
You step out your Cryopod and wake up in Birmingham edition

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thought this was manny for a second

first for trannies in /brit/


trannies are mentally ill and so are people who find them attractive

>grandparents own 3 homes, and a detached 5 bedroom for themselves despite only living with the two of them and a dog


despise boomers desu

looks fucking awful. stop posting

*coming in through the open window from the terrace*

My dear Vivian, don't coop yourself up all day in the library. It is a perfectly lovely afternoon. The air is exquisite. There is a mist upon the woods, like the purple bloom upon a plum. Let us go and lie on the grass and smoke cigarettes and enjoy Nature.

kero kero


nice lad

fash wave


there is unironically more enviornmentally protected green space in cities than in greenbelts.

greenbelts are just industrially intensive farmland. cities have massive parks and playing fields and little wooded areas and conservation areas..

haha what the fuck is a green belt
like who needs that
just build some more houses haha


surely you'll be getting a piece of that, no? you should be happy. i'm going to inherit fuck all

Council housing creates violent underclass. You don't want that

>cut through burger
>weird mucus like liquid pours out


Britain has 600,000 empty houses

no you

had cums like this for a month when i was 19.

before and after that month i had weak dribbling cums.

the only difference i remember from the month was going to bed at 5 in the morning. and i tried jelqing.

peng as fuck


Can see why tbqh

The person I hate most is the trannyposter

Quite strange knowing they are literally mentally ill and have serious problems

looks more like London honeypie :) x

Greater London is here.

just work harder son! When I was your age, I left school with only 1 O level, I walked in to an investment bank, looked the manager in the eyes and gave him a firm handshake and got a job the same day!

If I did it, you can too, now stop complaining, our generation built this country!

Love nature me
Nothing more natural than man-made farmland now is there?

Enjoy Nature! I am glad to say that I have entirely lost that faculty. People tell us that Art makes us love Nature more than we loved her before; that it reveals her secrets to us; and that after a careful study of Corot and Constable we see things in her that had escaped our observation. My own experience is that the more we study Art, the less we care for Nature. What Art really reveals to us is Nature's lack of design, her curious crudities, her extraordinary monotony, her absolutely unfinished condition. Nature has good intentions, of course, but, as Aristotle once said, she cannot carry them out. When I look at a landscape I value more our spirited protest, our gallant attempt to teach Nature her proper place. As for the infinite variety of Nature, that is a pure myth. It is not to be found in Nature herself. It resides in the imagination, or fancy, or cultivated blindness of the man who looks at her.

any SocDem man in

conspiracy theory: mcgregor got paid by the jews to throw the fight and act like a total bitch about it to make white people look bad

>dude we don't need farms, lets just import all our food from the USA!

wonder how i'd feel if she cummed on me.

bar on top of that is peng

no mate, pretty much everything is going to my mongy little drug addict cousin because they used to look after him


could well be a cyst mate

no bueno

>trees are less natural because a human planted them

>This is the way the World is heading, living like caged rats and eating Soylent Green. Too many people now, the human race is spreading like a weed, nature however will do something about it soon to redress the balance.

Well, you need not look at the landscape. You can lie on the grass and smoke and talk.

would unironically prefer yank style suburbs, our housing crisis is countrywide, theirs is only in manhattan and silicon valley

>british meat industry

british meat is terrible

socdems forever

But Nature is so uncomfortable. Grass is hard and lumpy and damp, and full of dreadful black insects. Why, even Morris's poorest workman could make you a more comfortable seat than the whole of Nature can. Nature pales before the furniture of 'the street which from Oxford has borrowed its name,' as the poet you love so much once vilely phrased it. I don't complain. If Nature had been comfortable, mankind would never have invented architecture, and I prefer houses to the open air. In a house we all feel of the proper proportions. Everything is subordinated to us, fashioned for our use and our pleasure. Egotism itself, which is so necessary to a proper sense of human dignity, is entirely the result of indoor life. Out of doors one becomes abstract and unfocused and in the park here, I always feel that I am no more to her than the cattle that browse on the slope, or the burdock that blooms in the ditch. Nothing is more evident than that Nature hates Mind. Thinking is the most unhealthy thing in the world, and people die of it just as they die of any other disease. Fortunately, in England at any rate, thought is not catching. Our splendid physique as a people is entirely due to our national stupidity. I only hope we shall be able to keep this great historic bulwark of our happiness for In any years to come; but I am afraid that we are. beginning to be overeducated; at least everybody who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching — that is really what our enthusiasm for education has come to. In the meantime, you had better go back to your wearisome uncomfortable Nature, and leave me to correct my proofs.

what reason do you have to believe this? i googled "Council housing creates violent underclass." and recieved stories that said /housing shortages/ create an underclass, which is concentrated in council housing

got swilled in the club last night

people should stop eating meat anyway, it's inefficient and unethical

>vast quantities land used for growing a single species of plant where any animals or plants considered to be pests are systematically destroyed through killing animals but also through pesticides

Yes I am a celt
No I will not apologise for being a cel

Council housing creates violent underclass

if we had dense housing we could have more farms

*unzips trousers*

say that again?

if you want something surreal just go to edinburgh

city, city, city then you hit arthur's seat and it just fucking stops dead.

i want to live in a comfy teeny apartment where i can reach everything from my bed

doesnt aussie have yank style suburbs?

Any piano lads in?

Started trying to learn last week. Can't read music for the life of me though.

I did a recording. I make lots of mistakes though.

How long until I'm good enough to get a gf?


Rorke would rather save a tree than the lives of starving war refugees

>post a single halftime slag in Sup Forums and get a ban within minutes
>tranny spam goes on for a thread without interference

>british "farming" industry

ah yes, the dairy farmers who go on strike every 2 days, ah yes the fruit farmers who employ third worlders so they can carry on driving BMWs

ah yes lets protect them


looks nice. certainly more visually pleasing than commie blocks and acid attack victims

should build some hong kong density towers on it

imprison all the poor people and I'll bet you'll see crime drop pretty damn sharpish


if vivian is your real name you should get it changed

yfw he sells them all for a shitload of crack

seems ok for a weeks worth of learning

no it isn't.

guys it is 1am and i am verydrunk but idk what to do pls give suggestionss

i wonder if TVNZ would hire me

i was there 2 days ago
it wasnt that surreal lol

did you mean to type this into google?

commuter trains are communist

yes, but i like to think ours have more parks

Unironically going to be having sex with 2 different girls today


minecraft lad is redpilled af

go to the cabaret and snog a drag queen

You don't need to be able to read music

drink some water la don't want a nasty hangover x

>tfw I just got cucked into work for the dole and have to work 20 hours a week for an extra $20 neetbux

Unironically going to be bummed by 4 different lads today


yanks can't do a good park. their parks usually don't have wilderness areas and are usually not well insulated from the roads around them.

more tarmac and housing for reprobates is much more natural.
council blocks are like the Serengeti
I feel such power and enrichment flowing through me as I see these majestic New Britons in their natural environment


moving into a 1DK myself in a bit

China don't have a housing problem, this is because the party works hard for the people, they only have the people's best interests at heart.

I bet you'd struggle to find a tory MP who doesn't own investment property tbqh

>Three (stylized as +HR=E)

curious if and are the same person

that's a good thing

well done

i once slept with a lad in the evening and then with a different one the morning after, but ive never done two in the same day

they tried to get me into 'work for your benefits'

luckily got a job when they started being more pressing with it.

unironically going to shag my hand today

>the English



but if ABC are hiring they're good too.

kinda gay desu lad

trees >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third world rapist filth

why are yanks so racist and antiimmigrant when the dont even have a population problem
