Why are school shootings a american phenomenon?

It only really happens in america
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easy to get guns

yanks don't know how to properly manage having guns

only the toughest survive 12 years of >American education with their sanity intact

Minors can't legally buy guns in other countries.

They can't here either stupid

18 for long guns 21 for handguns

americans can't take a joke

they turn out everything in a racial, ethinic or religious issue

America has the biggest concentration of normies to purge

both look like CEO of facebook

This. Basically easy access to guns.

If i could easily buy a pistol right now, i would surely shoot up some place around my town before committing suicide, if i'm going to kill myself might as well take some people with me.

I bought a gun when I was 15 so that I could go deer hunting

its a state issue, not a federal one

what's wrong with you?

Name two school shootings in Czech Republic in the last 20 years.

More degenerate people
We had one and several edgy kids threating to continue but that's all

Damn if there's no minim age law at least add a "another gun owner/mental physician vouches for me" thing going on.

The Czech Republic has a population of only 10 million

The US 300 million. Not really a fair comparison is it?

having citizens armed to the teeth is a great way to prevent foreign invasions of america
most of our states could repel a whole counties worth of soldiers (heavy military hardware not included)

one of the drawbacks is trigger happy idiots trying to get a 'high score" before they kill themselves, like this guy

access to guns and poor mental health services. Also yanks are obsessed with being the centre of attention.

America is a horrible place that creates deeply disturbed people. People outside this country don't know what actual true horrors happen here...

I like to break rules.

wouldnt matter anyways, private citizens can sell firearms to other private sellers no matter who they are

they can charge a 8000% price markup if they want, but private citizens can sell to each other unrestricted ( if the person buying a gun cannot legally own a firearm (because they are a felon) then its the buyer who gets in trouble, the seller is not responsible for anything the buyer does with their, even if it was illegal for the buyer to purchase a gun in the first place)

look up the gunshow loophole, its a big reason why gun control of any kind never works here

It is extremely fair. Name 1/30th of the total amount of school shootings in USA that happened in Czech Republic in the last 20 years.

doesnt help much


The deadliest school shooting in modern history actually took place in Europe, in Beslan, North Ossetia, European Russia. 350 or so victims died in that shooting.

Other major school or university-shootings have occurred in Scotland, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Finland (twice), Germany (twice), Argentina, Canada, Pakistan, Kenya, Nigeria, and other nations.

In fact, none of the 10 deadliest school/university massacres in the modern world have taken place in the US.

>the loophole is why it doesn't work
So fix the loophole. Why are yanks so retarded?

How many KANGZ does Czechia have tho?

do school shootings ever happen in brazil?

Technically the deadliest school shooting was when USA dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, turning thousands of students into dust.

And faggots like this are the reason why many of you in other countries can't have guns.

While school shootings are mostly a white/asian thing, not many. Consequently, they don't have statistically significan't gun violence of any kind. Really makes you ponder.

people have been trying to do that since the 60's

>he thinks congress can get shit done
how fucking high are you



its because firearms are more easy to obtain than caustic face acid or rental vans in the usa

>school shooters
they only get like a couple kills anyways unless you're asian. more people die to crazies on the streets. school shootings just get insane media that's it, nothing impressive in terms of score tho

Washington fixed this a few years ago at the state level. It seems to me that it should be a federal thing though. I own guns by the way, I'm just in favor of screening.

>nothing impressive in terms of score tho
neck yourself subhuman

We had this angry virgin shooter a few years ago:

He was a KHV NEET virgin shut-in.

And also this autist virgin who shoot up a movie theater with an Ingram Mac back in 1999:

>more easy


yea there is the problem, as long as one state doesnt fix the loophole(alabama, arizona, some other shithole) it doesnt matter how many other states do fix it

>kills just 7 people
virgin singles.

Oh right i always forget your government doesn't actually function

It functions to serve itself atleast haha

clearly the problem is men

Brazil has a gigantic gun black market and massive gun trafficking destination. We get guns from all over the the world, from Lugers to M4A1s and even .50 cal M2 Browning HMG(favelados shot down an helicopter with one of these a few years ago).

The thing is, If you have thug friends or is a favelito, getting a gun is very simple and easy. But for pale autist like me it's not very easy, i could get one if i tried, but it's expensive as fuck and i'm too lazy to save money and search for thugs that could get me a gun.

its pathetic to see piss-poor dramatic manifestos from these lame shooter.
if it was me i'll just shoot everyone without reason just to show them its easy to do so, even for the most ordinary. you shouldn't be afraid of doing whatever you want

>its pathetic to see piss-poor dramatic manifestos from these lame shooter.

I don't think anyone will ever top the Unabomber.

Have yet to see a school shooter that break the 100 deaths high score.

Are you stup... *check flag* nevermind I know the answer

Checked wikipedia for list of school massacres by death toll and started posting like you are an expert
We are talking about edgy students who start shooting random people in their school, Beslan was terrorism and so are the #2 and #3 of that list

A shooting is a shooting. The motivation does not matter.

Possession isn't the same as purchase. Purchase from a private party isn't the same as purchase from a shop. You need to be 18 to purchase a non-pistol from a shop (rifle, shotgun, "firearm") according to federal law.

I wish I had a MAC-10

60% of our firearm deaths are suicides.

>It only really happens in america

Why are there so many in Germany?

>no zealand

Did you Krauts invent school shootings?


we are ameriboos :-DDD
imagine guns would be as easily accessible here as well

pic is also interesting

The loophole doesn't exist you can't buy a gun legally with out a background check

>we are ameriboos :-DDD
Really? Why are you such dicks to us on Sup Forums then? Afraid your European friends will bully you if they find out you like us?

We had a kid in Catalonia with a crossbow and a machete two years ago, but he only managed to kill one teacher.

Pretty based weapons but pathetic results. Which one did he kill the teacher with? And what happened to him?