Anyone else?

Also, do normal Japanese people know about her, or just anime fans?

Are japanase people afraid of the fat Korean. Did you see the missile? Do you want war again with other asian country's?

Fat korean is based korean. North korea is best korea

KEMONO friends
Ace of Diamond


Japan can not do anything.
You had better not come to Japan.

Does anime turn people gay?

No meme.



I hate chinese but love koreans.
because I love KPOP.

Nana is popular among Jpanese people and anime fans.

are condoms really a smaller size compared to other countries

I do not like war.I want to get along with people all over the world

>Does anime turn people gay?


>I hate Chinese
>I want to get along with people all over the world

>>Does anime turn people gay?
I fucking knew it

Japan is using anime as a weapon to destroy the young minds of americans

If China likes Japan, Japan can also like China.

Do japanese and chinese look the same or can you tell the difference?

I prefer foreign animation to Japanese animation so I can not say anything.

I've been watching anime for about 4 years now and I feel like it's made me even more straight than ever. I used to fap to gay porn about once every couple months back before I watched anime, but now it's all straight. If that is their plan, it's not working.


yeah ... but ... the jap said the contrary ...

Wow this is pretty good and accurate.

ni hao fellow chinese person

Stop listening to Sup Forums and fap to some cartoon middle school girls, it'll make you feel better.

>Stop listening to Sup Forums
fucking sick of this shite

>if a poster does something i dislike he must be from a board i don't like, therefore, i can post go back to [inset board here] or don't listen to what that board says

Also, fuck off, yank!


Post bobs

I'm sorry?