
>it's stupid music

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Icelandic is the least Germanic sounding Germanic language imo.

the singer is exactly how i imagine average polish posters wtf, poles is nordic confirmed?

>Icelandic is the least Germanic sounding Germanic language imo.

>ameriblob with no brain

Is this what passes for street cred in Iceland?

the guy with the shaved head?
having a shaved head is in rn

Venezuelan troops advancing into conlombian territoty right now

Looks like a Neanderthal

china should really just buy iceland outright

I have no idea who this Chase guy is but the other guy is the son of a successful handball player
This would pass for street cred

What's the song about?

spread this pls

>Kókaín & Kavíar
Haha vad är det för fel på er musik

Is this shit real? I thought Colombians had a real fucking army

about being young and doing what you want

>Haha vad är det för fel på er musik
one of my lads has done speed in the bathroom of a club with one of them desu

Why does he have a Zika head though?

its more about his round facial shape though

Och detta ska vara något bra?


A guy locked in a dark room? That could be his bathroom for all we know. Geebus this is even worse, and the guys singing among flowers and in their mom's living room wasn't exactly a high point.

Ég veit ekki sænska anime mellan þín túlkaðu þetta eins og þú vilt

If it makes you feel better the shitty new taylor swift song is at the top of Australian spotify right now

why don't venezuelans pronounce s's at the ends of words agaregathejeasdfafdsargaerger

Jag tänkte mer om drogerna, är det något "coolt" i er vardag?
Finns det inte annat ni sjunger om?

What about this guy?
He's a legit coke dealer

It's months old. Just a textbook border provocation.

music sucks


Looks like some goofy American college kid selling weed, wtf? He looks like he'd get mugged and beaten for sure in some of the places I've bought coke in and I'm a fucking pussy.

thx bro, I was actually buying that for a sec

Nja inte direkt, breva fler genres av Isländska musik

That's because mexicans are savages that can't conduct business without trying to kill each other

You racist, invade them already

Duh, that's how you get street cred, what do you think I'm talking about fool?

I'm not racist, what the fuck you talking about?

literal gypsy music on mine, checkmate

>#1 song
>it's degeneracy
Nothing's new.

Comprende mendes

That's got street cred alright, it's a warning not to snitch

kek, a warning not to cheat your homies, haven't seen that in a while

It weirds me out how pretty much everyone in the world is the same.

It is the biggest immigrant group here in Norway, so yes, I guess

Dont have school unti 13:15 ahhaha

you can thank america's prime export, nigger culture, for that, we fought off communism and ended up being subverted by the real high seat of marxism in the world, Washington D.C.

Iceland is Celtic

This is no where near as bad as I was hoping for.

Fug, same.

Top 4 songs are icelandic
Taylor swift look what you made me do is at #32


Hmmm and who's to blame?

J*ws and Angl*s

Sounds and looks like all the trash trending here. Stupid people music.



Thoughts on this

why did pol get mad about this? its just a song about anal sex and it only shows white people

Hello Jew

mhm good point

what the fuck are these songs?