Which countries? What the fuck yuropoors explain this

Which countries? What the fuck yuropoors explain this.

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A true hero will act heroically in the shadows and not seek recognition

Whoever these countries are, god bless them and god save these poor refugee souls

Good, hopefully they can help those in need.

it means 4 leaders of european countries agree on a policy to grant asylum to 'vulnerable migrants' who apply while in africa

>Aussie bumflustered that he can't apply for asylum

t. happy merchant

Honest to god I'm just happy my ancestors were scum poor folk and got sent to Australia away from this shit.

I'm sure our faggot president is part of them.

Probably the Visegrád countries, those assholes are flooding Europe with their dumb open-border policy.

I wonder who

Sweden, Germany and who else?


Belgium and Austria are my guesses

Source or it didn't happen.

penis penis penis

>The leaders of France, Germany, Italy and Spain have agreed on a new policy to grant asylum to vulnerable migrants who apply for protection while in Africa instead of their destination countries.

>In a joint statement released after a meeting in Paris, the four leaders acknowledged a need for initiating in Chad and Niger the process of resettling in Europe “particularly vulnerable migrants.”

>They announced they plan to carry out “protection missions” in the African nations in cooperation with the United Nations’ refugee and migration agencies.

>The process would allow migrants to immigrant legally to Europe if they are on an eligibility list provided by the UN refugee agency and registered with authorities in Niger and Chad.


Guess the fourth

The uk

When is our turn? :3

To for people in these European countries to make a war against the state. On the other hand the parliaments might so no, so maybe no war will be needed.

I'll give you 1000 guesses

Time for*
might say no*

ur dumb

definitely this
those V4 libtard progressives really tick me off

Please someone kill this country already.


>Guess the fourth

It is Spain


always nice to have more niggers


> Chad and Niger
> Europe is cucked by CHAD
Why does Chad always win? REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

How are you all missing the purpose of this?
>migrants who apply for protection while in Africa instead of their destination countries
It's a way to turn down asylum claims before they even get on the boat in the first place.

>those who get granted asylum get a direct flight
>the denied then still try it per boat
Great plan.

Newfags can't into triforce

>the virgin yuropoor vs. the chad refugee

He sure does love licking merkel's unwashed hairy arsehole