Be american

>be american
>go to the library
>get shot

That's what you get when the country has retarded gun laws.

Pew pew happy day

Thats what you get when the country has a rotten society

(((They))) don't want us to get woke

pew pew you tooo

poo arse willy wank bum

who tho

welcome to the us enjoy your stay

nuke nuke happy day to u too

Just swim, this system still nonsense

Thanks for the consideration about the (you)


That's what you get when you get a rotten society and give them easy access to guns


It has been considered.

>be american
>be a retarded fucking psycho
>easy access to guns
>kill people
>be american
>be a retarded fucking psycho
>easy access to guns
>kill people
>be american
>be a retarded fucking psycho
>easy access to guns
>kill people
nah it's fine let's leave everything the way it is

that's what happens when you have mexican cartel crime in your state

your country has mad max tier neighborhoods and prisons

if there is such a thing as an untermensche it would be your countrymen



Reading is banned under the MAGA initiative.

ded thread
ded general
ded board
ded website

the comic book companies
read my boy's farenheit 451

Still no news about who the shooter was?

Bought a gun a few days ago

guns are fun

Pew Pew

i want to be like a movie hero
i want to buy a gun
it will be good for me and the people around me just like in the action movies