Would you fight to defend Poland from EU opression?

Would you fight to defend Poland from EU opression?

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courts must be independent, sry eu is right

can't wait for Poolandout

europe must be independent, go home yankee

Hahaha, Poland is the EU's bitch, without them Poland would be Ukraine and Russia tier

>Lashing out against EU for sanctions they themselves want to trigger

Why would you make such a shoop?

Polexit when?

*without them Poland would be Russia

>polish gubmint trying to turn poland into totalitarian shithole

I watch and listen to the government media, and they keep reinforcing this mindset amongst the less EU-friendly populace that we should stay in EU to keep it from straying away from christian morality.
They even go as far as to claim that eventual sanctions won't be 'actual sanctions', as it would be simply EU trying to make a PR spin on having less money to go around.

>sanctions threat
>do as you're told or else
le yurpen union

Can you bring up that polish screaming "fuck off oppressor"?

here you go

This one?

t. Poland of East Asia.

to late looser as always

Why won't the Germans just leave us alone? All we want is to live in peace and grow apples. Why do they keep trying to destroy us?

I forgot I had placed that one in my Sup Forums folder while pic related was in my main one.
That cost me 30 seconds.

Why does everyone forget a lot of this shit show started with PO and not PiS?


>Kraut speaks of horses in WW2's invasion of Poland

t. diaspoRAK.

wut? you joined an organization (EU), that has certain rules for its members, one of them beeing separation of power.
If one of the member states acts against the rules, EU is forced to react.

Explain how is separation of power endangered in any way.

>t. diaspoRAK
I'm not it just seems like everyone on Sup Forums pretends one party is behind all of this.


If executive power nominates and fires judges at will, then the spearation between those two branches of government is gone

Yes, PO introduces a shitton of pathologies aimed at prolonging their stay in power. However, PiS not only did nothing to relieve this illness, but basically used it as a framework for their own power gain.
And the worst thing is that their retard-in-chief has NO idea what kind of country he wants to build, so his entire effort is spent on unending power struggle.

Because PO didn't completely fuck up the constitutial Tribunal, because PO is not in power anymore, and because PiS was suppossed to fix it, not erdogan it up.


>what kind of country he wants to build
>he wants to build
You're giving him too much credit desu

yes because i speak polish

;eehthewopwej eiohaeohtuezzjojaeuhe ioetabzkkaazeoiyz

too few consonants kurwa

why do you poles agree with this? dont you like independant courts where the judge cant be a buddy of your suer?

>dont you like independant courts where the judge cant be a buddy of your suer?
this is literally the reason we want to reform the courts and get rid of commie agent criminal judges

>defending other countries

We don't even defend our country

yes because i speak polish

We don't really agree I don't think. I haven't seen mass protests like this in the 10 years I remember watching the news.
Although a lot of people don't care still because they don't understand how it could affect them.

>commie agent

you have issues, communism is gone, you are trying to reintroduce it with a different color, shame on you

The communists themselves are still alive and in influential positions.

PiS has legitimate commie judges and prosecutors in their midst who used to prosecute and sentence people for anti-commie activities back in the day.
Retards like the one you're responding to don't care.

Using horses in logistics and charging a tank is something else

Poles never charged tanks with horses.

Lol. Don't you remember the wild action under that cross after Smolensk accident? Don't tell me you don't think these protests aren't somehow also organized by paid shills.

das rite
Yes, PiS does use government resources to bus people for spontaneous rallies for the Party, but what would you expect from commies

Sanctions here mean "less gibs".

No such thing as gibs. The gibs end up benefiting the contributor more. Time for this lie to end.


any nation responsible for this track is a friend of mine



It's the problem of the whole region. All the Eastern Europe and Balkans are naturally inclined to authoritarian rightist rule: Putin, Erdogan and Lukashenko are great examples and Hungary and Poland are happily heading this way. Wtf is wrong with us all?

Having been to Poland fuck the cunts

They can leave whenever they want if they are oppressed.

But they won't because they like leeching funds as much as we do taxes

No democratic tradition

When you look at Brexit, you can see that leaving voluntarily is a massive mess that drags on and on and involves a lot of difficult negotiations.
It's easier to just stay in the union and simply keep saying no to Brussels globalist elites, it will take years by the time their bureaucracy makes any effective actions, and by that time everyone most likely will forget about this whole situation anyways.

It's the natural state of human affairs since the dawn of civilization that resonates perfectly with the human condition.

Fascism, nazism, modern imperialism and colonialism, all sprang out of western europe though. Their rightist movements

movements and parties were just as authoritarian. Some still are, just not popular.

Probably being stepped on for the last century or so.
Plus, your people who could set the country straight were murdered by bolsheviks and the nkvd, our people were murdered by nazis and then nkvd with help from local commies, and now we have the dictature of bydlo.
And bydlo always survives cleansings because that's the way it's been around here.

nice projection

>War on Syria
Kek, Brussels don't read the news? ISIS has been defeated. Syria won the war. Trump cut the funds for the Arab insurgents.
Refugees from what war?

Ως ΕλληνοΠολωνος, παιρνω θεση οτι η ΕΕ εχει το διkαιο με το μερος της εδω.

Jako HellinoPolak, biore pozyczje ze UE ma prawo ze sobą na ten temat.

I want to learn polish
can anyone help me out please
my great grandfather came from Gliwice but hes dead
please help

>all that schulz-verhofstad shitposting under proxies
Cmon guys

Even if PO was responsible for a part of the problem.. What kind of argument is that? PiS is in power. All blame goes their direction now. Hope they all end up in prison.

From opresion? Sure. Right now though no one opress us more then our own government. EU is trying to help. I'm not sure if they a re doing the best job but they are trying.

How does it feel to be a dying breed in "your" own country?

>dying breed
What do You mean by that?

My father who died last year did time for bullshit leaflets and he always hated commies and Kaczynski.
Kaczynski was sleeping in mum's basement with his cat back then.
Ziobro's father was a rich commie who served other rich commies in an exclusive resort he was running back then.
Piotrowicz was, eh whatever.
So you can stick your retard "rap" up your ass in between cleaning toilets after Jamals in "your" country.


You know what.
>he always hated commies and Kaczynski.
He's good in my book as long as he hated all kinds of socialists and traitors, especially PO, .N, KOD or whatever.
>Kaczynski was sleeping in mum's basement with his cat back then.
>Ziobro's father was a rich commie who served other rich commies in an exclusive resort he was running back then.
Yeah, I've know there are few commies in PiS, the Round Table agreement is still sadly a reality.
>So you can stick your retard "rap"
Basti is not really for PiS either, but they are they are a lesser evil than PO for sure.

What fucking oppression? They signed up for this. You can't take billions upon billions of euros in developmental aid and then say you're being oppressed when you're expected to follow the rules. You can't have the cake and eat it at the same time.

>barely any z, y, k, r or w

that not real Polish

This desu, EU is ruled by a bunch of faggots with strange ideas but it is a cozy union to be in.
More countries just need to be like Hungary and ignore them.


Eastern Europe is so fucking ungrateful. 2004 enlargement was a mistake.

Finland is Eastern European

No, Finland is Northern European.

It is entirely your fault and Germany should take every single rapefugee that comes to Europe. It was your people who voted in your leader and it was her who fanned the flames of the bureaucratic EU making them even more jewy and migrant loving. Germans are the only cunts I see on here sucking up to migrants and bashing the based poles. All of your ugly moon-faced women deserve to be raped.

you wish, you're Eastern European

no, nooooo

Wtf i hate degenerate Poland now

t. nothing knower bydlo

>calling anyone bydlo
how are drinking culture and suicides going? fin pretending he's better than a polack is laughable at best.

The alcohol problems are so bad that the government runs all the liquor stores.

*in finland



in other nordic countries too as far as I know

Democracy is a historical rarity and in many cases problematic with regards to local culture. It's not only Eastern Europe that has a society at odds with democracy.

he's probably sorta forgetting that in the 30s more of Europe had authoritarian regimes of some sort than not or things like the Holy Alliance that were against concepts like 'self-determination'

it's probably only the Brits who have a decent enough track record overall in that department, and that usually only at home

If Poland wants to keep Christian values and morality, they should leave the EU, because by 2050 the EU is going to be mostly Muslim (serious), unless a miracle happens and the AfD wins next month, but it won't