Where are you from?

Where are you from?

French “France”
English “England”
Canadian “Canada”
German “Germany”


why...why american...

Because our states/cities are more relevant.

We hate this shitty individual country so to hide the shame we say which state where from

We're relevant enough for pretty much everyone to know where New York or Michigan is.

Other countries are basically our vassal states anyway desu

where are you from faggot

They're a large and important country. I honestly think Japanese people could get away with it, as well.
And if somebody says which country they're from, I usually ask the follow-up question: "Oh, really? Where in X country?" Then they'll answer something like "Hokkaido.", and then I'll mention some tidbit I know about the place like: "Ah, Hokkaido. Sapporo is there, right? They make pretty good beer over there." or some other asinine bullshit like that, and it's an immediate semi-decent bonding experience.
The way I see it, Americans are just expediting the process.

>German “Germany”

umm no sweetheart
I would say I'm from Luxembourg

itt: americans

>Where are you from?
>Im from America
>So like texas

definitely not japan

Chink: Where are you from?
Me: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Chink: T-That's a long name...

First and last time I try to say I'm from Buenos Aires. Looks like it doesn't work with non americans.

>so you all like, shoot each other and are fat and dumb
>lol americans are so ignorant

I like double edged irony too, yes

where you from cutie

definitely not japan

If you aren't from Texas, you must from L.A. or New York

i guess usa is the maintown in world now

past ceuntry...like rome,ottoman,chine...etc

now usa is the one

perphaps usa citizen answer

Actually, England doesn't really exist. An Englishman is supposed to say 'Britain', saying 'England' is pretty much like saying 'I come from Texas'

No one has ever asked me where I'm from.
I thought Norway didn't do small talk.

The only thing I have in common is east coast people is that we share the same flag.

So many different people and places here the only time I'd say I'm from America is when the person can barely speak English and even then I was always to just say I live near San Francisco because everyone knows where that is.

i think in usa yes u from? foroging? mm i from heaven by the way
no i think
im so so rrrrry im a not native americna

i copy

Where are you from?

French “France”
English “England”
Canadian “Canada”
German “Germany”


why...why american...

he is no american

i poor smmmmmmmmmmal eghlsih
so i speak korean
i thinki i wish
expression is best natural language

5chnan을 위하여

니 어디왓노


근데 양놈들한테는 어디 왓냐하믄
뉴욕왓다 산디에고 왓다하는데

이것이 좀 이상하다가 아이가 적응이 안된다

이건것 같다

내가 잘 모르지만 얼마나 한이 맺혓으면
그라겟노 이기다
어디사는지는 모르것지만서도 어디서 왓나하지마라 말라 이기다 말이다

그라고 보이
지는 미국에서 어디왓냐고 물어본거
어디서 나라에서 왓슴다하는데
저거나라한테는 칼리포니아 등등에서 왓다하는데와 그라노 궁금햇는데 이제는 한숨자믄 이해가 되것네여
in usa

usa 국민이 아니였어니깐

so much today ......sorry

The difference between England and Britain is not as great as difference between USA and Texas

>tfw always confused with Russia

>Where you from user? Russia?


The fuck if I know where Michigan is

>country is called "the United States"

...You know where Michigan is.

*opens silo doors*

>Looks like it doesn't work with non americans.
I'm pretty sure most americans only know about buenos aires because of Sarship Troopers.

Sort of. States have a lot of autonomy, but they can't unilaterally secede from the union like British nations can.

are you retarded

Why would someone from maine or new york want to be associated with fat cousin fuckers from alabama?

I don't know how japan is, but there's a perception in the US that Americans from big cities have more in common with foreigners from big cities outside of the US than they do with rural Americans.