Why don't actual white Hispanic people from Spain and Spanish descent try to dispel the notion that a bunch of shitskin...

Why don't actual white Hispanic people from Spain and Spanish descent try to dispel the notion that a bunch of shitskin mongrels are Hispanic when it's clear they're not?
Don't they get angry that their label is now being used to describe unrelated mongoloid goblins from Mexico and Central America?

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Chicano subhuman

>Why don't actual white Hispanic people from Spain
They do.
>Don't they get angry that

People like pic related=Amerindian born in latam (or the fucking US for that matter)

They do, you just haven't seen much of it going on, obviously

The only ones that care about race are burgers. I'm quite sure you've read this before here but we have never ever discussed race here until the congolombian hordes came.

Guy in Op's pic is mestizo

So is that what a majority of people in Mexico look like? I've heard its like 98 percent mestizo or some huge number like that

Mexico is 21% Indigenous, 1 or 2% Black, 10% "white" and the rest is Mestizo

Wrong! 100% amerindian

Because the ones that you describe doesn't have the necessity to go to the USA

You live in the continent of North America, that is how the natives of said continent look like, your dumb fuck racist complaints and petty grievances are apparently as much of an inability to deal with that fact as that of Afrikaners who can't quite wrap it around their heads there's black people in Africa.

Now, you may be under the illusion the crimes of your ancestors, the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Native Americans somehow entitle you to live in a "white" nation. They don't you weakling, much in the same way your ancestors forced their way into lands they stole you're now witnessing how it feels to be on the other end, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it, by far the overwhelming majority of these people you see are US citizens, entitled to the same rights as you and protected by the same laws, and no matter how many dumb fuck clown racists you vote into office you will not change that.

The rest of the diversity, the blacks and the actual Asians, including actual Indians, either your ancestors brought themselves or you did through purchasing the goods and services of corporations who rely on bringing them in. Now learn to fucking cope with the reality, the very real fact, you will in some few decades become an ethnic minority, the same as them.

As for their culture, these people are strongly Catholic and Spanish, yes, much to the dismay of a small fringe of racists in the Iberian peninsula. You should be thankful for that, you'll likely become familiar with far more removed and exotic cultures within your lifetime.

That's why I included people of actual white Spanish descents. There's people like that in the U.S., a small few in Central America and the people of Argentina and Uruguay. Those people should be called Hispanic and instead the shitskins Mestizo as to not tarnish the name and because that's what they are.

You can't be that fucking stupid

>You can't be that fucking stupid
And that mistake is on you mexibro

>white people from spain
Sorry for burst your bubble, but those people are a bunch of shitskin mongrels arab and roman rapebabies. They are not that dif...
>checks flag
God damn it, fucking chicANO.

Nice proofs, seriously I don't get it why you people indulge those delussions. Yes, quite a few middle class Porteños look Iberian, it doesn't change facts.

Do you realize NO ONE gives a fuck about race that much except you, Americans? You're fucking obsessed with it, ill bastards, no sane Spaniard would give a single fuck about it.

Spain has no white people we are Berbers from North Africa. The Van attack was an attempt to separate us from our brothers in blood but we're not going to falter.

Americans are mentally ill autists

Well American shows featuring Spain with mestizos speaking Mexican Spanish and wearing sombreros are sort of a meme here.

>Don't they get angry that their label is now being used to describe unrelated mongoloid goblins from Mexico and Central America?
i dont care,anyways i dont live in your cunt

>wh*Te Hispanic """"""people""""""

Because everyone with some education knows what latinos are and what spaniards are. So in the end, no spaniard would feel angry about it. If someone mistakes latinos with spaniards we know they have no education, if the don't mistake, then there is no problen, Win-win situation.

They have no right the get angry beceuse they themselves brought their culture there, just like swedes cant whine about us being nordic


No one says Jamaicans are Anglo despite speaking English and the base of their culture being Anglo. It's used for white people living in the Anglo sphere. I don't see any point in indulging shitskins with fake labels

He's hispanic because he is mentally colonized. We need to teach him about his true indigenous identity

>the only ones that care about race are burgers.
> until the congolombian hordes came.
nice, two sentences contradicting each other.
all sudaca threads are always reduced to the racial discussions

Yeah, that's why every other thread on Sup Forums is about race.

We are not white

>Yeah, that's why every other thread on Sup Forums is about race.
your guys started with this shit

We do it ironically to mock you.

>hey look! we americans are a bunch of ignorant tools, do you hate mexicans because of that yet?

The truth is that "Hispanic" is a term than only USA uses. Here they are differentiated by being called Latin Americans, panchitos, sudacas or other names with more or less political correctness.

Spain has its own Political and economic issues (crisis, independentism, unemoloyment, the EU) that get all the attention so no one is up to date with American drama enough to get mad at your dumb terms.

who cares about the fucking race desu, many south americans could pass as a local in Spain.

they are the best migrants here by far especially people from Argentina , Uruguay and Chile

also i have never met a mexican

this is only an American problem

Only in the USA people have a problem understanding if Ginobili or the Pope are latinos, if they are white, or if they are Italians.

Fujimori is Hispanic, the Pope too, and the guy in your pic too. Hispanic just means someone from Spain or a Spanish speaker, generally Catholic, of a former colony of Spain.

Because "Hispanic" is a burger term that we don't use. In fact, nobody uses that terms but burgers, including chis.

We would use latinos, which is a cultural label, not ethnic. Or sudacas, panchitos, machupichus, mamasitas and a few more that have a more of an ethnic connotation.

The closest it gets to something with "Hisp-" would be Hispano-America (history, politics) and Hispanidad (cultural). Nothing racial.

"Hispano" here actually refers to proper spanish people fuckton of centuries ago as in pueblos hispanos pre-romanos and shit like that.

are u ?

don't give a fuck
if you're an ignoramus it's your problem, not mine.

white cuck blood still is strong in us

why does he look chinese too me.


>be Spanish-speaking from New Mexico
>white, American through and through
>family have been here longer than most Anglocunts genealogy
>still treated like some kind of illegal Mexican who just hopped the border

The average Mexican is 40% Ameri-indian which is likely West Eurasian which is likely South-East Asian and Indian (from India)

If you're a white guy that speaks English, why do people look at you like you're an illegal?

Something doesn't make sense.

>which is likely South-East Asian and Indian (from India)
WTF? Amerindians originated in the Altai and are most closely related to East Asians, something like a third of their mix comes from an ancestor common to Europeans.

I have a Spanish name and there are a lot of redneck gringos here. If they hear you speaking Spanish with friends & family they assume you're a Mexican and shouldn't be there.

It's really dumb because if we aren't American, then neither are Cajuns or Pennsylvania Dutch.

Are you actually from Spanish roots?

They're not American though.


>Yeah, that's why every other thread on Sup Forums is about race.
Do you actually go out of your house or do you think Sup Forums is the real world? You should know that int is filled with autists with extremely low self-steem and social skills who take pride on being white because that's the only thing they can do to boost their self-steem since they haven't accomplished anything in their lives.

Yes. My family are remnants of when your country owned this region.

We even have our own dialect.


Our form of Spanish is unique to us. It sounds nothing like Mexican Spanish.

>m-muh hurritage

I cannot find a video of people speaking in your dialect but from what I have seen your dialect actually has some similarities to the Spanish we speak in the south of Spain.

It's not >muh heritage if we actually speak the language and practice the culture, potatonigger.

How do you deal with being overruned by Mexicans from Mexico and knowing that your dialect isn't going to last another generation?

i just don't think most spaniards care about things like this

>El español de Nuevo México es una variedad regional que se ha transmitido principalmente de forma oral y que corre un serio peligro de desaparición. Se caracteriza por la presencia de arcaísmos (“vide” por vi, “truje” por traje, “naiden” por nadie, “onde” por donde, "farina" por harina)

It is a shame. They actually speak a very archaic Spanish.

Delet this

I think most of us descend from settlers from Andalusia.

Mis amigos que hablan el español neomexicano ya no lo usan como un primer idioma. Lo usan solamente cuando tienen que usarlo (i.e. con sus padres y familia). Ya no lo usan con sus amigos hispanohablantes o en las redes sociales. No soy pesimista por que quiero que el español neomexicano sobreviva, pero afirmo que no sobrevivirá por que veo como el dialecto muere cada día.

my grandpa is from Alburquerque, it is pretty funny because everybody knows Alburquerque because it is the main city in New Mexico but nobody knows about Spain, Alburquerque

>I think most of us descend from settlers from Andalusia.
probably, andalusians migrated in mass to New World

>I think most of us descend from settlers from Andalusia.
>Mis amigos que hablan el español neomexicano ya no lo usan como un primer idioma. Lo usan solamente cuando tienen que usarlo (i.e. con sus padres y familia).

Puto anglo, donde va destruye todo lo que ve. REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>>still treated like some kind of illegal Mexican who just hopped the border
lol, why?

>Nueva Navarra


La culpa es de los inmigrantes latinos.

Es como si los de Quebec empezaran a emigrar a saco a la Lousiana, el Cajún desaparecería en dos días.

que es el cajun

>“vide” por vi, “truje” por traje, “naiden” por nadie, “onde” por donde, "farina" por harina
This is semi-common in really small towns around the country

99% of them started by North Americans

no one cares, chicano

Why do you think Spaniards actually like and respect you?

You guys are just shit tier Mexicunts who have no culture. Stop pretending to be Spanish when you're just Mexicans. None of the Spaniards here like or respect you or your """""""""people""""""""""

Feels bad, man.

Because I'm Spanish-speaking with a Spanish name.

A small pocket of French speakers left over from when France owned Louisiana.

Why are my countrymen so ignorant?

He looks Chinese

i respect them desu :/, my grandpa migrated to Argentina in 40s and came back in 80s.

i can understand your problem with illegal immigration and the same way your hatred.

Those old forms are very common here

>Because I'm Spanish-speaking with a Spanish name.
do they treat you bad? how did you learn Spanish? i am curious about that

Eres provasco o antivasco, amigo navarro?

>Eres provasco o antivasco,


No en serio. ¿Estás a favor de que se enseñe euskera en todo Navarra? ¿Crees que los navarros son vascos?

¿Por qué todas las regiones disidentes tienen una versión España friendly? País Vasco y Navarra, Cataluña y Valencia, Portugal y Galicia, Latinoamérica y Canarias.

I don't support illegal immigration either. Mexican narcos are literally killing Neomexicano culture.

Yes, they treat us quite badly, especially rednecks. They group us together with Mexamerican chicanos.

>how did you learn Spanish?
From my parents and grandparents. My wife is also Neomexicano and we're raising our children to be bilingual in Spanish and English.


Maximum KEK

Post vocaroo or youtube example


This musician is a Neomexicano dialect speaker.

how do the mexicans treat you? maybe you should stop being with rednecks

Also badly, because I have pale skin and blond hair I'm associated with gringos.

huh, so everyone hates you.

kek really?
Shiet I know light skinned spics who get along fine with other Mexicans.
Even this one wetback from Monterrey that looks like a Irish boy gets no problem with other spics and only hangs out with them.

i think the don't hate him because of his color or culture. they probably hate him because of his personality and his le special snowflake attitude.y

I can't tell the difference between this and regular Mexican music but maybe because it's being sung

Yeah, I'm sensing that too t b h.
Growing up there were plenty of European looking Mexicans hanging out fine with other browner Mexicans.
I mean there's some cunts that would give him shit, I believe that. But if they associate him with gringos it's probably more cultural than because of his appearance imo

Dane opinion doesn't apply because he doesn't know a single thing about Hispanic culture in the US.

Where are you from? If you're not from NM then it doesn't apply. There's a greater mesh of Hispanic peoples in places like California and Texas. Chicanos, Mexicans, and others are usually pretty friendly to me outside of NM, but here the Mexicunt immigrants are rude.

>dane opinon doesn't matter
>proceeds to post his thread in an international board

I'm from Texas. Specifically Houston.
I don't know that much about Mejico but I really can't imagine why they're being rude to you. I mean, you speak Spanish to them, right?
As I've said, I worked with a lot of Mexican immigrants, most older, and I saw them getting along with other different LatAm nationalities with different degrees of whiteness. Gringo is usually used for Anglo-Americans and I think sometimes black people.

It's Northern Euros fault and their descendants.

>Le catholic moors/Italian Arabs
>Le corruption
>Le poverty

Can't wait for the EU to collapse and we can go our own way.

but im wh*te?