white edition
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brits are gay LMAO
how we can do planchit withot using luigi board?
where is the Icelandic poster
how do i find british gf on Sup Forums?
/brit/'s autism is more than likely caused by /brit/ having white mothers who waited until they were in their mid 30s to have children. The older a woman is, the more likely her child is to have a disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorders and Down Syndrome. Not only that, but I am also willing to bet that their mothers did not breastfeed and instead gave them formula or cow's milk. It's also likely that she spent little to no time with them while they were growing up and instead gave them to a nanny. This is why white men are in the pitiful state they are today. It's because their mothers don't want to raise strong, successful white men. They are the fifth column of the Jews and want to destroy white men. They want to turn them into feminine "men" to help them destroy the western way of life.
I turned my proxy off
permabanned for nonce
used to hate democracy and want government by social democratic styled technocrats
after reading non-socdem economists decrying the disadvantages of democracy and how the stupid uneducated voters just don't know what's best for them like their benevolent new neoclassical synthesis overlords, i think i'm slowly being brought back into the democratic fold. The populace must be manipulated, not dictated.
dentist at 11am, do I stay up all night watching The Pacific and play the luigi board after, then pick up my precription at 9 and get high or sleep for 5 hours?
mum was 40
honestly having a ponder whether that has anything to do with my otherworldly assburgers
Congrats on the new baby Britain!
Recently got into Strasserism. Real National Socialism is great
anyone remember the cuckio meme
>The populace must be manipulated, not dictated.
the population needs to be educated and uplifted
national socialism and then a thaw, led by a visionary man that equips the country to maintain his ideals
the answer is heavy restriction on franchisement
How's my get rich quick scheme lads?
>buy tulips in bulk
>sell at farmers and say they are organic vegan fed bulbs imported from africa to raise money for the homeless veterans
i'm enjoying the death of SJW leftism lads
trump saved us from their imperial dogma
get a job
>Sup Forums
wake up kid
Mine was in her late 30's. Women should be forcibly sterilized at 16.
But tumblr is too hard to use
Im on disability benefit for schizophrenia, aspergers and denationalisation. lost my job for psychotic outbreak
wtf I did NOT write that
you're probably not getting enough water and exercise
get well soon x
It's late, lads.
I hope you're all comfy, but I'm off to sleep.
got an e-gf on another imageboard so you wouldn't know her
L4>>> /brit/ female friend @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I drink 2l a day, I'm also a powerlifter. Schizophrenia can't be cured with meme self-help
Just got in bed too :3
Might do a little reading before turning off the lights
>I have schizophrenia
You mentioned getting high. Do you still smoke weed despite your schizophrenia? Are you that stupid?
think tim was watching waynes world today
fuck off tool
Lifes nothing but a larping
Schizophrenia does not exist and doctors that try to get you diagnosed with it only want to do it for money by getting you addicted to big pharma's fat cock.
Stop visiting psychologists or psychiatrists. They're nothing but crooks and flim-flam mans.
how heavy do the voices tell you to lift?
any rich piana man in?
I didn't mean abusing. I mean my prescriptions get me high when I take them.
I don't smoke weed or take illegal drugs.
Unironically had voices calling me a pussy when I failed to do 20 pull-ups
why does he posts cara in /lat/
>I don't smoke weed or take illegal drugs.
So the voices I hear, the delusions I have and the hallucinations I see aren't a mental-illness.
insightful. hope you get schizophrenia, it isn't a meme illness. I've been applying for assisted suicide in Switzerland
Stop taking prescription drugs it's bad for you
are you in England, Scotland, n.i.? must be nice
ti's started raining lads, very hard too
*takes benzo*
You have a weak mind. You should do more tai chi to strengthen it.
Stop talking to psychiatrists because they're evil and greedy.
dumb frogposter
Don't need to. I get the finest pharms for free. Valium, temazepam, ambien, lyrica...
I'd go insane
Scotland. Not really but getting 700 odd quid a month is okay I guess.
I have 7k in my bank
Is Tim a schizo
>I'd go insane
stop being weak then and do tai chi.
you've got it made. I hope things turn out well for you
You're retarded.
I do tantric meditation and practice yoga and mindfulness.
Nothing but psychiatric drugs will stop the hallucinations. I have over-active dopamine. Tai-chi isn't going to stop the voices you moron
Cheers mate same to you
>I have 7k in my bank
don't they cut you off if you have over 6k savings?
whoa mate really jealous of that one
Maybe see a priest if tai chi doesn't work then or burn some sage.
Not that I know off.
It's my fav 2bh, really good for depression and anxiety
Lol. I go to church every sunday. Priests are pagan cunts
my mum was like 23 when I was born and a stay at home mum
I just finished setting up my rig. Got 2 a smoking hot pentium 120 with 2, yes you saw that right, diamond monster 3d2 cards with 8 megs of fast EDO ram each. Whats the best coin to mine with this beast?
maybe if women would stop being shit at politics
it also eliminates all energy and your sex drive. i couldnt get off it quick enough.
Not for me, gives me a massive sex drive and energy. Trying to get off it though cause it causes balding
WTF i love jeremy corbyn even more
wew lads aliums are real no joke
is he the PM of wales
the question you should be asking is, is he not?
Jeremy "six million more" Corbyn
Nigger, (imitating the brogue.)
2 years ago
Guy goes home
Wife 'hi honey you'll never guess what happened to me today'
Guy 'did you get called a shape shifting humanoid in front of the world on YouTube'
Wife 'well, no'
Guy 'Shut the fuck up then'
Racist pics should be banned no matter how hilarious they are.
Racists should be hung no matter how much they contribute to society.
I am not a woman btw
Didn't know you hated jews. starting to grow fond of you
He would literally spam "eww the monkey is talking to the jew" constantly a while ago.
reminder that devolution is the reason we have brexit
move to a european shithole like germany if you want laws like that
>move to a europe-
No thanks but thanks for the offer.
thinking cap on
who was the monkey?
Mi comandante Fidel................................
right, no jokes around, who actually masturbated to this?
Handel's Messiah is the most sublime piece of music ever crafted. Conducted by Richter, even the hardest built of men are brought to tears in its glory.
Yanks are fucked. I repeat Yanks are fucked
Yesterday it was cat 3, 3 days ago it was Cat 2. Now it's category 4 and still hasn't even hit yet, we could be seeing a possible category 6 hitting the US...
This will make Katrina look like a joke.
Stay strong brehs
why leftlings always ugly, misshapen little creatures