
the japanese language is fun to learn edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Chinese language is beautiful you dumb nigger

first lol

bout to kill Asgore buds


The gf

Listen to this song:



i'd be interested in knowing what kind of chinese related hobbies or interests you have.

the madame

W A T C H . T H I S . V I D E O

Misa, YES!

I love everything about China





anything specific? maybe something you did this month that you realy like?

i ate at a chinese restaurant in chinatown for lunch this month.

what of it

ching chong ping pong xe xe xe

don't EVER look at mine or my wife's feet again

depressed edition

i called the Suicide hotline today anons

again, I went tony unis counseling center this morning, then our drug and alcohol center to speak to another lady, then an AA meeting, then class....

couldn't muster up the courage to go to my clubs meeting today, I girl who I had cordial relations last semester and I had a fallout; the last time we had sex she was drunk and I was high, and she said in the morning she felt violated so I'm scared and fearful of a rape or sexual misconduct case.

the last night I didn't use a condom (and I had a minor std) and I also remember having my hand on her throat just to try it out, and I rmember having consent too because I asked her, but she still felt violated

idk what to do anons I still think about eating a shotgun barrel, even though it's my dads wedding this weekend and it should be happy, I still can't manage to keep a smile on my face

sorry for the blog post but
w h a t t h e f u c k
apu related as I post this


Shelly desu


get hype for dad, is his new wife nice?

me at 15: fantasize about fucking 10 girls at once
me at 25: fantasize about cuddling with mother of my chidlren

Well how was that

who will put and end to these weebs

this vid is literally my whole life story. it's like a documentary for my life was made without me knowing about it.

wow. this gives me chills. we will persevere, bros. lefties will be left for dead.


should've put my beer in the freezer. tastes much better ice cold.

she super nice desu she's a special ed teacher and is super into Christ and church, I love her but she's gonna have to put up with my dad, he's sorta a tool


it was a fun experience. although i wouldn't do it for fun i don't think unless i lived close and had a girlfriend/friend that was legit chinese.

waiters pushed carts around with one dish on it. you wouldn't order, you would just ask for one of the things and they would mark it on a piece of paper on your table that you got one.

now tell me what chinese stuff you like.

>depressed edition
>is a Chad

uh, fuck off pls, ok?


I don't know man

I guess I like Chinese history

need a gf

haha it's like that new looking back maymay

im overweight and emotional and desu sorta gay, far from a chad.....
>t.beta male




>Traps are ga-

what if i'm just so attractive that girls are scared of talking to me

Misa posting is the essence of /cum/



who's this sloot


Riff Raff is the thinking man's rapper

I'm going to finish my degree, start a respectable career, and then do textfiles.com/anarchy/MISCHIEF/blowups.txt to my old high school

wish me luck

why is he so attractive.


A male of Brazilian origins

ayyy caramba

Stop it user you're scary

I just wanted to learn Chinese for fun

shan't be clicking that llnk

no way that's a man

my dick is confused m8 where's ur pr00fz?

nothing wrong with liking chinese girls, i just wanted to know why you liked it.


Totse flashbacks, wonder how many people blew themselves up by accident trying some of the shit on there

im so bored

somebody be my friend

what's her name?

I'm bored

This male won a version of Miss Universe specifically for transsexuals.

fuck orientals

I wish I liked China. Liking Japan is embarrassing.

Going to touch myself now

wtf i love trannies now

do NOT fuck orientals

add me on discord buds

cara delaverga#1647

have so titty jew bitch


hes prettier than me...

yuzu amanatsu

>jew jersey


i don wanna be friends wih a faggot

My hero
Why not just like both

actually to 99.9999% of people china, japan, and korea are mostly the same thing.

there are lots of socially acceptable reasons to like japan (due to an interest or hobby that isn't anime). but more importantly, you shouldn't give a fuck.

thank you

join the /cum/ elite discord buds


i shall judge if you are worthy enough

Are there any cute dom girls who are into sub boys here?

the only things separating male and female gooks are those anthills on their chests

Fucking hate gooks.
t. chink

>Why not just like both
I find China disagreeable because they exploit their people, and the limitation of freedom of speech is gross.
>you shouldn't give a fuck.

Really wish I was an East Asian

Being a nigger isn't very fun desu

>not appreciating a modest chest
You're as bad as Cara.


where's mexico??

my gf

mexico is the one filming

work closed tomorrow due to heavy smoke

me behind your gf


Don't join the discord, it is cancer

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=7B92VAqP2dw


Yeah I know

agreed t. asd;lk;sjdf

If I add you will you be my f-friend?

Me on the right.

Yes, of course.

Give me a quick rundown on the /cum/ discord