Be American

>be American



What does this mean? American mom leave their kids alone?


The baby is opening its mouth because it is about to get some chewing gum. The people of Singapore don't understand this ritual of freedom.

I kind of hate you. But nice job, apt joke.

>He doesn't get it
I'll let you figure it out.

Baby boys are sent for circumcision.


no room for hatred on Sup Forums my friend

Americans tie their babies down and scalp their penis with a knife

>immediately after being born their bodies are mutilated
This is fucked up, I bet this is why Americans are mentally retarded

seriously, until i came to Sup Forums i thought only muslimes and jews got cut. >americans

I once thought Americans were white.

a-at least they are better than spartans right?

savage af

i knew this before coming to Sup Forums

It's because of Jewish influence on the US healthcare system (financial and otherwise), circumcision began to be promoted during WWII, starting with military, and then filtering out into the civilian establishment. Jewish immigrants to the US feared a repeat of history (in which Nazi's often identified Jews by pulling down their pants to see if they were circumcised).

I do not know what you mean.

I understood that you are collecting photos of child abuse.


>that red pill


>that belly

lol fucking retards

yeah sure we see

*wh*Te American

kys fucking jew. you copied our circumcising culture.


This is bullshit.
The reason why the Amerifats are mutilated, is Christian Extremism. It prevents masturbation (at least they think it does).
I don't need to explain to you that the most retarded kinds of religious schizms were born in the USA.