The new bolivians

>the new bolivians

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When will they go back to Eur*pe?

Europe for Europeans
Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans

But The Americas and Australia for everybody?!?!?!

wait, w-what?

>But The Americas and Australia for everybody?!?!?!

hahaha yes

Just soli is a codeword for Amerindian genocide.

What the fuck is wrong with Colombia?

What the fuck?

you know I always wondered why some of them went to mexico and south america and I kind of felt bad for them. but here I am with no one in my family being a practicing mennonite or speaking low german anymore, and there they are with their large still religious families so I guess they're doing fine.

wtf go home wh*tey

We should unite all Americas to kill these subhumans.

>calling others subhuman

Wh*tes are subhumans that need to gtfo our continent.

>saviors of the white race


Had their families stayed in Europe instead of going to Bolivia or Mexico, they'd probably have died in some World War or by a refugee/terrorist attack.

They are having quiet, unbothered lives in the cozy Bolivian highlands.

No thanks I'm staying right here

>bolivia is whiter than argentina
is this the time we swap names


>implying this isnt the time chile invades bolivia and argentina helps them , taking half and half

>killing whitelivia
for what purpose

I want Latin Americans and Yanks to quit chimping out while Europeans are sleeping.

Based Bolivians don't need to cherrypick pics of white people on a Cantonese pottery imageboard like argentinians, brazilians and mexicans to prove their whiteness.


>implying that we will not have to wait menwhile the whites send all the nigger , kill the niggers and just send a small truck to force them to sign surrender

This breaks so many layers

well the last european country our ancestors were in was ukraine, and it wasn't a great experience for the germans who stayed there (most immigrated to the us and canada in the 1870s-90s) once the bolsheviks took over
so yeah, south america is better than commie eastern europe, but is it better than the north american great plains? considering they're still practicing their religion and they still speak their language, I might just say it is

they have all they need in Bolivia to live as mennonites. no need to feel bad for them

Fuck Off We're Full


>Bolivia send all their amerindians to Argentina and Chile
>meanwhile white population grows strong

Truly masters of eugenics.

Go back to Eur*pe, cunt

I still can't fucking believe it
What do we do now?
>having bolivians here reduces the white genepool
>sending them back destroys the white minorities there
This is going to be harder than what I daydreamed

aren't white argentinians around BA Entre Rios and La Pampa, while bolivians are at the north?

Send them to Peru

vuelos de la muerte

nice damage control

Yes but Capital surroundings have been colonized by them
Don't have a border with Peru

>white argentinians

Mennonites are truly the saviors of our race. Just like hassids are saving Israel.

Send them to Paraguay

Now that's... a good idea, very very good


South America is getting BLEACHED

Ok, ok
Let's live it as it is right now
I still have a special plan for these bolls

damage control

i-i'm not d-damaged OK?!?

That genocide served for something at least.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Bolivian children

>tfw would love to live in an all white community in bolivia but they're obnoxiously religious and anti technology
Fuck. I guess it's for the best though since if they had internet and tv they'd all immediately leave and start race mixing.

>technology makes people racemix

What's this new spicy Sup Forums meme?

that's the way of the world

I hate Sup Forumstards dude but when isolated communities open up they will slowly start to change all of their ways and if they live in a heterogeneous country on of those things will be racemixing

What? If tecnology did that Japan and Korea would be US/Brazil tier in terms of race distribuition.

meanwhile the old bolivians move tho chile, in 2060 neobolivia goes to war with neochile for shoreline and wins

Is said heterogeneous societies. Those societies have few to actually mix with. These Mennonites instead the Americas could mix easily if they wanted to.

white piggu go home

based bolivia will take over the continent

el boliARIO will rise again

The Amerindian government of Bolivia even helps with infrastructure to many towns separated where live european minorities that have lived there for hundreds of years and still retain their customs, things are very different from what happens for example in Africa, the Amerindian is peaceful

imagina la rabia de ceron al ver que los bolis son mas blanquitos

Yet there president looks like this

And what is the ameridians reward for this? He is increasingly made a minority in his country, his social safety nets are used to support religious fundamentalist that contribute little and refuse to integrate.

I don't think that would really work. I mean there are communities around all americas that still keep their "racial purity" and has access to technology in general.

Mestizos make up 68% of Bolivia
20% Indians
5% Whites
The rest are mixed with black/asian/other

This thread is a fucking meme

Some of the kids look kinda mestizo yuck

>This thread is a fucking meme

the social battle in latam is rich vs poor, the amerindan mestizo doesn't hate the white niggas, any socialist gov would not discriminate against mennonites (poor by definition) just because of race


indios larping as soldiers is funny

you now remember chumy

I'd like to build a house next to one of these communities and be a neet with 10 kids. I'll just have to buy some rental property here first then I'm on my way.

The Amerindian does not have the same thirst for blood as the wh*te man, does not force anyone to follow their customs, the Amerindian is peaceful and Latin America is the true land of freedom

t. evo

Seems like amerindians are chill but it's once they mix with whites and make mongrel mestizos that get violent.


>who are the Aztecs

t. taringa

t, evo

Who cares? Chilenos are a beautiful shade of brown and yet are better than everyone else on the continent.

t. taringa

t. Evo

t. taringa

t. evo

t. taringa

stop being autists you two

t. tadinga

t. taringa

t. evo

t. taringa

T. Evo

t. evo

t. Evo

Evo morales, The new Josef Mengele of this era

t. taringa

t. taringa

Give back the coast. Now.