
Anime edition

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anime killed balt




it was her birthday yesterday

Is this an anime?
I've only ever seen doujinshi of it.

How can you fuck up this badly? Let alone the text which is just nonsensical rambling.

Fuck off

He seems like one of those americans that thinks the queen is the absolute ruler of britain.

the queen is the absolute ruler of britain

that's how

>For years I led a dreary life
>The days passed slowly, one by one
>I fed the ducks, reproved my wife,
>Played Handel's Largo on the fife,
>>Or gave the dog a run.
I neither realised nor knew
>The pleasures of a private Zoo.

found this verse reading agatha christie btw, it's your brit stuff

You're one of those americans I bet.

the queen is the absolute ruler of britian (american on holiday here. ignore the flag)

Farage probably does have something to do with Russia.

Very deceptive pole that lad

Checks out.


his profile picture is the polish eagle

/brit/ is a zoo and you're a bunch of animals on display

Reckon Poles are in a conspiracy to destroy England itself.

i'm a well groomed stallion

you guys fuck them tho

i am a fluffy fox!

literally just found out there was a hurricane in texas however many days later what am i like

I want to be the pigeon that walks around and eats stray chips off the ground.

No that's illegal still; it's only legal to do shit like fellate a dog or have an animal lick peanutbutter off your testicles, not to put your penis in one.

Sorry if that ruins your vacation plans.

same here I don't know what goes on in the rest of this country

The female friend

I'd throw her off the side and watch her fall tbqh

*pushes her forward off the rails*

want to push her right off

Collectively neck yourselves.

was on /brit/ roughly 14 hours ago
the ABSOLUTE STATE of those threads

just under a week left before i become an arrogant student

Wacky Bruce thank god you're here


wahey! *honk honk*

haha classic bruce

Oh fuck off, you would push her off too, just look at those slopes, look how high up she is, you would want to see something fall all the way down

Think my home town's become the gun crime capital of Canada in the last few years.

haha classic wacky leaf


oh fuck off
Fuck off


Ah just




It's full of poos and gun violence.

Just like old surrey

*nukes you*

Absolute state of the hunched over, lispy, old, chicken-like white bender


*gets nuked in my goatse anus*

dayum shame..

>To Stalin's amazement, the British Labour government and its Minister of Trade, Sir Stafford Cripps, were perfectly willing to provide technical information and a license to manufacture the Rolls-Royce Nene. Sample engines were purchased and delivered with blueprints. Following evaluation and adaptation to Russian conditions, the windfall technology was tooled for mass-production as the Klimov RD-45 to be incorporated into the MiG-15.
Whose genius idea was this?

lads they linked the purple line to the underground now it's a bit crowded because the purple area people are using the underground too. :(

The labour party's

spoiler alert: the thai is a tranny

do u have guns? asking for a government agen- I mean a friend

Nah m8


Damn, i had suspicious but would have given the benefit of the doubt as i cant really comprehend the ages and genders of asians.

why not just repost it?

that's a pretty cute asexual


get one my guy, they're coolio
Source: flag

They're kind of like elves in that sense, they just have slanty eyes instead of slanty ears.

Kinda want a hunting rifle and a handgun desu but I haven't got the money for either.


end this gimmick

what's the appeal of coke? I did it once and I just ended up shouting at people in multiplayer FPSs for 15 minutes and then wished I did something else

handguns pay for themselves buddy, think of all the Tim Hortons you could stick up

Nearly screamed with laughter when i read this

most overrated drug, the strongest feel is 'need more coke'

pretty big guy

Bit too many yanks and leafs in /brit/ for my liking...........................................................................................................

The white race must be abolished

o lawdy

Probably only 1, I'm out of shape.

why do your countrymen snort it like elephants then? lack of anything better?

shoot it

sorry ill leaf now, have a nice day

British people? Something to do on a night out init. It's satisfying in the moment but ultimately shit.

Doing a read

Bit grim

that would violate the NAP I got with the local spiderbros

Shut up you complete IDIOT.

that's when you do more

Good lads

read about this guy too



genuinely stupider than i was 10 years ago

>reading /dpt/


is it just the most frequently available "party drug" then? I just don't understand why Brits are such huge consumers of it in particular.

I know about him, complete loon

Implausible unless you've become brain damaged somehow in the last decade.

nah, it used to be ecstasy, coke was a bit more exclusive, more like having the cigar of drugs. Not sure what's going on now but things like mcat etc. sound as if they've taken over a bit.

Bit nutty but undoubtedly a cool guy.
People like him make the world more interesting.

what the fuck is that?


Doing a bit of molly lads

My cock just exploded lads