How was Jackson allowed to cross the line like this?

How was Jackson allowed to cross the line like this?
Jesus christ...

Other urls found in this thread:

>We must secure the future for ourselves the elf race
It was a simpler time.

is this why they hate dwarves so much

i mean they hide in holes with mountains of gold

Don't compare dwarfs to kikes you nigger

>Thorin not sharing the loot in the battle of the five armies

>dat cinematography

How did they pull it off?

Yeah share all of your gold with humans and elfs why not?

Tolkien straight up said they're partially based on jews

Their language is for sure.

>You're now imagining Gimli with a Hebrew accent and Legolas with a Finnish accent

this scene was so fucking cheesy man, the terrible eye effect and the slow-mo

lmao who thought it was cool

thorin was an asshole
a greedy asshole like all dwarves

>Oy, you shmucks, dese here are some uruk hai

t. elf

>You have my sword.
>And you have my bow.
>And my wholesale!

Pretty much the scene that makes TT better than FotR

Scared the shit out of me when it came out
>Was a kid though

close, but it'd be

>And yuo hav mai boe :DDDdd

or something. Idk, I'm not an expert at Fingol

>not true to his word
>will not help the city who housed and protected him and then was burned down by a fucking dragon
>prefers to trigger a war over giving his due

He had dragon sickness. Similar effect to the ring

more like acting like a typical dwarf, the elves litteraly did nothing wrong

>dwarves (jews) lose eastern hold Erebor (Israel) because they are greedy to a dragon (Romans)
>Settle in north west blue mountains (Europe) and start usury and trade empires.
>Try to reclaim home (zionism)
>awaken dragon (Islam) which has also grown greedy (oil sheiks)
>laketown (europeans) destroyed by dragon (islam) but they valiantly defeat it
>Need money (expensive wars/migrants) but the dwarves don't lend it.
>old enemy attacks (right wing/nazis-modern day Romans) and dwarves have to fight it or get evicted
>many killed but they win
>now live in homeland.

The Hobbit was written before Israel existed

Dwarves are shit, my dude. Only neckbearded manlets would pick Dwarves over Humans or Elves.

simply another testament to tolkien's writing