Really makes the old neurons firing


makes me really sad to be honest

what is happening here?

>1st pic: brave soviet soldier takes german POW
>2nd pic: former German soldier visits Russia and gives money to homeless Soviet war vet

the world really doesn't make sense.

It doesn't



Do Russians not take care of their vets?
I thought that was the one thing Russians actually did right.





They got flats and shit during USSR but now their pensions are minuscule and they just survive on that.
Also there aren't that many actual WW2 vets left now in Russia.

Poor Léon


Literally the best post on Sup Forums for the month of September


Press F to pay respects.

Vocally - yes.
But rarely do they do anything other than stating their limitless respect and loyalty to the vets.
Also, the war ended 72 years ago, the youngest conscript in 1945 was at least 16 years old (lied about the age to get under the 18 mark to pass) which means the youngest veteran is at least 88 years old. Not many people live to 88 years old, especially in Russia.



Thank you for being a cog in the wheel of war, responsible for destroying millions of lives in order to line the pockets and seats of power for the 1%.
He should be fucking ashamed and disgusted in what he was made to do, and burned those uniformed for the suffering they represent.
When they say people don't win wars, what they really mean is that men are the ones who really suffer. But no, even after we put them through hell, they still only gain respect in their uniform, as if society is re-enforcing the worldview that the only value a man has is his utility for others.

Fuck that.


This is fake. In real life the german prisoner would be dead.