be american

> be american
> pronounce adidas as adeeedas
> nike as nikey
> porshe as porch
> bmw as bee em double-u

Are their heads filled with burgers?

>Putting the veggies UNDER the the meat patty

why do americans do this

'caus they're fat and stupid

>> bmw as bee em double-u

Oh come on give us a break

>porshe as porch
wait is this true?

No, it's called a Beemer

>be American
>pronounce it all this way
I'm not too dumb am I?

of course not, pronounce it as you will. language is not a prescribed simple system, it's free-flowing (on many paths) and complex

yeah teach me how to pronounce shit in english, faggot

because we're fat and stupid

>no cheese

>> pronounce adidas as adeeedas
not correct???

No cheese = Koscher

It is Nikey.

but nike is an american company

No, people say porsh.

Cody, can you go take Maygahn's Hoonday and pick up some aigs and Gram Crackers from the Walmart? Oh and remember to check your meer, sweetie x

phwoar, 'Arry, ye fixin to pick me up an umbreller from Tesco? Nor? Yer not? Well fok off then ye cont.

We say "hunday" which is much closer to the korean pronunciation than the abomination brits settled on.

this actually sounds sexy and reminds me of the war of the worlds (the book), common people in that book would always speak like that

Nike was founded in America and named after the greek goddess of victory, nike pronounced /naJki/

europe has more population than america
greek goddess is greek i.e european
europe is geographically larger than murica
do I have to say that literally all europeans pronounce it as bike with an n?

dont care

How do you pronounce adidas?

Also I say it as nikey
Sounds retarded the other way

>Meat patty at the very top

What the fuck man

the third vowel is stressed, not the second (it also shouldn't be read as in "speech" or "me")
do people in your country pronounce nike as nikey too?

this was you can taste all the different vegetables put into

>fixin to

This is hillbilly speak, you can't even parody our language without using Americanisms you burger-addled yaff

>be Russian
>Pronounce "purgatory" as "oбpaз жизни"

poshutil :)

>be nigger
>pronounce everything as 'ooga booga'


Boт тyт я oбocpaлcя


I thought it was supposed to be a joke