Thank you America

Thank you America.

Thank you America

I was legit worried by that thumbnail on my mobile thinking it was a circumcision gone wrong

*blocks your path*

good isn't it? I know that fried butter gets a lot of flack here on Sup Forums but it really is quintessential American cuisine.

Did Dr. Pepper go worldwide? I thought it was usa only.

You can get it pretty much anywhere.

really? I wouldn't know... I never been out of my state let alone out of my country.

>implying all circumcisions haven't gone wrong

Here is virtually unknown.

Thank you America

Dr. Pepper is actually older than Coca-Cola

We have it in Switzerland but only a part of the shops have it.

According to Wikipedia:
>"Dr Pepper was first nationally marketed in theUnited Statesin 1904, and is now also sold inEurope,Asia,Canada,Mexico,Australia, andSouth America, as well asNew ZealandandSouth Africaas an imported good."

Pleb Dr. Pepper over patrician cherry coke?

La ola

>Implying vanilla coke isnt the best

What about Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper?

Does such a thing exist?

Where can one find this?

It's only available in USA

We have it in some stores here.

It's not very good, the vanilla tastes noticeably artificial

I challenge the world to name as many of the spices as possible.

Challenge acce--- Oh, wait, Im too fucking lazy to google that shit

And some other bullshit

I only care about the spicy memes

Also cloves for sure

Only country that has better canned beverages than the USA is japan. And even then a lot are made by American owned companies (REAL GOLD is a coke beverage and it's my favorite)

No, euro/SA varieties of coke products don't count just because you use sucrose. Yes it's better but still our invention.

Oh come on gringo, you haven't tried the good stuff. Same as with the food, you might be a bit disgusted at first but you'll end up loving it.

>sugary cancer
>something to be proud of

Based user

from memory ya jerk


Tried jarritos, it's ok but cane sugar fanta (lemon) takes the cake on fruit sodas.

This is a thread about sugary cancer, hats aren't supposed to talk canada

looks good, haven't even tried all of the independent ginger ales in the US though, honestly I just drink tea these days

>hes never even tried Rivella