Be American

>Be American
>Kick off their parents to ''''retirement house'''''

>it is a "gook learned about retirement homes" episode.
it is called long term care. a 1st world concept.

I'm sure most of the time it's parent being the one kicking their kids out in USA, no? They have so many memes about basement dwellers (Not having your own house by 20 = losers, a belief which kind of correspond to what I said)

I'd say retirement house is a rather common idea in Asia (but kicking your kids out is not.)

>Be American
>kick child out on the street the day they turn 18

Wait a fucken minute. That's a fucking hieroglyph and has nothing to do with USA or retirement home at all.

>Child gets kicked out at 18
>Grows up and gets revenge by kicking them to a retirement home
>Kicks their own child out at 18 as well

It's a deadly cycle.

Tnqh I was too lazy to find good pics
I should posted pepe instead

but hey , it is getting harder to do with each generation :D

same reason for koreans

next time ask why americans put their parents in the fridge. and attach a pepe

>go gook
>abandon parents in the forest

Goryeojang actually is not Korean culture

There's nothing wrong about abandoning elderly. Today's drain on society is tomorrow's nature resource. A tragedy, yes. but natural in a sense.

not sure if you are baiting but considering your flag i am assuming you have no idea what you are talking about. a lot of elderly actually prefer it that way. it is more convenient for them. they live together and receive medical treatment on site. their childern come to visit them. so you are saying it is better to care of your disabled bed ridden parents at home until they die? that will not help them much but will emotionally drain you. this is not unique to this country.

Why germans abandon their parents in foreign airport?

To be honest that's what they get for kicking their children out of the house when they turn 18 because muh independence was popularized half a century ago to sell more houses. American housing mentality is absolutely fucked.

>german mentality
can ahmed bring his parents too?

Taking care of your parents requires to to either sacrifice time during which you can wageslave or sacrifice time during which you can buy/consume.

Both options are unacceptable in USA, mr. goldbergstein can't afford giving a shit about the stupid idea of "parents" lol.

living with your parents is a sign of immaturity here

we're fucked

true, you poorfags got used to misery so it is ok for you to live with your parents all your life . keep telling yourself this is the right thing to do. it is not like you have a choice :)

I love how you desperately tried to twist it around in an attempt to guilt me for taking care of my family whether it's my parents, grandparents or siblings.

The absolute state of American mentality and family values.

same reason Korean attendants poison people

no way in hell I'm keeping old folk around

it's called assistant living and there's a reason for it. all my grandparents lived in one of those complexes before dying.
you get your "own" apartment but they make lunch and dinner and can bring you your meds if you need and always have nurses ready. why would you not live like that if you're too old to take care of yourself (which you are or you'd be living alone)

forcing yourself into your kids house is degenerate, they have their own lives

finland, denmark and norway have the lowest average age of leaving home in the world, much lower thab the US



haha v4 mommys boys

slovakia-italy-poland, the mommy's boy trifecta


There's literally nothing wrong with this desu

the American userbase of this board is living proof that this doesn't always happen


>be european
>cant live without parents

retirement homes are old fashioned now...

It used to be, parents who get rid of 100% of their assets to the children, to make it look like they were poor; then the government would heavily subsidize the overpriced retirement homes (often with medical staff such as a nurse).

When people get Alzheimers, or when the man or wife dies, they would go to retirement homes.

Our medical system / subsidation is constantly changing, and 25% of our work force, works in healthcare, and about 25% of our GDP is healthcare (notice a similarity?).

The government is now trying to encourage in-home care support, which is basically a scam for poor people, to get paid to have their sick/disabled/elderly (only poor old sick people) live with them and get paid for it.

Hospice is common here too, basically a nice home for people to die relatively quick.

wow the bottom four are impressive numbers. and denmark is basically close to zero. care to explain?

just guessing abd can only speak for finland but
1. school is only required until 15 (9th grade) after that kids apply to high schools (to prepare for uni) or vocational school. schools specialize, so a part of kids move away already at 15.
2. student housing. at 18 theoretically kids go to college or have a profession. students get cheap student-only apartments, others with a job move out because similiar age friends do too.

in majoe cities it's expensive to move out with just a job, but if you're a student living at your parents you're probably a handholdless virgin.

I guess I should add that up until last year Helsinki was the only city where physically surviving with student money (with an apartment (likely shared)) was impossible. Now if you want to do it you need to take practically free government backed loan that everyone gets (sounds probably like a sweet deal to you, but shit to us). You get about 500 per month for expenses after the apartment if you max out the loan.

In some cities I'm sure you can still live with student aid if you only eat oats (3700 kcal per 1€) or something

if you actually want to live in helsinki and not a ghetto it's 700 and up(previous tenant paid 850 for this 28m2), that's about the whole loan. you gotta study and work for food. we dont have stockholm's insane rent system at least, just high prices.