What happens here?


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none of your business

tasty goulash mhmmm

Based Orban Viktor kicking muslim azz

the scourge of god


Wish they didint fell to communist hand or they will be the nicest country on earth

- barely any niggers or mudslimes
- bath culture
- bad economy generally speaking, I think
- lost lots of territory throughout its history

What the fuck is this?
I have never heard of "bath culture"


its a big public swimming pool?

Thermal baths. They are quite popular, people go after work, etc

>american """education"""

beautiful women
good food

I can't imagine how many people piss and poo in that thing

Can you imagine how terrible this place would be if Americans went there?

This guy up here. People has respect in those places.

I piss in the thermal baths every time I go

we know, thats why brown people are not allowed to enter hungary

Then what are those brown splotches in the pool?

so that's why you got kicked out and made a whole new country?

And kissing putins ass lmao

>kicked out

its 100 years since Trianon and Hungarians still dont recognize our cunt and call us Hungarians, obsessive ex-syndrome

so they DO let brown people in then

no, italians are not allowed

Are the Huns asleep?

>What happens here?
Nothing good. Hungary is a shithole. I wouldn't even call it a democracy anymore, it's a dictatorship, with corruption and oligarchs running amok. Most young adults who know languages and have a shred of talent just GTFO to either Britain or Germany and Austria. There's no future in this country.

Hungarians hate you, they just want their land back.

That is completely unsanitary.

poo in loo detected

Finnish people.

I am awake, what do you mean what happens there

Evil human beings, like rromani-ans, but way smarter

>butthurt slovenian

Every single time.


the real answer

good job

talent in what, hazaáruló? washing dishes and changing bed sheets? those with at least some semblance of intelligence can get on fairly well in Hungary, and those who don't we don't really need anyway, as they'd only leech off the country like the useless dumb parasites they are

Christ, Orbán got fat

menj már a kurva anyádba dühöngő mémnök, szart nem érsz, nem nem tudsz, vered magad a semmire a tanyádon, szarházi köcsög, szétlopjátok az országot és még van léped hazaárulózni, elfog jönni a kötél napja hitvány szarházi élősködő fajtátokra, végetek lesz mint a botnak, pusztulj rohadék, anyáddal együtt, véres végbélrákban fogsz megdögölni miután végignézted az egész családod hosszú szenvedéses kimúlását, átok

drainage holes

you have to go back to india pajeet, have you ever seen a swimming pool?


Better than Merkel's yet

Lots of lesbian fetish porn

You are living on stolen Hungarian land. You are not a country, you are a thief!

Historical revisionism (WE WUZ etc),
irredentism(wants to annex all their neighbours),
jingoism (hates America, NATO, France, Germany)

The biggest irony is that they hate gypsies, while having a gypsy president
>pic related, young Orban right,
George Soros paid for his education in London, when he was a gypsy

Now, Viktor Orban is a "hungarian", so he hates Soros, lol.



Country full of based people, sexy language, good food, beautiful women and a cool lake

>be hungarian
>call others gypsies
>is gypsies

>They first appeared in Hungary in the 14th and 15th
>Gypsies played a considerable role in Hungarian society. Constant military preparation and the lack of craftsmen provided opportunity to work.
>>>>Gypsy groups were granted privileges, first under King Sigismund(1387-1437) and King Matthias(1458-1490), right up to the beginning of the 18th century.
>>>>Maria Theresa enacted a decree prohibiting the use of the name "Gypsy" and requiring the term "new Hungarian" to be used instead.
>>>>placed restrictions on Gypsy marriages, and ordered children to be raised in hungarian "burgeouis" or "peasant" families.
>>>> Joseph II even prohibited use of the Gypsy language in 1783.
> in the 19th and 20th centuries the vast majority of the Gypsy population "..." assimilating in Hungarian society.
>A new wave of Gypsy immigration occurred in the second half of the 19th century

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest, 2004

So hungarian government is telling us that hungarians are mixed with gypsies?
And that gypsies are to be called "hungarian"?
Is this why their president is a gypsy and was given free stuff from George Soros?

>There's no future in this country
Sup Forums has told me Hungary is paradise on earth. Are they wrong?

pol is always wrong

>trusting Sup Forums on anything

nem vagyok mérnök, bölcsész és közgazdász diplomám van, és így is havi nettó 325 ezret viszek haza
maradj őrült, buzilibsi

they say the same about fucking poland what do you think

meg fogsz halni köcsög

előbb baszom pépesre a beledet minthogy te akár egy hajszálamban is kárt okozzál

Butthurt over territorial losses.

They are subhuman mongolids

A question for hungarians: do you understand anything when finns talk?
Does it sounds similar to your ears?

majd a rák elintéz alember tolvaj cigány, véged lesz, anyáddal meg a pereputtyoddal együtt

nah, panonian basin was stolen from us by magyars, but thats the way world works, we got rekt 1000 years ago, 100 years ago it was their turn

we are in the EU now so it doesnt really matter what country those lands belong to

its hard to talk about this issue on Sup Forums, nobody except people living in southern slovakia can comprehend how this works

their pronounciation is familiar, the way they say a o etc, there are a few similar or vaguely similar words but thats it, its a very distant connection due to parting thousands of years ago

here they say the same about Denmark

Nothing and Gypsies

What's the difference between Hungarian & Bulgarian flag?