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Turk qts edition

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First for Turks are all sluts

My highschool had the same parquets


cant tell if this moroccan girl is lightly flirting with me or just being an autist

tfw no black qt


>Tfw no gf

Turkish girls are as clean as a doner kebab

Portuguese with mental illness

When I was scrolling through to find this thread and saw "Turk edition" I immediately figured you made the thread

hello, how do I talk to qts if Im ugly?

Too depressed to talk to qt

You have to get your maxillofacial done first


try hard

pretty hot

kek am I the only one with cute turk qt here ?

Where are the good Turk girls? I've only seen ugly man-face Turks, cute-but-"muh islam" Turks, and cute-but-"muh Atatürk" Turks.

fuck if I know :3

I just know i got very lucky with mine

Vietnamese girl, yes or no?

She's cute, but I'm leaning toward no. She's already hinted that she probably wants sex, and she's living in the US

she probably only wants you because of your body

What does she think of Islam?

My body? Why?I mean, I'm ottermode, but even still, why my body?

Doesn't give a fuck about it.

Though she's an architect in Istanbul so...

What does she think of Atatürk? And does she smoke? An astounding amount of secular Turkish girls are smokers.

Why are you so chad


mine stopped coming to the site about 2 weeks ago, did not get to ask for WA in that timespan. she viewed my profile within the last 5 days though but never responded

Just talk to her as if you were handsome

you have to try harder to compesate

I don't understand why this girl would want me for my body tho

Didn't really talk about Ataturk, but she doesn't smoke, does drink though, loves white wine

and everybody on her job wants her kek, but they're mostly old men

My life changed when I killed that pig when I was 16.

Got that pistol for killing pigs in the hand, and just shot.

hey, whats up. By the way I think you are cute?

If i was handsome: hehe, Im good and what about you

how she would react if I said that: *blocked*

Life isn't so kind sometimes.
Having to show fake happiness and interest to qt feels wrong. They're the only ok thing in my life right now but I don't want to be a burden by being so boring and down.

Why would you kill a poor innocent pig for no reason?

bacon, faggot

Work on yourself user!

I'm on my way to the Gym, afterward I'm going to make a bunch of delicious bacon :D

Oh that looks delicious.

I thought you meant you wasted some poor pig for no reason

what is your max S/D/B?

I bet i mog u hard faggot

>message qt out of the blue asking for her snapchat
>replies with 'do i know you?'
>i was like yeah blah blah
>no reply
>look through my dropbox cause i KNOW she sent some to me
>cant find it
>24 hour later, looking for something else, come across it
>'see i told you we knew each other'
>attach the pic of her tits
>why wouldnt i, its a great pair of tits
>no reply

Share dropbox link?

b a s e d
heres them


Not bad. American?


Is she a total bitch? How did you score those tit pics in the first place?

Hate it when a girl has one bigger boob and one smaller boob.

Dunno anything about her even though it was just a few months ago kek

>See my first USA profile
>she mentions that she has a kid

Post her profile

American girls are dumb and let guys cum in them

How do you not remember who you've sent nudes to?

Question to people here
how a good interpals profile should look like in order to find cool people to talk? i feel something is wrong with mine

hey, dont be ugly like me.

Thats the first step

dont know about the rest because im ugly

You get a lot of whores tho. Why complain?

Be handsome, have hobbies and interests.

its not important at all i think

there is more than one serb here..

>tfw talked to a gothic qt turk but she stopped connecting to the site

Why aren't you friends IRL? Serbia is small

I'm not that serb...tho , i wish i was
Maybe I should shorten the profile description or change pictures? I mean , it's too long and pictures are maybe old/boring? what do you say anons?

Post profile

how long ago was this?
this one
because I'm probably autistic , whatever, there aren't many 4ch friendships in serbia
i'm only common with few girls from /sci/ and /lit/

>because I'm probably autistic

Pa taman ti i Oceк stvorena jedna za drugu onda :)

e nju ne znam
znam jednu drugu devojku , i mnogo smo dobre

AFAIK she's Cretan, thought she was from Caucasus because of retarded hair color+eye color combination but my point stands.
Also she's not "qt", maybe by balkanrapebaby standards but still

Post pic

how are you having trouble finding people to talk to?

A few months ago .My point is that some of them are cool and some of them are so allah-akbar-fucked-up tier, you just need to know how to search for the right Turks if they don't find you first.

Oceк je naš špijun u Hrvatskoj

I'm guessing she means having trouble finding people to talk to who aren't trying to get her naked.

yes, kind of
jaoj mnogo je hype i aesteticna ....kul!

pic of what? my dick? that's a bit gay

Hey there old friend

just block all of the middle east and africa. i'll send you a message later today. you won't know its someone from /cp/ though


Try to reduce your description redhead girl:)
Plus try to hide your friends list. People get scared because of that

I would never message someone with Israeli friends.

Who /pretentious profile/ here?


why would I hide it !
and i told you , i'm not a redhead :D


thought that was thedane for a second

At least MENA and Africans are clear about their intentions. InterPals suck for girls who are just trying to make friends.

Sometimes when people want to message someone, they think:
>how would this person see my message if this person has a lot of friends.
It has happened to me. One time I couldn't send anything because that person had more than 50 friends.

really? omg , will hide it then

Why would anyone want to be friends with someone who's not confident in their own personality?
Friend list means nothing.

well, its good that the only thing this site does for me is cure my loneliness for a few hours a day. all these people have to do is respond to me and they would literally have a friend for life

I always think of it in another way, like, It might show that this person is friendly and knows how to communicate and create friendships.

Yes it means.
Imagine having 50 friends and you want to send a message. That person would talk a lot with them, but when would your message be seen or responded?
And besides that 50 friends, that person would even get the daily messages from other people.

What do you think of the Armenians in Israel?

Interpals friends means nothing

I bet she doesn't talk to most of them anymore, at all.

I don't know any Armenians tBh

Sounds like you want to be friends with someone who's easier rather than someone who is genuinely interesting to you if their friend count is stopping you from contacting them.

I have 34 Interpals friends. 31 of them are you all. I only message on IP with just a few, and it's not even often