WTF I hate Chile now!

WTF I hate Chile now!

Litterally ever South American country is a shtihole.

Wtf I love chile now

Chile:The New Nazis

Brazil is like this too. Except here there is not even a debate if we're white or mixed country, everyone just considers Brazil a white country and that's it, trying to argue just results into a lot of cherrypicking and defensive arguments.

yeah, but are you Nazis too?

Yes, we even do rituals and sacrifices for the Führer.

what kind of shitty propaganda is this
we never saw ourselves as white lmao
is this gommie propaganda?

Your the one that has some explaining to do you fucking Nazi!

>we never saw ourselves as white lmao

>is this gommie propaganda?
of course not

you dont have to be a commie to realise there's mostly european fenotipe in our media. lets be realistic

el peruANO

So the Europeans are accusing the Chilieans of being Nazis? What a weird time we live in

Communist Brazilian government arrested some of our brothers. Help free them.

but the pic doesn't talk about the media, it talks about """"what people think"""

>Shitty youtube documentals from commie faggot
>Muh need mapuches how models REEEEEE

We saw our like mestizos of all the colors but black (Fucking congolombians and haitiANOs , bringing dirty and narco shit)

there are neonazis and whites in chile, it does mean both groups are the same. you dont need to be white to racist

0n still salty I see

Gas the kikes

About what?

All Latin American countries are like this

speak for yourself

>"Yo soy blanco."
>someone points out white privilege or atrocities committed by white people
>"No soy blanco."

sneaky Latinos

>someone points out white privilege or atrocities committed by white people
>implying anyone but stupid americans care about this

>would you racemix with a colombian girl

dale postea los mapitas ceron jaksjkasjksajkas

Origin for that pic?


>I am a White

have you ever seen the "would you racemix with a colombian girl threads"?
this is who you're replying to

This guy is literally brown Chris-chan. I've seen his posts before, but I don't have any screenshots saved.

He is a highly intelligent individual

Don't worry once genetic engineering comes into play they can all be white.

That's not me

tell me about this man

el de esos threads es el selfhater paisa

The fact that there's no history education in Colombia doesn't mean anything
I mean your fellow Colombians spend their days here telling us all how white and Spanish you are

he is a supreme gentleman

I have an aunt from Argentina and she 100% is the Sup Forums stereotype. Like she mention how white she is etc. She's light skinned but ultimately she is still a Latino and thats just life.

>muh White

it's funny I used to get bullied in my wog primary school for being white

you are very cultured


> 2 posts with a 15 second difference
> he thinks we're the same person
Are you new, by chance?

how am I supposed to know which one of you is 0n you idiot
that's why I quoted you both
anyway you could be the same person autistically using 2 devices

el koreano es el mismo proxy que armó un hilo ayer sobre chile. Si querí te gastai y le buscai las imagenes en desu

None of us is 0n, he barely even posts here, you're all just obsessed with the guy, i don't why you all suddenly started spamming his pictures again

>tfw abroad in Central/South America and basically have to semi-flash my status just enough so I don't get seen as a darker local or Black and not to appear cocky and robbery bait

t. Big Zero

Funny how it's the same thing the other way around. There is more than 1 chilean here

What the fuck are you talking about? I know that there are multiple chileans in here, just like there are multiple argies, or mexicans here, even uruguayans, you're the ones who pretend that every colombian flag is 0n

I meant that I'm not the guy who spammed the 0n pics
Are you mentally handicapped?

Only you would care to deny that you are 0n. There's a couple other tell signs but those we keep to ourselves, so you won't change your tactics 0n

Every Colombian flag is autistic, stop being autistic

And who the fuck said you specifically did, i was talking about chileans in general

You're more autistic just for the fact that you saved the pictures of that bald guy

So you mentioned me and not him or the other one, or all of us?

God, i just said chileans in general, it's not my problem if there's one specific chilean that doesn't post images of that guy

>i don't why you all suddenly started spamming his pictures again
"you means chileans in general"

This is so weird, some south american mix can look like 100% SEAsian.

Can we stop arguing about this stupid shit?

do you like ecuadorians tho?

We always come in packs of three, and always with a very specific task to perform, so not all of us post your image, but we are part of the same pack of 3 so, even tho we don't all post your pic, it's kind of like we all did, so when you talk about one of us you talk about all of us



WTF Chilel, just accept your brown genes like us.

Good thing there are 0-2 Ecuadorians so confusion is avoided
Hey there
