Why do americans make their houses from wood? Didn't ever hear of the three little pigs or what?

Why do americans make their houses from wood? Didn't ever hear of the three little pigs or what?

Don't make fun of your neighbor Diego, Diego.

It's a legit question though.

ITT: Pictures that make you genuinely happy.

Just thinking about how many imperialists got their lives ruined and ended up in insurance hell. It makes me warm inside.

Americans can't read
Feels good

Because the probably didnt have construction codes regarding hurricanes because they don't get hit often. I don't really know.
Here in Miami-Dade all buildings are made with concrete though due to the hurricane codes.

Plentiful availability of resources, easy construction, therefore very affordable, also as earthquake proof as otherwise only highly specialized architecture is, which is a major concern in the western US.

Also a tornado will blow away most brick buildings as well, only that brick debris is more dangerous and brick houses are more expensive to rebuild.

t. haitiano

looks like Fallout 4 for PS4, Xbox 1, and PC!

Fuck off Todd.

Those wete literal poor areas that were struck by the hurricanes. I don't think their homes were going to be built by quality materials

rebuild your house in the tornado alley again
can't make this shit up

>american "houses"

I was just remarking on how that remarkably similar that image looks to the suburbs of post-apocalyptic Boston, the setting of Fallout 4 where you play as "vault-dweller" exploring the wasteland.

This must be a golden age for any texan in the construction industry.

I've always wondered that too.

You mean Mexican.

poor people

Ah yes, of course the rich build their houses much better and not just bigger.

There's only a 56% difference

even the shart mart crushed, there will americans now shart?

why didnt they build any dykes

t. dutch guy

No planning because planning is communism, no money because taxes are theft.

Shellproof and affordable brick houses were built during the 3rd Reich, just saying

If there houses where made of stone, combined with the weight of the average american, It would cause a sinkhole.

Woodn't you do the same if you had so much freedom

it's like they are all masochists

m*rica is third world shithole

Your picture shows destroyed metal and concrete buildings and standing wooden houses.