>be na(t)ive English speaker

>don't know the difference between there, their and they're
>don't know the difference between your and you're
>don't know the difference between its and it's
>don't know the difference between were and we're
>don't know the difference between who, whom, whose and who's
>don't know the difference between then and than
>don't know the difference between to and too
>don't know the difference between of and off
>don't know the difference between lose and loose
>don't know the difference between effect and affect
>don't know the difference between simple past and past perfect
>don't know the difference between adjectives and adverbs
>don't know the difference between genitive and plural
>don't know how to spell common words
>don't know where to set commas or any other punctuation rules
>unironically say "should of"

Other urls found in this thread:


>be german

>be german

>be german

>be german

>Hehe let's make the same thread agai and again and again

Fucking kys.
And this doesn't go for just OP.
This whole board is totally repetitive.
It's like talking to robots with limited vocabulary

>be german

>be german

>am german

>be german

>be german

>be german

>быть нeмцeм

>Germanic """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>be g3rman

>Ein Deutscher sein

you must go mad living in a country of them!

>быть pyccкoй cвинocoбaкoй

>Le robot meme

But actually yes sometimes I kinda do get mad.
I really don't like this country.
Sad thing is, most people everywhere are the same so I just pretty much find the whole world uninteresting.
You always know what will happen next because reality is just fucking boring.

What don't you like about it?

>be german

>Ein Deutscher sein

>быть нeдopaзyмeниeм, язык и кyльтypy кoтopoмy пpидyмaлa гpyзинcкaя cвинocoбaкa

>пoк пoк

About what?

>inquire vs enquire
>misuses literally

About your country you tool.

Country has some stupid laws and politics, the schoolsystem sucks imo, some taxes are unnecessary and some more stuff.
When it comes to people I already said, they are mostly the same everywhere.
You might think people from x country are somehow special and different but they aren't.
Only 1/10 people are actually a shining individual, the rest of the world is sheep, normies whatever you call it. But still individual enough to see some differences between two people you randomly pick and stand next to each other.
>inb4 fedora

I get you.
But shining individuals are totally subjective.
There are people who you click with and there are those who you won't click with.
You might think someone is a cool person because of something you value, who can be considered a sperg by others and vice-versa.
Surrond yourself with people who share your values and you'll be happier in no time.
As for politics and school, yeah that sucks everywhere.

I could care less

>Be the english language
>Give birth to this monstrosity

I guess it's a matter of perspective.
An American posted one or two days ago that we all live in our own little world.