Why are wh*tes such sore losers?

Why are wh*tes such sore losers?

why so many anti white threads around?

All the "x is white/not white" threads got stale so this the meme

Leftypol invasion

Sup Forums is contrarian first, white supremacist second

Why not

Fuck off.Stop making the match about race.Everyone knew Mayweather would win, its a professional boxer versus an MMA fighter in a boxing match.

t. west brit

Irish are not white

Irish are the niggers of Europe.

>Irish are the niggers of Europe.
Truly a scourge on mankind.

Because we are tired of wh*toids' shit


>United Sharts of America

Great meme, upvoted.

Here we see the wh*te's anger and confusion leading him to make nonsensical "ironic" comments as a defense mechanism against anything that menaces his fragile ego built on historical lies and crass consumerism

because whites are racist

90% of people assumed that mayweather would TKO him in the first few rounds, the fact he made it to ten rounds surprised nearly everyone and is a testament to his skill
still, mayweather is the better of the two and holds a flawless record of 50 - 0

its a meme you dip

But you're Italian, therefore white. Are you one of those self hating whites or what?

So are Japanese

This. Not sure why people are surprised a boxer is better than an mma fighter in boxing...



>italians white
what drugs are u on mein freund?

Well I mean he fucking lose.

I don't really care about white or black people but seriously there are tons of articles about how McGregor was extremely awesome (even though he fucking lose.) Short and simple, Why?

because he held his own in the first 2 rounds while mayweadder waited for him to power himself out

that happens very often, he was a huge underdog with a large fanbase, people are surprised he did so well against arguably the best boxer of this decade

>mma fighter vs boxer
>Still did quite well in early rounds
>Always a cheerful and nice guy meanwhile Mayweather is LITERALLY unable to read

Being a Sandnigger rapebaby is so much better.
The Japanese are Xenophobic, much different.

>Mayweather is LITERALLY unable to read
Is that true? That's fucking sad if it is.

Yes. 50 cent even challenged Mayweather to read one full page of Harry Potter lmao

Unfunny cancer is popular with the masses.

Nice meme but everyone IRL considers Italians to be white and most of them look white too.

Although to be fair he has a point

>most of them look white too
*breaths in*
*leans back*

Because it triggers wh*Te people and pol

Hi Turkish Proxyfag.

t. Christian Sciamodelli from NJ

Hi triggered wh*Te boi

Just stop replying to them and they'll eventually get bored.