
This is the general for the Germanic masterrace. It is the first of its kind (that I know of), but considering our master race-past I'm sure it's gonna be great.

>Honorary Aryans

Not welcome:

Other urls found in this thread:


What's up Homeland Security/ FBI?

>Homeland Security/ FBI
seriously? lol.. it's a real testament to the effort of the Jew that having a Germanic general is somehow an FBI honeypot. jesus christ

I thought people were exagerating when they said the jews have tried to sabotage western europeans from organizing ever again after Hitler, but you proved me wrong. thanks i guess

>3rd largest GDP in the world
>Still the most irrelevant countries in Europe
How is that even possible?


I would unironically wipe every other country on the plant off the face of the earth in a heart-beat. Except maybe Japan they're cool too bad that America cucked them.

That is what the "germanic" countries have historically been. If it weren't the case he wouldn't need to make such a statement in the first place.

How will Denmark EVER recover.

you clearly didn't get the message then, because his argument was that the reason we've been irrelevant is BECAUSEEEE we're divided. in a gGermanic Reich, nothing could stop us. Scandinavia has plenty of artists that would be world famous if the jews let us (danmark got the best ones desu)


hvorfor dog

HEH. I wouldn't even mind. Unless I was there ofc.

I'm talking about non-germanic countries, the world would be better off without them and my city wouldn't be flooded with chinese in the summer anymore.

Of course lad. Of course.

Do finns count as honorary aryans?


finns are our brothers and we must help them crush the eternal russian

Hello my Germanic-protestant brothers


Is there any amount of people who are actually christian in Netherlands? Christianity is pretty much exterminated in Norway..

Definitely more so than in Scandinavia. It's sad that our great religion is dying out

Have you seen this girl? makes me rock hard man

>Our religion

>145,658,000 citizens. in one empire
Is this meant to be impressive?

Thanks for the blonde hair arm and beard, I guess.

Otherwise you guys are pretty destructive, when you can't destroy others you destroy yourselves, bring us along as usual.

145,658,000 highly industrious, highly civilized and highly intelligent people, so yes, it would be very impressive.

>Vandals and Barbarians are literally references to them

>implying 145.658.000 germanics are not worth more than 1000000.000000.000000 niggers

145.658.000 germanics are worth 145.658.000 niggers

They're pretty much the same these days are they not ?

>societies thousands of years ago represent modern people
portugal... mate...

No, this thread was a horrible idea. I'm out.

Almost all north Germanics have above 100 IQ on average, which is really good considering it's the average

Can't say the same about poortugal...


Suomen pitää:

1. hävittää muun kuin europidisen rodun edustajat (tähän kategoriaan laskettakoon semi-europidisen itä-balttialaisen rodun edustajat)
2. evätä äänioikeus naisilta ja niiltä, jotka eivät ole armeijaa ja korkeinta koulutusastetta suorittaneet
3. kumota schengenin sopimuksen ratifiointi, sulkea rajat rakentamalla vähintään 4 metriä paksu ja 10 metriä korkea teräksellä vahvistettu ja piikitetty betonimuuri koko maarajan pituudelle ja tiukentamalla aseellista rajavalvontaa
4. poistaa mahdollisuus vapaaehtoiseen siviilipalvelukseen ja mahdollistaa se vain heille, jotka eivät terveydellisin perustein pysty armeijaa suorittamaan
5. kolminkertaistaa armeijan budjetti
6. pakollistaa peruskoulun jälkeinen yleissivistävä tai ammatillinen koulutus
7. erota EU:sta
8. ottaa käyttöön oma kansallinen valuutta jonka arvo on kiinni Suomen valtion arvometallivarannoissa, eikä kansainvälisten pankkien manipuloitavissa
9. yksikielistyä ja kriminalisoida ruotsin puhuminen julkisella paikalla
10. institutionaalistaa eugeniikka, jonka tähtäimenä ensisijaisesti on tehdä kansasta terveempi, ja toissijaisesti moraalisilta ja älyllisiltä ominaisuuksiltaan kyvykkäämpi
11. aloittaa kaavailut niiden alueiden takaisinvaltaukseen, jotka meille oikeutetusti kuuluu
12. kriminalisoida uskonnot
13. kumota ydinasekieltosopimuksen ratifiointi ja aloittaa ydinsaseohjelma

Ei mulla muuta.


>germanic scum

I know youre just fucking around, but honestly, i'm convinced the "eternal anglo" is a jewish psyop. oswald mosley without a doubt the only anglo that ever deserved to live, and it's a classic jewish tactic to discredit him.

shut the fuck up and get back to work, peasant

I always wondered what made the Suebi come in mass to settle in NorthWestern Iberia.

It's just mountains and rain here.

>after countless shit-flinging fests, Swedes finally fear the KANG to the point where they abandon threads that they know to be displeasing to him even though he hasn't even shown up yet

Europe, a fascist nation, fagget.

just remember what happened last time my smelly mainland friend

Why are Scandis so short in comparison to Glorious Nederland?