Would you racemix with an argentine girl?

would you racemix with an argentine girl?

Would she?

yeah fuck it
why not

would you?

absolutely. If she doesn't see a psychiatrist like many people in Buenos Aires

>br*wn eyes


Nah, I need blue/ green eyes.


Sure. But it's imposible. Not love for ukrainian men like me.

>Not love for ukrainian men

would breed

Would marry her without a second thought. Where do I go to get one?

in Spain, go to Spain
for porteƱas might as well take a look in Italy

Wouldn't be racemixing, so no

But that girl isn't Mestiza.

How can i seed light-eyed argentine?

that's why would be race mix in your case, Juan
>get light eyed argie gf

No, because women scare me.

Is this thread point to get more tourist to Argentina?

>implying any autist from Sup Forums would move his fatass to here

dude your are ukranian! your country created stalker and metros games you are drowning in pussy

Then whats your agenda?

asking anons if they would race mix with an argie grill

But why? It isnt first time you make thread like this

No, fuck off. The girls of my Paraguay are better

curiosity? do you ask in every thread why do OP makes that thread?
you have to go back

are her arms really that hairy? or is the quality of the picture playing tricks on my eyes?

probably both

It wouldn't be racemix in my case

Only if Op makes thread about same subject more than 3 times.

Do you masturbate about knowing someone would fuck your country girl or what is it?

I'm not the colombian faggot who posts the same thread every day spaming it with tons of pics, I just did an inocent question and I don't do it often either, if you don't like it close the tab and go be an autist somewhere else

>Only if Op makes thread about same subject more than 3 times

not op but this is the first time i see this thread

yes, he's a cuck
t. knower

im glad to hear you got a life
Case Closed, thanks for your help senior

>im glad to hear you got a life

are you insulting me because i never saw this thread before?