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International #791
Do East Asian look down on SEAsian?
How can I cure my white fever?
What the fuck Sweden
Mfw norway has enough surplus cash to pay off the entire greek debt
Post free world food
My half Norwegian baby has won the genetic wlottery
One chance at life
Which ones are the cutest; Swedes, Russians or Estonians?
I can't sleep easy until Catalonia becomes independent!
Slavic Women
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Give me one good reason why you are uninterested in dating women from other countries
/ex/- ottoman
Who are your country's men of the year?
Do you believe in god, Sup Forums?
/Ronnystunde/ ehemals /deutsch/
Daily reminder that the English could literally only beat brown 80 IQ animals
1. Your cunt
/MENA/ ''Aryan women>Semitic women'' edition
What's the difference between Sup Forums and /bant/? They seem like the same board to me...
Your country
Guess my ethnicity
Who are the Sup Forums posters you hate the most?
Ask an Israeli anything
ITT: shit your country does
Ask an American anything
Why do they lack of empathy ?
Kurva anyátok
""""men"""" from other countries have never served in his country's army and don't know how to handle a gun
/ex-ussr/ general
Is real love a meme?
Do people in your country dress like this?
Japanische thread 日 本 語 ス レ ッ ド
Norway more like BOREway
T-V distinction
Can someone tell me what this means?
Sup, anons?
If you have these in your country you're not white
There are countries on this board RIGHT NOW who dont have a triple A credit rating. LMAO
There are people on this board right now living illegally in America
Why do americans use their same hand for the knife and fork?
Ywn be a f*nn ;____;
Spanish, the most Mexican thing ever, is actually a Spanish invention
Hilo latino anticometrabas
Why are Americans such savages?
Tfw I used to like Russia due to the hot chicks but I saw a webm in the rekt thread on /gif/ today where a russian...
Abusive father
I have literally never seen a woman in a burqa irl in my life
Why are east asians soooo smart?
White people thread
Colombia celebrates world's first legal gay polygamous marriage
Nem tudtam hazahozni a helyeskét nem volt elég A L F A a ruhám kiadás
Smart enough to get a degree
His language gives gender to inanimate objects
Explain yourselves britbongs
I mean, Im black and even I can see this is bad news for everyone
/sino/ - 中文
1. your cunt
2 new hurricanes
Is Latin America irrelevant in the world now?
Dog meat is delicious
Post bridges from your country
The best hot dogs i've ever tasted, was in Mexico
Ask a Scotfag anything
/éire/ - /eire/ - /ireland/ - /hibernia/ - /airlan/ - /irland/ - /アイルランド/
/dixie/ - The South and Friends
This is all that stands between America and their neo-imperialist dreams
Doesnt collapse despite at least 30 years of "scholars" and "experts" predicting that it would
How do I get cured of yellow fever?
Muh comfort women
1. Your country
Single racial people
I fixed South America
>be na(t)ive English speaker
>The approximately 800...
This need to be done
Culture Pals /cp/ General
Why are Americans houses made of wood?
Whenever I talk to people from former colonial powers...
Why does Russia gets a bad rap? they did so much for the world:
/carib/: RIP in peace crib v3
Why are wh*tes still allowed to live and breed?
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Söta upplagan
What the fuck is going on?
Thoughts on the British monarchy?
Why are these countries so incredibly shit at colonization? What's wrong with them?
Why are there so many sissy males in the world today? How can we stop it and make our countries more masculine again?
/fr/ le fil des français
Are Native Americans the biggest cucks in history?
He wants to waste his time traveling to argentina
Canada,we are conquering your country 1 loli at a time
How would you kill a Finnshit roach subhuman filth? Would you rape him/her first? Would torture him/her?
I insult other nationalities on Sup Forums to make myself feel better about my insecurities
What did you say to me, p*nk boy?
Tfw no Finnish gf
Is smoking weed socially accepted in your country?
What's the number 1 song in your country?
1.) You're cuntry
What does Sup Forums drive?
/urban/ + /architecture/
To Canadians, British, Irish, Australians, New Zealanders, Jamaicans...
Which nation is the cutest?
Under 183cm too
/ita/ il filo
What do Finns have against this fine, upstanding individual?
Why do you spend your time on Sup Forums, if there are tonns of subreddits...
/v4/ + friends
How to piss off a whole Europe... or at least part of it
Say something bad about them
Why do you like Portugal?
Sverigetråden - Trygga upplagan
Can we all agree on this?
Why are Eastern Europeans so ungrateful?
1. ur cunt
Civil discussion on Sup Forums
/fr/ - le fil de la France et ses possessions
When I visited Spain and Portugal I noticed a lot of African men with iberian gfs...
France literally lost faster than Poland
Be born
If you could have sex with one person on this photo, who would you choose?
Schleswig holstein
Do you think she enjoyed having sex with her father? Makes me all hot just thinking about it
When will Americans get over it? Why can't they stop crying about it? Stop making shitty movies about it
/balk/ - Unification Edition
Why do Finns think of themselves as white?
Why are Polish cities so comfy?
What's the most common last name in your country?
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
How are (Legal) African Immigrants in your country? Are they educated, hard working or do they do crimes, do bad stuff...
Why is Italian so fucking horrendous to listen to?
Is it acceptable to break up with your gf over her partner count?
All the girls present here
What is the greatest military victory in your country's history?
God Bless the EU
Live in Puerto Rico
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Now Kim Jong-un is going to drop some hydrogen bombs on Japan we need to start a project to preserve their culture
The 16th anniversary of one of the most tragic terrorist attacks of all time is next Monday
What the fuck is wrong with Japan?
Tourist asks for directions
ITT: you write one thing you love about your country and one thing you hate about it
Be nice thread
Sup Forums 1890 from to 1914
Why did Spain never manage to conquer Portugal?
/geiles Ferkel/ ehemals /Schwein/ ehemals /deutsch/
Your country
Im a North Korean AMA
Australian Women Thread
Why does the stereotype of "fat and stupid American" exist?
/ita/ il filo
How can one acquire a Turkish gf?
IT salaries in Barcelona (Spain)
Dem white devils be stealin our heritage man, egyptians were blac-
Why are portuguese so S A V A G E?
Americans consider a few buildings covered in advertisements to be a touristic attraction
Gay Vikings?
Were the American 50's the pinnacle of Western civilization?
Only nordics pls
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1903
Hilo latino /lat/
Kurva anyátok
19 years old and virgin
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
This is How Canada Talks
/esp/ hilo español serio historico e imperial
Blond hair on men is the least desired trait according to women all around the world
(newfag here) Why don't I ever see them post?
Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Germany?
How much dangerous for woman to travel to be alone in India
Are they European?
Why did you start learning English?
How strong is the alt right movement in your country?
What are these called in your country?
Do you think China will surpass the US as the first global superpower?
Uk vs NL, who did boats better?
ITT: things that are Spain's fault
Your cunt
/AnF/ America and France
/fr/ - Le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Why are Indian men such creeps?
This is Spain
/deutsch/ intelligenter Joschi - Ausgabe
Why do eurosmalls pretend to have regional identity? You all live within 15 minutes of everyone else in your country lol
What's the country with the best tasting semen?
/ita/ il filo
What are the best places in the world to legally paint graffiti and street art?
We'll push Italy to bankrupt, feels good man
Friendly reminder that most stereotype about French comes from the Celtic niggers know as Bretons
North Korean women
What was the Netherlands like under Nazi occupation?
Objectively speaking, you can't find any better country in the world than Switzerland
The U.S. and Russia held the world hostage for 50 years
Tv is making fun of us again
Who sad here?
I'm a tourist in Japan and I love Japan. Do you love Japan?
Eire éire
Why the fuck are all the Euros so horny every fucking morning?
What is your cunt's best food?
Ywn be manhandled by a swede
East Asian woman vs SEA woman
So we're all in agreement, then? Good
Native Korean here AMA
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
I need a bf
Go to hospital/ER (fever, coughing up blood, etc)
This confuses and enrages the britbong
Ask a white non-Jew/Muslim Israeli anything
How to... get a white grillfriend? They seem overly hostile to us Indian bros
Went to Japan
Fuck a brazillian tranny escort
His country doesn't have a real Egyptian obelisk
Ywn be Swiss or Norwegian
Kurva anyátok
This confuses and angers the American
I want to marry an european, how do I make an european person fall in love with me?
Ha ha, that's so true, user. I'm really glad we went on this date. Oh, hold on on, I gotta take this...
Post the smartest man from your country
/ex-ussr/ general
U.N. Is A Joke
Is that even true though? What about Sun Tzu?
How proud are you about your nationality?
So we pretty much lost the entire Columbia Gorge overnight because some retard kids were playing with fireworks
The face of arrogance
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
/afr/-Africa General
Heritage thread
Culture Pals /cp/ gen45
Anyone else notice a connection between anime posters and homosexuality?
Irma setting up to become the strongest Hurricane on record
Tfw qt bf
/carib/ - RIP in peace crib v2
Hey Americans
Why are Americans on Sup Forums so aggressive and hostile compared to Americans on Sup Forums?
The state of England
/balt/ + /ausnz/
ITT post girls from your country
Why does everyone here hates Haiti?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why didn't anyone tell me Malaysian men were hot?
I love people from all different races and nationalities
Is your country 10,000 years older than the pyramids?
Hello, please say opinion on Iceland and Icelandic Sup Forums posters in this thread
Poland please explain yourself!
Chr*stians unironically think this sandnigger (pic related) is the son of God
The eternal question
Swingers clubs
Why are Gopniks loved all around the world while everyone hates Chavs, Trailer trash and Bogans?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Playing an online game
Don't non-whites ever feel guilt that they are leeching off our country which they had no part in creating...
Which one is the most obnoxious, pretentious, arrogant and easily butthurt? Mexican-Americans or Cuban-Americans ?
Do you love Japan?
Hilo latino
1. Cunt
Brazil is a country of non wh*-
#pray for Bahamas
Your cunt
How religious are you?
I decided to start writing detective stories in English and try to publish them in the UK. Rate this idea
Fuck the anglos, I hate you so much
Please love Finland!
The Cheapest living places
Has this board reduced your desire to live in America?
Which people is the homoest? I'd say the Swedes or the Estonians
Your cunt
Which country pictured here is the most violent hellhole?
ITT:Countries that should get wiped off the map
/fr/ - Le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
/dixie/ - Conway & friends
North Americans speak English and French
Is britain an american colony?
Why do young americans hang British flags on their wall? Why do chinese people wear it on their clothes?
This is Dundee. It is a small city of 150,000 people on the east coast of Scotland which has two universities...
What does Sup Forums drive?
Tfw no European bf
Foreigner asks directions from you
Step into your room see this
Is there a worse country in all of Latin America?
Why are South Americans and people from MENA so obsessed with whiteness and/or being seen as white people, in general...
Ur cunt
Oxford and Cambridge top world university rankings
Sverigetråden - Dödsupplagan
Mods are asleep. Pajeet hate thread
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
I am from Berlin
/balt/ Anime
Time for traditional Finnish snack
/meds/: Mamma mia! edition
How bad is this continent really? Does "worse than eastern Europe, better than africa" accurately describe it...
Why do females make my dick hard?
/v4/ + the lads
I'm flying to Munich next Saturday
1. Your country
Yes I am Italian, and no I don't know how to make a pizza, I don't have relatives in the mafia...
I love Russia
Kurva anyátok
Iran appreciation thread
The definitive manliness map of Europe
1. your country
I am an Aryan AMA
Ur cunt
Go to Lidl
ITT: Post your goddesses
Sverigetråden - Ursvenska upplagan
Beating up muslims
I'm going to be deported in 1 year, AMA
Google has now verified that our history is, in fact, a brazen lie created by the Swedes...
Is your anus pink or brown?
/ita/ - il filo
How corrupt is your cunt...
Rangeban on Turkey is finally lifted
Killed 6 million Jews and got away with it
USA's repeal of DACA
Is true that Spaniards are araboos?
Pay your reparations, Germany
So now that the dust's settled.. What does your country think about brexit? How is it portrayed in the media...
Please be nice with Sweden
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
>be na(t)ive English speaker
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
Be swedish
Be German
/fr/ - le fil (juste le fil)
Does this trigger you ?
Window view thread
Why does the Portuguese language even exist? It's like 90% similar to Spanish already...
This is what London looks like
Why hasn't Balkan cuisine achieved international recognition, in your opinion?
1. Your country
How common is this fag haircut in your cunt?
Your cunt
1. youre a country
Why do americans make their houses from wood? Didn't ever hear of the three little pigs or what?
ITT Monuments your country should probably take down (but won't)
/v4/ + friends
Do you love Japan?
At least your country has a future
What is it like living and growing up in a country with culture and history?
Which one is at least better?
Be Estonian
What do you call this in your country?
Meet European
I wish i was born an american
True stories of meeting foreigners
What ethnicity/country/culture/demographic, generally speaking, have the most attractive people? Both male and female
Be polish couple
Tfw mom brought a cake to celebrate my birthday
Japan is not in the worst 20 now
When an American asks you what is your native language, and you say it's Hungarian, but they're staring blankly at you
This is 58 years old loli
1. You're a flag
Why is japanese so fucking horrendous to listen to ?
One chance at life
British "children" entertainment
What are some Sup Forums memes?
Sverigetråden - Italienskaupplagan
Why do Anglos LARP as Germans while they're in fact Celts ?
Northern Europeans > Japanese/Koreans > Southern Europeans > Eastern Europeans > Indian/Chinese > Arabs > Asians >...
Russians are subhumans
Culture Pals /cp/ general
How Come Trump Does Nothing to N.Korea?
Do you love Finland?
Your cunt
‘Working with people who confuse Austria & Australia is hard’ – Putin on US establishment
Time for a guess the country thread
Why is French so fucking horrendous to listen to?
You must live 1 year in one of them
One shot at life
A Romani family just set up camp in my backyard and started siphoning petrol from my car
In your language
Your race
Vocaroo thread
1. your country
Why are germans so condescending towards black people? APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY!!
Are the people of European powers proud of the age of imperialism?
Is this acceptable in your country?
Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Germany?
1. your cunt
Which language is able to make smart human brain?
Japanese love the cuck fetish (NTR) and beastiality, how come they didn't embrace BLACKED yet?
At least you are not shit*lian
Going to head into the tourist areas of London and punch the first cunt I hear speaking in a yank accent
Why are Italian girls so obsessed with average Swedish men? First Pewdiepie and now this?
Tfw being finn
Why the fuck are there so many posts like
/MENA/ /مينا/
1. You're cunt
I will be refugee soon
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1902
*slowly walks towards you*
Do you hate Sweden?
Japanese women are the prettiest women in East Asia. SK women are second. This cannot be disputed, it is objective fact
Do Japanese like tourists?
Europe should belong only to France and Finland
1. You country
/ITA/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Korea Middle school bully
Colombians, please, stop destroying millions of lives and families around the world, thanks
Tfw 9/11 is coming soon and everyone is going to be making fun of us
/ex-ussr/ general
French rhymes with stench
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why are Redditors so cringy? lol I got 200 downvotes for this
Why are mudslimes in my facebook feed chimping out about the shitskins in Myanmar...
All memes aside, would you immigrate to Canada?
Kurva anyátok
Why do the British make the best music?
What made the wh*Te race so weak?
Planning to go to Paris on December. What should I expect?
Should I vote to let the queers marry?
Shitalians actually thought they could conquer all of this
Your cunt
Americans will defend this
What's your thoughts on the Japanese race?
Popular music from your country
Not dark blue
Huh... Really fires up your neural pathways
Which Asian script is the best?
Is Australia closer to British or American culture?
Post artwork about your countries culture
Very random question, but I recently moved to Spain(andalucia). I live in the middle of fucking nowhere AKA el campo...
/cum'd/ Canada United States Mexico Denmark
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
The New Worlds
The U.S. treated Latin America even worse than the U.S.S.R. treated Eastern Europe
Casual Conversation
/fr/ Le Francofil
Summer's gone
Sup Forums
Post the effects of Italian immigration to your country
Hilo latino
MENA stupid sandniggers who believe in a fairy tail about a camel fucker general
Would you live in estonia?
Would you live in Italy?
Taiwan, China, Korea, Japan
T*rks you will pay for getting some Brazil ISPs rangebanned
Surrender jokes
Germans WILL, WITHOUT FAIL, defend AND explain this
Rus russia
Which country is the biggest threat to the free world?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1900
/ita/ - il filo
Will we ever see a successful first-world African nation?
What is your country's culture popularized in the world?
WTF I love Argentina now
1. You're country
ITT: Best of Sup Forums
Are Romanians Nordic?
Oh wow, it's another episode of a person with white/fair skin claiming to be non-wh*Te
Will a multicultural future be good I'm indifferent to it I don't really care either way if whites become a minority in...
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
1. Your country
/balt/ + (you)
Can I impress a woman with the things I learned from Sup Forums ?
Where are you from?
What is the fucking point of these little gaylord countries?
Post ridiculous medical bills from your cunt
How do you call this game in your country?
Post AIDS cases from your country
Cats of Sup Forums
How can we fix Haiti?
I just fixed South America
I saved this map from Sup Forums but I don't remember what it's for. Does anyone know?
Is Tunisia a European country?
Would you consider an Italian that was raised outside of Italy, Italian?
Be me
Why don't they manage to create an Union?
I want to visit Japan, but I can't afford the flight
Really makes the old neurons firing
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...