You're forced to live in one of these cunts for the rest of your life, which one would you choose and why?

you're forced to live in one of these cunts for the rest of your life, which one would you choose and why?

ps: LOS isn't a valid option

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Well, I think I'm the only Mexican here who likes black girls with THICC asses, so i'll choose Brazil.

falkland islands because its the only place that isnt a shithole

I'm from southern chile, so i would just move to southern argentina so my life can be as boring as it is now.

Colombia, Peru, Mexico or Brazil

I like Colombia

I need a colombian gf

Stay nice and comfy right where I am

Brazil, because I'm already from here

Mexico, because the rest is shittier (no offense). Also, cause we're close to America and we get stuff first.

Souther Arg here, probably the same, and I don't want hot climate desu.

Prefiero que me corten mis hercúleos testículos y los genitales en su totalidad antes que vivir en cualquiera de esos pútridos países de ese pozo infecto mal llamado América Latina.

Arriba España, señores. Decidisteis dejar de formar parte del glorioso Imperio y ya no hay olvido ni perdón.

I like my international shipping cheap

pero si ustedes son sudaca-tier, de hecho tendrian que mover España y Portugal para este lado porque encajan mejor con nosotros que con Europa

Bolivia o Perú, porque allí todavía somos dioses. No, es broma, prefiero la muerte.

Joder tio que nomas os han hecho una pregunta

Ni preguntas ni hostias, con esas cosas no se juega.

Costa Rica

Because It has cloud forests

I'd move to Chile because I have a pathetic skinny mockery of a penis and I want to live in a country that reflects that.

Que no quisiéramos ser ranas es otra cosa retrasado
Que cuando nos fuimos ustedes eran parte de los franceses, patético
Y eso que su rey tuvo la oportunidad de seguir gobernando desde nueva España hasta que recuperarán la península pero no prefirió la siesta
A la otra no tiren el oro en barquitos con los ingleses

> Tfw there will never be a Spanish commonwealth

Spaniards ruin everything anyway.


sorry, we're full.

you need more italians

no thanks, we have enough mafias and corrupt people in general

Pantagonia because I'm half-Welsh.

lo unico que españa tiene en comun con el resto de europa son ataques terroristas

Better food and women. Imports are fucked but I think i'll manage to get my weeaboo stuff and card games somehow


Uruguay or Chile seem the least shit.

Y el nuevo vidio?



The rest is shit

Barbados since it's in the picture :^)

u are gay


Dios que gallego pelotudo jajajajaj

>btfo e influenciados por franchutes
>despojados de sus dominios por indios armados con unos cuantos soldados por lideres
>inmiscuidos en las repercusiones de una guerra civil que nunca realmente pudieron reconciliar a cerca de un siglo de haber ocurrido
>Desempleo Marca Rajoy


Argentina for sure. Not as mixed as Brazil + spanish sounds better than portugal.

lo mejor que hicimos fue dejarlos españolete capaz que ahora éramos Africa 2.0

Sorry perro.

Mexico because it's unironically the best country in the region

My nigga, I was talking to you about black bitches just the other day.

Brazil is too hot for my liking though. I'd go with southern Argentina or southern Chile. Like Ushuaia or Punta Arenas or something.

Rio de Janeiro, my Uncle is well established there, he owns some supermarkets chain, he will give me job :)

we have room for slavs, especially poles

Which one is the most quiet and socially reserved?

Cuba, in the hopes there would be a regime change sometime in the near future. Otherwise Cost Rica.
BONUS: My very last choice is El Salvador.

Conquisten este país de nuevo, te daré a mi hermana para que la embaracés.

No we don't, no wh*te dogs.

slavs aren't wh*te, so we have.

i would live in Ushuaia

>slavs aren't wh*te

Argie, I...

Uruguay, no contest.

If you tell me I also will be filthy rich in any of those countries then I would change to Argentina or Brazil.

Sorry, botijas are cancer. Not welcome.

according to Sup Forums they're not, and you know that everything Sup Forums says is true.

For some reason i find Colombia comfy asf.

Otherwise Chile, Argentina.

Urugay because I can buy velas legally there

>los indios le dieron la independencia a los paises
pff romantiza lo que quieras a los indios inmundos pero ellos siguieron siendo irrelevante incluso despues de las independencias


but you have Canada for that...oh wait

Muh nigga. That place looks so comfy.

Sorry not welcome you either.


chile, argentina

imagine going to work riding an alpaca

I said not welcome here, fuck off.
Though Chile will receive you with open arms, go there please.

t. I decide who can come and who can't.

or chile


Bueno piba, but they are the only exceptions, nobody else. Europeans are banned from coming to these glorious Amerindian lands (except for Poles, who will be allowed in exchange for accepting the amerindian way of life and lore)

Argentina is pretty nice and European, the women are incredible. That being said, their sarcastic, faggy "porteno" accent is so fucking annoying that I never want to go back there. Argentines are fags. I'd pick Uruguay.

Good, because you're not welcome here.
Canada status: banned.

And Argentina is AMERINDIAN. Salu2

Buenos Aires was almost purely Italian with some German people. No Indians aside from some bad parts of town.

Your third on my list anyway.

that french colony that i thought is first world

Fernando VII no nos dío otra opción. Si alguien traicionó a España, fue es maldito Borbón.

>ctrl+f "cayman"
>zero results
y'all are retarded

>blah blah blah purely alian blah suuum garmaahn duh duh people blah

t. you, stupid ass canadian with down syndrome
if you're going to shipost shitpost with facts
liar and canadian, like pottery.

you're even in our list of welcome nationalities, so fuck off.

*you're not even in our list

french faggot

levantaste buen butthurt :v

It's amazing that I'm able to talk to a ghost. After all, Indians were all murdered in Argentina 200 years ago, so you must be a ghost. Hope you find your way to heaven, little guy!

t. evo

>Indians were all murdered in Argentina 200 years ago
check your sources again.

Then how come Argentina is 90% AMERINDIAN? HOW?
Hm? Magic?
Leaf faggot.

t. evo

Brasil. I don't want learn a poorly portuguese derivation

t. evo

venezuela so I can undergo the communist nightmare once again

I'm ok with that.

Colombia (The coffee region)

You're only welcome to come if you're at least 60% Native American, like navajo, apache, lakota, cherokee, etc.
If not, erase Arg. from your list.

Panama. Probably the best place to work as an American

Or Tijuana, Mexico to work in San Diego

>(The coffee region)
patrician choice

I'd go to Uruguay so I can be high off my ass all day without any trouble.

No clue desu. I would live way down south close to Tierra del Fuego, you wouldn't notice one non-indian.
Yeah, the Paisa region looks like heaven.

>That being said, their sarcastic, faggy "porteno" accent is so fucking annoying that I never want to go back there. Argentines are fags. I'd pick Uruguay.
Kek. Uruguayans talk like that too

Yeah I noticed that as soon as I posted it. I'm pretty sure Chileans don't have that accent, so I'd switch to Chile. Went there once and it looked pretty nice.

not at all. He's talking about Buenos Aires accent and our accent is really different.
I live in a town 60km across river from Buenos Aires and the differences on our accent are really obvious and noticeable

I know what you mean, but your accent is similar. Both your and BA's accents are very different to the rest of South America's accents.

LMAO chileans have the worst accent in all the hispanic world.
They cute tho. I love Chile.
Oh well, i don't know. I have an uruguayan friend that speaks like the stereotypical argentinian, just not as obnoxious

Chileans don't even speak spanish bro


Mexico - it's developing and even if civil war breaks out it will always be safe somewhere

if "living" means I am still allowed to ravel elsewhere I will choose Brazil for earning money in Sao Paolo

Costa Rica, I'm already from here kek
>t. pais con commies como Podemos
Ya acepta que tu imperio desaparecio pendejo.
Fuck off evo