Why are Chicanos so embarrassing?

Why are Chicanos so embarrassing?

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Mexican genes

actually it's backwards everyone looks down on us because of you guys we are superior

They all look like giant babies with fake facial hair on it's amazing


>slav squat
Are chicanos just tan bydlos?

Ignorance, poverty, violence and low IQ

Mexican genes

I blame the burger
captcha americana toyota kek

They should be executed at sight

Like father like son

It's because they are all slightly fat and the poor are, ironically enough, slightly fat these days. In America, by default, you are slightly fat because of our diet practices (I know I'm going to get a fedora for this; whatever.)

You people are fucking embarrassing. Come to Mexico and actually learn about our language and culture.

Fucking posers.

>Come to Mexico and actually learn about our language and culture.
being savages?

spanish isn't your language and culture

He is right and you know it. You should visit their museums, fucking hell you are just a couple hours away.

Being poor and lazy?

mexitard and burger genes

Yes it is, deal with it.

Neither is English for you Tyrone

I'm Scots-Irish

It's the Indian blood. Based on genetic studies, the entire new world population descended from about 200 i dividuals that entered 14,000 years ago. 14,000 years of cousin lovin' left the natives so genetically fucked that 90% of them died the moment they came in to contact with outsiders.

A genetic bottleneck is never a good thing. Polynesians also had small gene pools.

Chicanos don't mix with wh*toids


You do realize that you fuckers have European blood in you right? Or "white" blood? You people are fucking embarrassing.

I've been to Mexico. I've been to the Whore District (I don't remember the name), you're all whores, yet I did not fuck a single one of your whores. You're all disgusting.

I second this, we are rotten to the core

Nonetheless, you fuckers, I love you. My friend, I dare not mention his name, he was Mexican, not American, and he let me sleep in his house, and I survived the next day. You're good people, some of you, modern-day Alyoshas. You will inherit the earth. Please preserve it and guard it. Amen.


Does that mean that we're basically Chinese since we're part Native American? LOL

Eurasian master race

The founding population of the new world predated the Han expansion and were mainland asians that were more common to todays Polynesians. If you do reconstructions of the oldest skulls found in the new world, they look like Samoans.

>he was Mexican
when did he stop being a spic?

>visit mejico
>everyone is named brayan and talks like chicANO cholos

LA version of Mexicans = shit, that's why.

la raza :))

ethnocentric poltical parties are racist and unamerican, you despicable waste of a human being, you disgust me

the republican party is basically the white people's party


"Native Americans are a mixture between Western Europeans who reached Siberia and an East Asian population."



now say it in Nahuatl, young Cuauthemoc

Pfff that's nothing. All Finns descend from just 2 individuals only 4000 years ago.