Why is Italy so shitty?

Why is Italy so shitty?
>Africa tier corruption
>shitty economy
>overrated food
>no notable culture that is not 500 years old
>no notable scientists that are not from 500 years ago
>shitty infrastructure
>politically unstable
>pathetic military
>ugly cities full of commieblocks
>bad at the only sport they practice
How can a single country be so fucking shit?

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>no notable culture that is not 500 years old

Well, there was 80 years ago.

i believe in you shitaly


Italy is and was great!

You surely don't know what a "shitty" country means fucking fag

get protesting lad

But your old money was much nicer. I miss it!

>pity replies to get praised

hang yourself


Sto imparrando italiana

why do terronis hate republic so much?

because shitalians

>bad things

Shitaly is one disgusting moor backwards overrated shithole.
Food? Shit, pizza and pasta are disgusting. History? Pathetic. Landscape? Looks like North Africa, the bad part of North Africa not the good one. Language? Sounds like orc speak. People? They look like a crossbreed between goblins and arabs. Citiest? More like slums.

End yourself.

>when even Sup Forums doesn't hate you so you have to start selfhating

>painting from 500 years ago
Stole Tesla's work
Overrated as fuck

all memes aside, Italy is well past its prime

Yep, by about 600 years

you had some golden decades in the 50s - 70s

>artificial growth caused by America pumping trillions in our economy
>still remained a crime ridden shithole
Yeah, no

Italians started to envy Slovenia kek

The absolute state of Shitaly

They are the telltale signs of Italy being a third world shithole

Kill yourself, traitor.


If Italy is so great, then why did your parents emigrate to Australia? Why don't you come back?

there's literally nothing wrong with being racist

wh*tes must perish

You sound like a shitty leftist. We've got this kind of subhumans in Spain too sadly.

shitaly is trash because its full of shitalians

You are talking badly about your country. You make it to your gallows!

>painting from 600 years ago about a poem written 700 years ago
Wow, Italian culture is alive and well!

You do not know much about your country and its great men.
Sei un proletaria?

>You do not know much about your country and its great men.
I know that they all lived minimum 400 years ago

sneaky albanian subhuman with inferiority complex
you are jealous of italians
you shitskin

I really, really like Italy.
Like a lot

You my niggas italiani

Fucking this, SHITALY IS PURE POO!
It is a giant toilet for indians

>if you don't like to wallow in your own shit and pretend Italy is the best country ever you are an Albanian!!!!
Typical shitalian excuses

>I know that they all lived minimum 400 years ago

Where is your god now?

She's Hungarian

But Italian enough to become parliamentarians!

„In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed–they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.“

She is still a whore
>dude Renaissance LMAO
That was 500 years ago, Fritz



>Fascism is one of the defining cultural movements of the 20th century
>no notable culture that is not 500 years old

Kek shut the fuck up minus. We've invented more shit than you ever will.

>Africa tier corruption
>shitty economy
not true
continentals are barely human
>overrated food
ur gay
not true
not true
>no notable culture that is not 500 years old
not true
>no notable scientists that are not from 500 years ago
not true
>shitty infrastructure
what you get if you elet meme politicians
>politically unstable
>pathetic military
lol who cares faggot
>ugly cities full of commieblocks
LEL, go anywhere else in europe and you'll see true commieblocks
>bad at the only sport they practice
who cares

Nobody but fedoras give a fuck about opera
*losing cultural movements

>Nobody but fedoras give a fuck about opera

Va bene, tu sei un proleta!

italy improves a lot if you get rid of the southern parts

Terrible taste Riccardo

south italy is a tunisian clay

Opera is culturally irrelevant and has been like that for ages, that's a fact

>culturally irrelevant

Sei culturalmente rilevante.

rome is shit
romans are shit
their mayors have always been shit
their monuments are shit
their nightlife is shit
their football team is shit

How many people listen to opera nowadays? How many operas are written every year?
It's the definition of an irrelevant cultural fossil

You have to go back

>How many people listen to opera nowadays?

749.678.672 (Except China)

And what do you say about movies?

'Relevant' culture coming through

Wrong it's Greek clay

>copycat of American movies is Italian culture
Loving every laugh

>he thinks there can be any completely original culture in the modern age

Is the food really overrated? I'm going there for a work trip pretty soon and have a few extra days to hang out, was hoping to eat some good food. I'm small though so can't eat a ton, I just like small good things.

It's bland, samey shit. The "great variety" comes from slightly altering pasta shape and giving it a different name or adding/removing a single spice from a sauce. Everything stinks of garlic and onion

Questa e la storia di uno di noi

Vive nell asilo. Nella via Cuckuck!

I thought they did nice fish and meat dishes also though? I don't like to eat so much pasta.. maybe 100g or something with some meat.

Fish and meat are almost absent from the Italian cuisine since Shitaly was too poor to afford them, everything is pasta, vegetables and cheese, cooked in the blandest way possible and then filled with garlic to give it some taste

Mario, I think maybe a therapist could help you

Just because British food is worse it doesn't mean Italian food is good

>this thread

Well since I'm there anyways, what type of food should I look for? What's their best dishes? Even if it is just the least shitty?

You are better off going to some hamburger place, you are not missing out on anything

Italy seems like a chill country,every country has its own problems

una fazza una razza

In Austria there is very good food. Nevertheless, when I travel to Italy, it tastes all. And the same with the wine.

And in the restaurants without tourists the food tastes best!



Read: doesn't pretend mentally ills aren't mentally ills
Read: doesn't want any more uneducated foreigners than it already has

Protip: you have to go.

*tips fedora*

*memes your meme*

>selfhate hard as you can so other people start complimenting your country

He's a good troll!

O un traditore?

Any aren't Italians fat if they eat all that pasta?


Because the average pasta portion is around 80 grams, you fat fuck

I'm actually anorexic and literally getting shit from my doctor for my weight but thanks! Do you guys just eat pasta or mix something with it? What's a typical dinner like?


you're too poor you mean


these are bad how?

Is eating like a pig a sign of wealth in the UK?

I'm America the wealthy are thinner. I'm poor and eat healthy so the copout of "it's expensive to eat healthy" is, mostly, bullshit. Chicken and veggies are cheap as fuck.


>implying being against f*ggots or third world rapefugees and gimmegrants is a bad thing

>this is somehow bad

you have to go back you fucking worthless gypsy

Napoli non è tutta italia (per fortuna)

Se non ti sta bene dove sei c'è sempre il villaggetto tuo, mohammed.

Nobody asked you to stay here in the first place.

Italy is a maghrebian, Nigerian, Albanian, Romanian, moldvan, gypsy, muslim shithole.

t. Argentinian behind proxy

jewess in picture

>tfw SHITalian
I wish I was American. Why did you punish me like this God?