Average day in America

Average day in America

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i think the firefighters were serverd sausages as thank but not from the pigs they saved

T.bh what else would you do with them? Spend money on relocating them elsewhere?

Absolutely based

What should have they done with the pigs, offered them for adoption to a hippy commune?

remember reading this story, the farmer first suggested it after they were rescued and the firemen agreed it was a good idea, they were being raised for meat anyway

don't see the issue here

Average day in India

I'm surprised how many people, not just in the US, but around the world that were triggered by this.

The OP is a M*slim, isn't he?


Why not?

Based Amerifats rewarding their fire fighters with delicious sausages.

Oh yeah, better let the pigs slowly burn to death and make their meat useless, instead of letting an omnivorous animal eat it. God forbids.

God damn vegetarian hippies.

Because pig is tasty

what is wrong with this exactly? pigs are raised to be consumed.


this actually happened in england


Yes, generally livestock is raised to a certain age and then slaughtered for food. Additionally, pork sausages are delicious and only primitive religions ban them because their followers are too stupid to properly prepare pork.

People are starting to humanize animals more and more, I blame the falling childbirth rates for this, as people project their paternal feelings on cute things that are not babies (like animals), but I'm no psychologist

>I'm surprised how many people, not just in the US, but around the world that were triggered by this.
The world is predominantly inhabited by idiots so it really shouldn't suprise you that people are mad because livestock raised for consumption are consumed.

My kind of humor

>Why not?
Hippies suck

Nice. That's the reason for their existence in the first place.

Fucking this.
Since we hit 30, my wife has been treating our pets more and more like kids. It's creeping me out.

Just impregnate that cunt before her uterus goes bad

You guys don't have a right to condemn us for eating doggos

>people are starting to humanize animals more
In ancient Egypt the cat was such an important part of the family they'd kill you if you killed a family's cat. I hear your sediment often but don't actually believe the "humanizing" of animals is new or even unique to our society.

That's because the cat had an extremely important role, that of keeping your grain safe from vermin, so their humanization had an actual practical reason.
Pigs are bred exclusively to be eaten, humanizing them is absurd

Does Rainbow Dash count as a wife?

well I assumed they and were referring to dogs, which still have important rolls in the West beyond food.

>actually using pig meat for sausages

lmao, this story happened here and the pigs were being raised for meat regardless, they just got an extra 6 months worth of life after being saved.

read the metaphor friend. hint: patriot act

did you think they were pets?

humans have done that since always, it's not a new thing and surely is not why people have less children

Pets are just eternal babies. They only eat, shit, sleep, they're relatively unpredictable (fascinating to look at), they're not a psychological threat (not speaking a human language, it will never challenge your authority to a point that it shames you) and they can show emotions to warm your empathy up.
They're easier, cheaper than humans, you have less obligations towards them, less social pressure and they pretty much can't disappoint you in any way, only positively surprise you.

It's not the cause of people having less children but it's definitely an effect. How many childless late-20s "dog parents" do you think there were in the 1950s?

>I hear your sediment often
I'm not a geologist but I think you might be trapped in a cave-in.

I thought all of India's M*slims move to P*kistan.

hit the nail on the head.

We can condemn you for whatever we want. Pigs are food. Dogs are loyal beasts that were selectively-bred to be our bros. I dunno what about this is so difficult for you slants to understand.


I ate pork for the first time a few days ago.

Such a disappointment. It unironically tastes like chicken, only a bit more gamey. You goyim tricked me.

>It unironically tastes like chicken,

Your tastebuds must be fucked.

You must have had a weird cut or something. Pork has a heavier flavor than chicken, and should ideally taste a bit salty.

So they should let muslims rape their cows without reacting?