Which language is able to make smart human brain?

Which language is able to make smart human brain?

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proto indo-European is able to make smart human brain.


Not the native tongue of the person who made that picture, that's for sure.

Probably Esperanto

Sanskrit and Hindi

Our ancestors :).

But seriously, that's pretty cool.

toki pona

one needs to be a genius to decipher any complicated text in it




lol no
just a couple easy euro languages further simplified with polish phonology

ithkuil, i think being exposed to a wide range of different languages will help in general but ithkuil basically incorporates a lot of the "alien features" between languages. I believe that was the creator's initially idea, to combine cool and useful quirks of all languages.

>further simplified with polish phonology
further simplified. with polish phonology.*
I meant the languages were simplified, not that polish phonology simplifies them.

Hebrew is able to make smart human brain.

if you dont speak classical mongolian or old sumerian you are not make smart human brain

Gotta be difficult language right? Like Arabic, Japanese or Chinese. No wonder their IQ are high.

>High IQ
Are we inhabiting the same planet?

>such complex sounds

Not shitalian, it makes your IQ lower.


actually learning more languages is likely to improve your intelligence rather than focusing on one language

Considering the high degree of consanguinity, they're doing pretty fucking well.

Focus on learning multiple languages.

Nothing screams intelligence like knowing a handful of languages poorly.

Chinese, japanese, russianese [spoiler]maybe[/spoiler]