Can I obtain german dual citizenship if my mother was once a german citizen?

can I obtain german dual citizenship if my mother was once a german citizen?

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If your mother was a German citizen at birth you should have been able to get it by jus sanguinis at birth.

I'm not too well informed but I guess you can.


ah ok, thanks!

>muh muhther getmuhn

if she was a german citizen that means she has german blood? It sounds strange if you consider our guilt complex but last time I cared for this (was in philosophy class) we had a little dispute with our originally Italian teacher who told us only germans are german but we like the good little cucks we were raised to be tried to axplain to her we take everyone. She had much more knowledge of what it meant to be a foreigner here I guess XD We also give certain poles money who come over the border and say they are of german descendant then they go back to poland and laugh about us stupid krauts.

thats some spicy cringe

Why the hell are Americans so obsessed with wanting to be more European?

It's not that easy to get a German citizenship. You have to live here for quite a while (5-10 years, sometimes more) and make a test, similar to the US. Also, dual-citizenship is allowed only in special cases, it's actually not legal in Germany. You would have to decide for one.

Not OP but how hard is German, I learned french fluently at a late age (22) and now wanna tackle German. Is it harder than french? I heard the grammar is hard but the pronunciation in french is harder.

Europe > North America

Everyone knows this.

nice flag

>if she was a german citizen that means she has german blood?
yeah, both of her parents come from the old germans lands that now belong to poland
This isn't about me larping as a european. I just want an easier time traveling when i go to germany to visit my family members that still live there
fug, my cousins who live in bavaria were able to obtain american passports really easily once they were able to prove they were related to american citizens

>I heard the grammar is hard but the pronunciation in french is harder.
I've studied both and this is definitely true. In general it's not a particularly hard language though. At least I didn't think so.

Wait you didn't know until Merkel gave t*rks citizenship it was only through blood? Now there are Americans with full German ancestry and Merkel made Turks with 0 German ancestry Germans. They've undone a long standing German rule that lasted through previous government's collapses.

OK. Im really good at picking up languages, Passed a Quebec C2 test after beginning learning on Duolingo 2 years prior. I wanna tackle German now but im nervous. I actually just wanna live in Vienna, I already have irish (EU) citizenship.

it is harder in some areas and more difficult other areas like any other language. The sentence structure is a little weird because it feels like i am talking like a caveman and i still have some difficulty talking in the subjunctive after learning the language 2 years ago

A lot of us are eligible or have parents eligible for dual citizenship with European countries. His question isn't odd. My mother is eligible for UK and Polish.

What kind of job opportunities are you looking for? I don't see that much in Austria

No idea. Im a finance bro. Maybe just spend some extended time off there.

You don't need a citizenship to live or work here though. There is a half years permit which gets replaced with a indefinite residence permit after a while.

The citizenship is only needed, if you want to vote or get some special social securities (to certain degree you get them without too)

If you're good at languages, there's no need to be nervous nigga. Just start at the first lesson like you did with French and go from there.

I can only think of Switzerland or Frankfurt for Germanic area

True. I just love the way vienna looks. Switzerland is too douchebag unnecessarily rich for me.

It's a bit harder than (say) Spanish or French, even for Anglos. But it isn't as hard, as people make it look like. In the end it's as any other lang, practice it or forget it.
The language has a fairly decent orthography, genders are *somewhat* predictable by the endings (not failsafe, but "good enough" - and nobody will misunderstand you if you say "der Auto" instead of "das Auto"), and the "exotic" phonemes for Anglos are easy to get.

Because I could literally move and live in Ireland and work for fun if I wanted too. It'd be like a neat couple year vacation you dirty nigger.

Switzerland is kinda overrated tbqh even though they are one of very few sane people in Europe (in terms of how they perceive welfare and stuff)
Btwn, by finance, you mean I banking or consulting kind of thing? Just wondering

I can get Russian through my dad, but they want you to speak fluent Russian, FUG! Some Russian user did tell me that all I need is an attorney and some proof, and they'll get me citizenship for a couple of hundred dollars. hmmm

It's not a part of the EU tho. You won't really get that much access to other countries

You are right, but for most of us, myself included, it matters that we have a connection to the homeland. Here there is no 'native american' unless you are indian. So having a passport to your ethnic homeland is something to be proud of.

I know, but it's something that I can why not. Tbh, I would really love a Finnish passport. I used to live there and it gives one access just as good as the US passport.

You're not getting out that easily.

Do you speak German?


Tyrone Hermann Jefferson II

fuck off burger scum

>tfw my retard ancestors left France for Québec and then settled in Michigan

fucking bastards.

>integrated turks who speak fluent german and have been living in germany their entire life
>MUH HERITAGE fags who can't even talk proper german think they deserve german citizienship