Baltic Russian is Best Russian

Let's rank Russians Sup Forums
God tier:Baltic Russians
Ok tier: Saint Petersburg, Novgorod
Sit on bottle tier:Moscow, Caucasus
Third world tier:the rest

Pidorans need not apply

that picture says dagestan right?

>tfw know cyrillic without ever studying it

Yes, it Dakestans humiliating Russian soldiers. Russians aren't cool or anti Islamic. It's a myth. In Russia there is law called 282, which prohibits Russians offending Islam and minority feels.

tfw there are already pidorans moaning on Sup Forums

>Sit on bottle tier
they are the one who make ruskies sit on bottles, lol, dumb lithuanian


Finnish Russians>>>>>>>>>>>Russians

I meant Russians living in the Caucasus, Ivan.

German Russians best Russians

t.baltic animals

Moscow is the best city in the world
rest shit and eastern europe git gud

there are no russians living in caucasus, fool

see this
there are plenty of pidorans everywhere and majority of them are cucks to the locals and live in third world

im a tatar and we are the worst cucks ever, just like other asian/finnish minorities, except maybe tuvans or some crazy mongs like that

what are your toughs on other minorities? Like dakestans or chechens?

i dislike them very much, but i like when they put russians in place. they often do the same to tatars though, cause we are the worst muslims and russians boot lickers


From what I know, the Moscowites are far more dignified and respectable than the rootless uneducated scum Soviets sent here.

>see this
That's a homicide map, not a percentage of Russians map, you fucking halfwit.

Finnish russians are top tier desu. They're mostly old soviet stock who already had the capital and power to leave when they could so no bydlos, until the last decade.

Otherwise people from Karelian republic and st.Petersburg are nice.

Idk how """dignified and respectable""" they are but muscovites are for sure the most snobbish fucks in the entire country.

In Russia, isn't it considered snobbish to say to hell with the drinking and fighting, let's build a decent place to live?

I mean I have met decent Russians who are able to carry a conversation, much unlike the ones in my country.

I see your point, yes, those Russians that came to Estonia during USSR and their descendants are more marginalized than Russians from Russia (on average at least).
As for
>let's build a decent place to live
If more of the money that regions send to Moscow actually stayed in these regions they could've been more developed as well. For a federation, Russia is very centralized.

>isn't it considered snobbish to say to hell with the drinking and fighting, let's build a decent place to live?
no, it isnt. snobbish in russia, is to say that they are drinking bad vodka and live in shit while drinking the same shitty vodka from the supermarket and living in the same shit
those are the moscovites

This is what I was getting at, in my opinion they are far from the best Russians. Statistically, the only thing the community here has achieved is AIDS and muh oppression. It's just the reality.

>Saint Petersburg

>best Russian city
>best people
>best at everything except weather
>as close to "west" in standards of living as you can get here
>b-but they are faggots! A-and I don't like them b-because they are better than me!
Ah yes, the proletarians, again, how did you get internet access?

What's there to study? Takes 1 hour to learn the alphabet

all russians are shit
thank you for your attention

Hey everyone, I am back!

Interdasting thread.
