Goes to Sup Forums for the first time

>goes to Sup Forums for the first time
>expects to see indians, arab, chinks and other niggers post about their culture
>expects flamewars between ethnicities
>expects this to be the most liberal part of Sup Forums

I found none of that. All I found was a watered down Sup Forums and the only posters are European or American. I'm dissapointed.

We're all liberal here idiot

Go back to Sup Forums then, fag.

We are liberal. They're called memes you autist.

Black people like myself also post here. I am not a liberal though. I am National Socialist.

Are you perhaps schizophrenic?

Cool blog faggot

What's that mean? Is that a new insult that you cone up with?

You don't seem very mentally stable

Turks are WHITE.

Mom said it was not important. I just need to talk to someone.

Not true we have mongols here
even monkeys
and cockroaches
are posting here, home of veriety is here

>expects to see indians, arab, chinks and other niggers post about their culture
>expects flamewars between ethnicities

Have you seen the japs?
They post daily jap threads and always do "why are asians so smart" meme threads.
They also like to get them selves into fights with gooks and chinks.

You can't live on nothing but hate all of the time, you moron.
Take your pipe and stuff it.

Those "japs" you are talking about are dumb Koreans/Americans using a proxy.

STFU cuck

if they were americans their english wouldn't be that bad

Please stop speaking for all of us. Sup Forums as a whole is still overwhelmingly right wing

>>expects to see indians, arab, chinks and other niggers post about their culture
Sorry, but Sup Forums is mostly populated by white people like myself.

I suppose Algeria can qualify as white.


Actually it feels like a quarter of the posters with Euro and North American flags here aren't even "White".



You wish

>> expects to see indians, arab, chinks and other niggers post about their culture
Yeah we do, but either no one is interested, or we get btfod. Apart from that, instead of talking to people from other cultures, people from same cultures create generals, which is completely mind-boggling, considering that this is an """international""" board.

the thing is Sup Forums is at least relaxed about it and not as spergy as Sup Forums

Ayoooo wh*tey go back where you came from

This board is filled with latin americans. We all are proud pure blooded amerindians without a single trace of disguisting european blood.


They're just LARPing as Japanese, not even gooks or chinks have English that bad. Why do you think Japanese flags are the only ones with bad English?

He's 100% right

No this place can be almost nearly as bad

this board is also for speaking foreign languages and half the generals encompass more than one nationality, read the rules newfag

I feel like both of you came here expecting something very different from Sup Forums.

t. started browsing Sup Forums in 2016

> newfag
Kek, why so salty?

blame the Anglosphere, they're the ones who always bring up "poo in loo" when an Indian posts

Whenever an Indian from India posts, the first reply is usually "POO". No one really wants to have a discussion. Indians now use their own version of Sup Forums, I forget the site name.

I believe Chinese people do the same (some kind of WeChat derivative I bet, since their government blocks Sup Forums?).

Japan has its own Sup Forums (futaba channel or something), yet they post here often.
South Korea posts here often, but it's all racist/bitter posts about how they are superior to dark skinned people.

Literally me.

Sup Forums:
>shitskins larping as whites who want to kill shitskins

Sup Forums:
>whites larping as shitskins who want to kill whites

Same - Indian-American here (AMA?)

You haven't been here long enough.
I suggest you get out before it's too late.

>not a trace of light colored hair

And here I was thinking that Sup Forums was full of people who looked like the Lannisters from GoT

>those are the same people who always call me a nigger
I actually look better than half of them

face pic pls

>exposing my face just so people who I don't even know can laugh at me
N-no thanks

desu we don't need a photo of anyone to prove they're whiter than those people

>expects this to be the most liberal part of Sup Forums
Sup Forums and Sup Forums might be for you then. Sup Forums too

Sup Forums and Sup Forums were always closely connected, although nowadays they keep growing more and more apart

>I will never forget

Well, this Sup Forumstard had dinner with an actual girl, I can understand how emotional he got.

im as mixed as it gets for a mexican, muh ancestors are mainly tzotzil and nahua
not one drop of wh*Te blood

I see sino and asean threads daily.

their government blocks google, so they need a pass to skip the captcha


there's been barely any of that old connection since the US election. Nowadays if you bring up Sup Forums on Sup Forums almost nobody there will even know it exists.

Fake Ireland coming in with the bants



>that first photo
It's so true that it hurts

Oh so youre ugly. I get it


Sup Forums is cucked by Sup Forums, because Sup Forums owns Sup Forums

No need to be rude

wtf i've never seen this flag before or heard of this cunt

In English countries it's called Ivory Coast