One chance at life

>One chance at life
>Short and ugly sperg with mediocre intelligence, no job prospects, no hobbies that could help land a job and no education

you can fix all of that except your height which is the least important thing

But all of that is your own fault

To be fair only education and hobbies can be influenced

Do you have a large extended family? Family connections can be incredibly useful, as long as you aren't like completely seperated and have never met. And even then it's still really useful.

he can take care of himself (shave, good hygiene, working out etc) to appear better and also read books to educate himself. If I sit my ass all day on Sup Forums while eating cheetos and masturbating while never taking a shower I can't complain about being repulsive or ugly.

Wow. Wake up call for me (not OP). Nice.

self improvement is a meme

>once chance at life
>born a high-functioning unintelligent autist with physically debilitating chronic depression and severe emotional problems

nothing can be influenced. most of the modern scientists believe that everything including every your thought was pre-determined since the beginning of time

It's not a meme. I am a short guy with average looks and were like you. Gladly for me, I was only that in my teenage years, so I was able to get fit easily, shave my greasy ass hair and take care of my teeth/beard/body. You won't become a 8/10 from a 3/10 but an improvement is always an improvement.

You can't just sit around all your ass with your hands raised up and conceding defeat with writting off self improvement.

Well that's difficult to prove true or false.

hello me

All the things you mentioned should be routine and don't even have to be said.

He is from Finland which means he can easily get free education in the whole of Scandinavia. Going to uni will most likely turn you into a normal social functioning person.

> i suffer in first world


I'm 18. Is it too late for me?

>One chance at life
>born as a bald, manlet, hyperhidrosis

that argement lasts since the times of ancient greek stoics vs epicureans

of course not. What are you studying?

You are still a child so give it some time. You can get worried if you haven't improved at age 25

>one chance at life
>tall, healthy man with a big dick
>norwegian girl comes around
>tfw leaving soon for paradise

>Going to uni will most likely turn you into a normal social functioning person.

because fuck regular contact with peers and getting shit done amirite?

It did fuck all for me, but I'm sure that you know better than me what not being a normalfag is like

>It did fuck all for me
So you are projecting your own failures on others.

For the vast majority, uni gives you friends for life and education. OP needs both apparently and neither working full time or sitting at home in your youth will help you with that.

Or maybe being forced to interact passively with other people is not going to help someone with socializing issues

Humanites, Culture, history & philosophy. And nordic languages.

the swede gets it

Leaving his comfort zone will help him develop for sure. Better for him to practice at school, which is forgiving, instead of when he is 30 and forced in a 9-5.

I assume that the finnjävel is not a clinical sperg but just has some catching up to do

I don't have friends or familial ties that would help me get anywhere.

None of that will undo my genetic inferiority which is the main cause of my suffering.
I dropped out of high school, I can't get to uni. Also no amount of social interaction will help with my speech impediment and neurologically hardwired spergy mannerisms.


>Going to uni will most likely turn you into a normal social functioning person

>Going to uni will most likely turn you into a normal social functioning person.

>source: my ass