His people dont eat raw fishes

>his people dont eat raw fishes

I don't even eat cooked fish
My stomach cant take it

'I sent a message to the fish:
>I told them "This is what I wish."
>The little fishes of the sea,
>They sent an answer back to me.
>The little fishes' answer was
>"We cannot do it, Sir, because —"'


haven't read "through the looking glass" as a child?

I'm illiterate


fish is gross desu

Its a plural form of a fish

>he doesn't eat ceviche

I can't friend
My stomach hurts a lot :(
And I love the taste but if I try it, I will definitely spend the rest of the day in the toilet

And deers is a plural form of deer

Fishes is only used by Scientists to differentiate between different types/species of fish.
For most contexts, this one included, "Fish" is the correct and accepted plural form.

You gook chink i know better i am an english teacher

We eat that and rotten fish :-)


gotta salt that shit.

Not everyone with Korean and Japanese flag are English teacher.

For all I know, you're Korean and I'm Japanese. When we fight on Sup Forums it reflect what real Korean and Japanese think of each other.

watashiwa seppuku daisukidayo


>not eating fermented fish
>not eating fish in any way possible
and ultimately


Fuck off
Tax haven chink

Japs vs gooks thing is old and lame as fuck
whoever does that is a faggot sub human trash

But we're smarter than you.

Have never seen anyone saying that being actually smarter than anyone

t. Shit PISA that is anything other than no. 1

>Then someone came to me and said
>"The little fishes are in bed."
>I said to him, I said it plain,
>"Then you must wake them up again."

pic related, it is the first pic for fishbed for some reason

btw, that's mean, we didn't call your aircraft names >