Do most europeans like their refugees?

Do most europeans like their refugees?
Do you want more?

Hopefully no
And no


haha yeppp

>tfw my brother unironically tells me he doesn't see the point in washing his hands after going to the loo

Washing hands is so overrated

How the fuck does one make these facebook tier statistics? Like someone would respond with "no" if you asked them if they eat with the same unwashed hand they wipe their ass with.

Wtf the Dutch are literally subhuman baka

Fuck refugees.


Well i would answer no because i dont use soap every time.
When i just take a piss i only toch my dick and the door with my right hand, my left hand stays on my phone from entering to leaving.
So i only wet and dry my right hand

i don't need use my hands

No one wants refugees.. Refugees happen. Even refugees don't want to be refugees.

Why are Westerners so disgusting?

he's right though, you should wash your hands BEFORE, like this both your hands and cock stay clean.
if you don't wahs your hands before, you dirt your cock and you already disgust me

We don't. If I had to choose I would let settle Venezuelan bros escaping from their communist psycho government. No Muslims allowed.

No. Even if there are plenty of good individuals who are refugees, they are still a detriment to every country, unless they are among the few who start a business and create jobs. We should NEVER take in foreigners who are at the bottom of unskilled labour, because that completely undermines out own unskilled bottom workers.

Fuck no. Immigration should be based purely on merit, lawfulness, and cultural compatibility. Taking in refugees helps nobody in the long run, and is a detriment to the host country.

Why do non-westerners keep whining about the countries they chose to settle in?

Why would you wash your hands with soap if you only peed?

Because u touch ur benis and rancid ball sweat.

Dick is cleanest part of your body

It's still ur benis, and people don't want to indirectly touch ur benis.

Always use soap, water just spreads the bacterias around. Do you think you wet your hands and they fall off just like that?

>western pooropeans

You are now aware that whenever you shake someones hand there is a 1 in 2 chance that he never washes his hands.
Voelt vies oetz.

>Always use soap
Dont tell me what to do
>water just spreads the bacterias around. Do you think you wet your hands and they fall off just like that?
Not fall off, no, but if you dry them off you will take some off
Not washing your hands EVERY TIME with soap is not the same as NEVER washing your hands with soap


> you're not my dad!

netherlands is new poo in loo nation!

>I'll overhydrate them and then dry them so they die of thirst, bwahahahaha!

Fuck no, i hate everybody trying to enter this country

That being said the 20million """"French"""" niggers that were already here are much more a problem than the few ten thousands refugees let's be honest
Even the refugees must be disappointed like they expected rich white French people to rob and got broke niggers instead
That's probably why they all want to go to UK
Open the tunnel already fucking britshits

The numbers in this map are wrong if you look at the actual study

Send them back, you dumb frog. Don't send anyone further north.

Here's the plan : we unite the EU

Then France is so shit everyone will get out
Then Europe will be swarmed by all the French-speaking niggers
Then all Europe will speak French
Finally all Europe will be a French-nigger colony while France stays good and rules over Europe

Heil Jupiter

How about this:

Everyone leaves the EU, so Germany has to take all the """"refugees"""" they invited to Europe.

France ends gibs, and French niggers go to Germany too.

I don't get the hate for Germany in the far right t b h, it's corrupt right now yes obviously but ultimately we need them or it'll be just as bad as now

Make EU army open the tunnel by force and send them all to UK
Brits are much worse than Germans

Without Germans we'd be a US state and you'd be a Russian oblast
Germans are just manipulated retards, Brits are the real traitors and leavers

I don't want one of the bastions of freedom of expression like the UK go down in favour of some self destructing, cancer spreading, censoring hellhole like Germany. Sure Germany had its place, and did what was necessary back then, but now they are only harming the rest of Europe and themselves. UK may not be perfect either, but to punish them due to Germany's shit immigration policies that it forces upon the rest of the EU is not right. Honestly, if we're going to keep the EU going, Poland should be in charge, not Germany or any other western country for that matter. They are all too cucked.

If we keep it going what about we stop putting one single country in charge and we divide power properly ?
It's crazy that a federation of states is ruled by one of the states all the time instead of the states all voting for one stateless federal goverment

desu if we're talking your own loo, it's mostly for hygienic purposes so that your hands don't smell with shit or cock
the bacteria in piss or shit are not harmful for your organism unless you're already infected with some shit
if you don't change your towels often enough or don't use paper ones, there's probably more bacteria on them than on your hands after pissing

I like my syrian refugees like my coffee. Strong and black.

>Make EU army open the tunnel by force and send them all to UK
well that's an election platform if I've ever seen one

YES. And they take freaking Moroccans in Spain aswell

Jutta, is that you?


bitch knows how to work with angles, women are so subhuman

t. slovirgin