
mo money wenger edition

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dog just did one of the biggest pukes ive ever seen

oh I'm not trolling mr yank


going to start training for kill norks in wiii desu lads

UPDATE: tried to smoke out my window but all the smoke blew into my room and now it stinks of fags in here

gonna brew a cuppa green tea lads

tote a pole tote a pole tote a pole

>be me
>post pic
>new thread'd



>Christopher Hitchens was a fedoraite drunkard and a warmonger to boot. His only asset was a voice approximately as soothing as his brother's.

hoping by retirement smoking in pubs has been reinstated


sleep schedule is fucked beyond belief

need to get back to uni and have some semblance of normalcy ASAP

still dont know why you dont just go outside
lovely summers night

you're awfully swarthy my friend

mad how so many 'groids want reparations

pretty sure it already stunk of fags in your room haha

dont want my parents to see me smoking, thought this was the stealth approach
what a mistake i made

maybe they're upset because people call them 'groids'

tried smoking a few times
didn't really do anything

inb4 some smoker twats say "OH YOU JUST DID IT WRONG DUHRHRH"

are you thick or something

fuck off


when I lived at home my parents were always tucked up in bed by this time

god is a comedian



If trips I will post penis

they are but their room overlooks the garden


becoming old and fat
24 soon

>are Aung San Suu Kyiiiii!

good post except you forgot the actual communists

this image is proof that /brit/ has always been and always will be a rorke general

need a new piccy where its all people whining about leftypol and yank politics

Wew lad. Close one.

where's cuckio on this?

well it's not like he HAD to do it even if he got trips

implemented anti lobbying policies
pulled out of tpp
pulled out of paris agreement
put gorsuch on supreme court
crackdown on illegal immigration
suspending immigration from certain places
implemented government hire freeze

there are others but you get the idea

>dont want my parents to see me smoking,

cuckio? dont believe i remember such a meme

do you wash your legs?

I like american posters

I have this same picture saved from well over a year ago

quite interesting

banter crisps slags ur mum lol who remembers

ok, now that the dust has settled can we all agree brexit was a terrible idea

hannah martin's big round bum

>pulled out of paris agreement
ah yes because global warming is a chinese conspiracy to undermine american industry

Nah it doesn't really do anything until your brain develops the chemical addiction


only above the knee
calves shins and feet can fuck themselves frankly

No soap, just water

only three letters i need to know are U S and A

ye i memba

So from what this is saying, basically the muslims did some stereotypical muslim shit and started a mess, and now the Buddhists are running them out of town which is a problem because nobody else wants them either?

Chris: It's just been announced there's to be an special inquiry into the government's handling of the Frome shipping deal that flew to pieces last month over allegations of gross ministerial misconduct. Our economics correspondent Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan is with the minister for ships Michael Crane, he's just prised him out of an emergency meeting
Peter: I'm with the minister for ships Michael Crane MP
C: That's right Peter everything I've just said comes spewing straight back out of your stupid slab of a face
P: Mr Crane, choppy waters for the Government?
Minister: Not at all Peter. This procedure was entirely proper and I think the enquiry will prove that the government's handling of this matter was entirely proper.
P: So the government's ship back on course?
M: Absolutely
P: Back to you, Chris
C: Peter, what the hell was that? This man's made a big scale cock-up here. You let him get away with it! Now let me speak to him. Put your ear-piece next to his head and stand still. Now minister, there's reason to believe that you lied to the House How do you answer that?
M: Well this is a very serious and unfounded allegation, and I will be making a statement to the House based on the preliminary inquiry next week
Chris: A week is a long time in politics
P: Rab Butler
Chris: Shut up Peter. Now minister, did you or did you not lie to the House?
M: I will be making a full statement to the House next week
C: It's a simple question, yes or no. Did you or did you not lie?
M: I, erm
P: As the minister for ships sprawls on a pin, it's back to you Chris!
C: No it isn't Peter! He's about to answer the question! He's about to admit to lying to the House, you've let him get away again! Where's he gone?!
P: Over there
C: Well get him back!
P: He's in a cab
C: PETER YOU'VE LOST THE NEWS! What are you going to say?
P: Sorry?
C: Look like you mean it! Look down at the floor and say 'sorry'
P: I'm sorry.
C: Peter, next time you cross the road don't bother looking.
P: Sorry!

I'm still quite confident we can leave the EU but Theresa May is not the person who should be in charge of it. It's made far worse by the fact that she hadn't actually got any mandate to make any demands on or behalf because she didn't win the election.

stupid woman.

do you want to get reported?


haven't driven in like 8 years and i have to drive 100 miles tomorrow lads

yeah usually after I've shaved them

nary a letter

evening mboko

Okay, now that the rust has mettled, can we all agree that remoaners are all queerboys?

Not a pixel.

washing is for tryhards

stinky feet twat loves his stinky feet

if it's any consolation the only O'Hanraha-hanrahan scene left is too long to truncate without removing content rather than just altering formatting and I can't be fucked doing two seperate posts.


My cuck porn coins have been truly a marvelous investment. I'm making so much profit right now, and it has never been so easy.

>implemented anti lobbying policies
>pulled out of tpp
good for everyone else, bad for the US though
>pulled out of paris agreement
bad for everyone, good for the US
>put gorsuch on supreme court
dont know who he is
>crackdown on illegal immigration
>suspending immigration from certain places
>implemented government hire freeze
not necessary probably bad



You know its sort of funny, none of the major outlets have even touched the issue

tea time!! (without milk and sugar)




>You know its sort of funny, none of the major outlets have even touched the issue

who si this qt

women of the alt-right

>You know its sort of funny, none of the major outlets have even touched the issue

would LOVE a labour party that's basically the same as it is now, but advocates getting all the pakis out

how do you say breitbart

brayt bart?
bright bart?
brey bart?


might as well link buzzfeed if this was a left story

how are you handling the north korea crisis

yea bright bart

The Chase is the shittest game show and Bradley Walsh isn't funny

saw a girl in a short skirt and high heels stood at the bar with piss clearly running down her legs in the club last night
p sure she was drunk haha

It's just another troll. Again. *blocked*

according to /brit/ weekly, /fr/ is shite
riveting story


bright bart

>The Chase is the shittest game show and Bradley Walsh isn't funny

give me the octaroon with the great rack, you can keep the leaf thot

being so anti-paki only makes the paki problem worse tqbh

do you cup your balls when you masturbate?


Ah yes the power of oil