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Television and Film #793
Television and Film
How come this kino wasn't nominated for Best Motion Picture by the Oscars?
Recommend me a cool horror movie
I drive
My friends, you pay taxes to no one
How much money do I tell them to bring?
Your favorite film turns into Anime and its characters gender-bent. What changes?
I showed my friend Kung Pow and while he laughed, he said the humor was "Too Random"
Look at this. We could have built a new Krypton in this squalor, but you chose the humans over us...
Get Behind The Scenes With Creator Genndy Tartakovsky and Composer Tyler Bates
X-Men: Apocalypse is extremely underrated
Incest on film and tv
Why does Amazon prime have the best shows?
I like this show
Yfw this is an actual screencap of yesterday's The Walking Dead new episode
Gerard's dead
Any nordic kinos?
"Back to the Future" future was 2 years ago
What he mean by this?
Nomad wipes out a system of 4 billion people
What level of woke are you?
Lemme get on that Colbert anti-Trump gig
Monty Python
Is it any good?
I would have been so pissed if I paid for a day in Westworld and the only ones to fuck were a fish eyed ayy lmao and a...
This is the state of current beauty standards in Hollywood
The 100 most acclaimed films ever. Roll, and
Movies Drumpkins will never truly understand
Max Landis brought up the fact no women speaks for the first 40 minutes of John Wick 2
Albums that pull off having more than 12 tracks
Christine chubbuck suicide footage found
I'm watching CNN and they won't say what this meeting is about. They're really awkwardly dodging the subject. How come...
Hey Everyone
Anyone got some Sex Ed Kino?
Wake up
Let's make a live action version of Ghost in the Shell but we'll add a cliched revenge plot and insert random callbacks...
What are the recommended witchcore kinos?
Simpsons quotes you use in real life
Why is this considered their best work?
John Wick Chapter 2
It's an alcohol episode
My master, Sauron the Great
Why didn't they save the Gimp?
Why is Nancy such a bitch?
Stop laughing. It's not funny
Looks like meme magic strikes again, Sup Forums
Who is the most TALENTED actress over 40?
This is the most beautiful woman in the Pacific Northwest
Season 6 of Homeland
Alright I'm sold
Is he, dare I say, our guy?
Best film never made or Jodorowsky was just crazy and had a massive ego?
Will you be watching Netflix's Dear White People? Why or why not?
I just watched Hacksaw Ridge and
Alexandra Daddario
Sup Forums here
What would his tax policy be like?
What went wrong?
Underrated Movies
What's this guy's name again?
What movies or series would you recommend to a guy that likes Rome?
It didn't age well at all
"Welcome to the hospital, what type of breakfast do you want?"
What are some Italian references in the Star Wars prequels?
*blocks your path*
Where's my fucking gravel Eddy
World Peace
This is genuinely the worst film of all time
What normies think a lonely guy looks like: the movie
Wait, what the fuck? is this show secretly red pilled?
LEAKED Story Details From THE PREDATOR Reboot
What is the theme of Star Wars? Like what is it actually about underneath all the lightsabers and spaceships...
Do we like it or is it reddit?
Doctor Who General - /WHO/
ITT: Directors, writers, and actors who hate one of their movies
OMG, guys Avengers Infinity War first look! Ya ready for some more comic kino you all love?
Why didn't he show up at the ending?
Tell me what I should think about this film
Weird/shitty movies Sup Forums made you watch
Isn't this Kino?
*blocks your path*
Hollywood live action adaption when?
Is he right?
Star Trek Discovery Klingons Revealed?
I don't even like the guy and that was a pretty funny episode
Why are people romanticizing vikings? There is no a single positive quality you can name without being incorrect
What's next for her career?
Michael Fassbender filmed a movie outside my house last year
GoT Theories
What retro 80s songs should appear in the 2nd season of Stranger Things?
Post the most punchable faces of media industry
What was the message of this movie? Was it the right thing she did in the end? Or we are supposed to criticise her?
Think guillermo del toro is some slick robert rodriguez looking motherfucker
You know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world. To not know why you're here... That's...
What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?
What the fuck did they mean by this?
What types of food would you serve if you owned a movie theatre?
More X-men Movies confirmed by Sophie Taylor are you hyped?
This "masterpiece" is nothing without its shocker ending
Why is the 2010s going to be the worst decade in film history it was invented? Only 2000 was nearly as bad
Hey netflix, what kind of subscriptions you want?
Movie takes place in the future
What is the point of the gimmick on this show?
Why are white people actually defending this casting?
This movie wasn't very good
50 Shades
Why can't DC make a movie that tops this?
Should I watch pic related?
So Mark Hamil will definitely play him in the inevitable biopic right?
What does Sup Forums think of this?
Already naked in the first episode
Millennials are having way less sex than their parents and are twice as likely as the previous generation to be virgins
Lol fucking hell
Quick claim your waifu
Radicalized Muslim's van gets set up to explode as he is driving in New York by fucking WHITE MALE TERRORISTS
Is this show worth the watch? Thinking about jumping into it tonight
Objective: survive
She's old and bitter...
ITT we draw iconic movie scenes
If this new group isnt in the comic how did they defeat negan
New Ghost in the Shell trailer dropping in 20 minutes
I fucking hate negan
So we all agree this episode will probably go down as the best in the season correct?
Why are the Asians so much more advanced than us when it comes to bbrrraaaaaaaapppp kino?
The flashback where her uncle molests her made me incredibly uncomfortable
Why would you bring me to the cinema if you can't even afford to buy me a bucket of crab legs?
Terrible lifetime movie, pretty good casting
Who are some guests you want to see on the podcast?
Was it kino?
I liked it
I don't remember The Fly too well
Who was in the wrong here?
[tells you to fuck off, therefore defeating your entire argument]
The future of the DCEU
He Knows
How would you make this into a movie? Its going to happen whether we want it to or not...
What did she mean by this?
The Young Pope
Worst actor deaths?
Movies so bad they're good pls
Tax Policy?
The phone call that saved film
What the FUCK is their problem?
This was a hell of a movie
Drove a U-Haul into an apartment building
So strong, independent, female and black, it makes me hard
What are some films about traitor scum being traitors?
Does anybody actually like this guy? Same with Bruce Campbell...
I wonder what Wes Anderson thinks of Legion
Who will play him in the inevitable biography?
What did he mean by this?
Name a single movie without a kissing scene
Blocks your path
Thoughts on this piece of absolute kinography?
Why no Half Life movie? There's tons of source material. Also cast Freeman
The nightclub shootout was great, everything else was mediocre as fuck. Why is everyone sucking this movie's dick again?
Thoughts on this film?
How accurate was this portrayal of Hitler? Is this the closest we'll get to a neutral objective portrayal?
Matt Groening is developing an animated series for Netflix
What's your favourite episode?
What did he mean by this?
Man in the High Castle
Why did Uncle Owen dress like a Jedi?
First five dubs are on the detail
She still hasn't lost it
What did she mean by this?
They're still making these
Who was in the wrong here?
I just saw this and I spent the entire movie repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit...
Walk in to bedroom
Who is your all time wifu?
ITT: Actors that have made both outstanding and completely terrible performances over the course of there careers
Why didn't you like this movie? I thought it was miles better than Force Awakens
GIRLS - Season 6
Is this the greatest television commercial of all time?
What shows do you watch entirely based on the cutie that's on it?
Worst theater experiences you've ever had?
Who's the best?
Childhood is idolizing Goku
Why was his last comedy special so unfunny? What went wrong? Was he cucked by Nia the nigger?
It's time
Tfw have to wake up at 5:00 am tomorrow to begin YET ANOTHER week of wagecucking slavery
Hiya user :3
Anyone else slowly getting hyped from the trailers?
Movies where the bad guys actually end up being the good guys?
Thoughts on this Star Wars spoiler?
Large karaoke man vs bald star wars man
What's your favourite scene guys?
one of the best shows from the late 70s is about the 50s
Does he get paid for this?
ITT: movies that you watched as a kid and probably affected your subconcious
Seriously? No sticky?
Reminder that the Bugs did nothing wrong
Walker deads
Avengers infinity war thread?
Why did so many people hate it? It was well filmed and well acted, especially William...
Wtf I love Islam now?
ITT: Actors who you think are stuck up IRL
I fucking knew this was coming but fuck no
Actors who always play the exact same character thread
Team America: World Police
What is some essential blackino?
What did toriyama mean by this
Is it ever going to end?
Spoony thread
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Thanos?
OFFICAL TWD The Walking Dead Priemere
Who is your favorite comedienne?
Is this Lindsay's redemption arc?
What is he thinking right now?
What went wrong?
What's next for her career?
Guys, could we please discuss American Psycho
Wtf i love the 80s now
If you were forced to erase one of these trilogies from existence, which one would you erase...
What even is a "Reddit show" exactly?
What the fuck is CeeLo Green wearing
What is your favorite film by Wes Andersen?
So let me get this straight...
Minas Tirith
Was this the best film Alan Rickman ever did?
Streaming the Walking dead at 9 pm
Why is he so good lads?
What are the best examples of a show jumping the shark?
Favourite episodes of favourite TV shows?
Aisy Ridley dropping Episode VIII spoilers on the red carpet today
What are some good flicks with classic vampires?
Post your favourite Peep Show character
Not casting Katherine McNamara as Mary Jane Watson in Spider-Man Homecoming
"Well thats because I wouldn't want herpes."
Ywn cash her outside
Cape is CGI
Lost three directors
Why did he try to kill himself?
Cinemassacre discussion
Is Event Horizon maximum Kino?
George Lucas' Red Tails
ITT: Instances where a racewashing/genderwashing didn't matter
Guess the movie based on terrible paint art
Which movie was peak Sandra Bullock? I say Demolition Man
Tfw no hacker gf
Pass the remote bro
Polański is a pedophile because he had sex with 13 years old girl
Admit it. You liked it and Ellen was pretty cute
What went wrong?
Last film of PTA's filmography that is left for me to watch
If I had power...
How many hours of sleep does a person need per night on average?
Great Animation Thread
I'm sexy and i know it starts playing
No singles policy becomes real
Catwoman General
This woman asks you out on a date
User get off your lazy butt and come hangout outside with me!
You have ten seconds to explain why BRRRAAAPPPPP isn't a degenerate fetish
Is her 15 minutes of fame up?
This is basically one of the greatest Christmas films of all time. Why does nobody talk about it?
Series based on 80s nostalgia. CGI monster
What's wrong with Hollywood?
BAFTAs 2017 (Part 2) - Daisy Ridley Edition
Anyone see The Founder
Anyone think shes hot in homeland?
What's the hardest you laughed in theaters for a movie that isn't a comedy?
So, Donald Trump
What is Kate Beckinsale's best film?
Chad wins
Reminder that she is the Evil Incarnate, she's the Dark Side made flesh. That's why Snooke wants her...
Why didn't they do another season of Joe Rogan Questions Everything? Was SyFy's typical audience too triggered?
Guys is it possible to pick up a girl in a movie theater? Or at least in the hallway while buying snacks?
What's your favorite cameo from The Donald?
S2 is a lot better than the first so far, I wish they didn't shorten the intro though
It's a "Truman remembers he's going to die someday" episode
Does Sup Forums think Supernatural has become kinda bad?
Us office better than UK office
So, which is the teen flick that defines the current generation?
Why aren't there more black people in a show set in a poverty stricken neighborhood in the south side of Chicago...
Will the 90's ever be surpassed?
Acclaimed but forgettable films
What the fuck did I just watch
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god-tier ideology...
Why are RED cameras so disgustingly ugly?
What is the best trilogy of all time?
Do you have any idea how much that little stunt of yours cost the department?
ITT: Directors, writers, and actors who hate one of their movies
What do you mean you didn't vote for Hillary?
Why is the Ravenclaw symbol an eagle?
Why can't stupidass racist white people understand satire??
Any other movies like this/with this feel?
Is this supposed to be funny?
So I went and watched this after seeing Split
It would be perfect and you know it
/who/ dr who general
This is unironically the best show on television right now
A cinematic universe may or may not be in the works. Sony Pictures is considering adapting VII, XIII, and XV
Breaking Bad
Does anyone else think they shouldve just recasted him for part 3. I know he did a beyond amazing job...
Just realised that Micheal and Kirk Douglas are related
Which one of GTA games would make the best movie? and which actor would you pick to play the main character?
At first I thought it was a racist movie. But now that I have watched the trailer it may be a smart movie...
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Webm Thread
Find a flaw
Considering the massive popularity of capeshit these days, how come the greatest superhero of all, pic related...
Was it autism?
Tfw two weeks until regular jeopardy returns
Watched this the other day
Warner Bros Does it Again
BAFTAs 2017- Red Carpet Edition
Help me identify a film
Have any of you seen this shit?
Who are some balding actors?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Do you think Sophie Turner has what it takes to become a top-tier actress?
It was consensual
Horror General - /hor/
All memes aside
What do amerians think of the UK when they see it in movies?
Reserved seating
Guys, let's discuss American Psycho
Is she /our girl/?
Anyone else ready for tonight?
James Cameron says Mythbusters is “full of shit” about Titanic
Why did they chose this guy for Kingpin? He's so ugly he could be a modern art masterpiece
ITT we create /film/
Why didn't Smaug sense that Bilbo had the one ring and try to take it from him?
ITT: Anime that deserve a live action adaptation
What are your expectations for Season 5? Are you as hype as I am. Are you rewatching the previous seasons?
Post an image, others recommend a movie based on it
PROTIP: if you prefer left over right you don't belong here and should go back to rёddit
Great films that created the worst trends in the real world
Which look was better?
Why are Burgers so offended by this? almost all of the people I saw claiming it's anti-Church were American...
Leslie Jones as President Trump
Movies that are too long
Not a single recognizable musical theme
Eva or ScarJo
Why doesn't this movie get more love?
Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2
Reminder that whitewashed anime will replace capeshit by 2020
It is a nadine eats her lunch in the shit cubicule episode
Sound FX Thread
When you're bleeding out you lose a lot of salt
The little thread that could
C'mon Gary, act!
FEMaNONS what are your top 3 movies>?
Are you ready to admit that this isn't the worst super hero movie ever made?
Mfw the pencil scene
This is unironically better than any marvel movie that has been released since 2008
The Americans
Logan Browning
Nuff said
Tfw favorite actor isn't getting the quality or quantity of roles you'd like them to
14 major World War II movies scheduled to be realized in the next 2 years
Sup Forums: the Documentary
Why don't the Deadites just kill Ash?
Just marathoned this flick
Prussian blue :)
Why do women pretend to like Star Wars?
I'm sick of murrican shit, what's essential british kino/ tv stuff?
Will you watch this butiful movie?
ITT: scenes that caused you physical pain from laughing too hard
More Milana Sup Forums
Uh, in english please doc
What does Sup Forums thinks of this excellent comedy?
ITT movie tropes that you actually like
Why do I never see Ripley used as an example of strong female characters?
*blocks your path*
No it's not a joke, Trump fucking sucks BIG TIME
/got/ general
Tfw no friends with which to watch and discuss Television & Film
Max Landis may be a numale faggot but this was surprisingly good
Main character is part of a team investigating an alien environment
Why am I the only one who thinks Aubrey is a cutie?
What does Sup Forums think?
Why do so many people despise the original Battlestar Galactica...
Fuck, Marry or Kill
The state of marvel
Why did they make Irritable Bowel Syndrome so cute?
"Your soda & popcorn, sir"
Back then, when I used to shitpost I didnt need to think about anything else
What was Aragorn's tax policy?
Was it ever explained how and why he killed himself?
Lets have discussion on the Crow remake
Did you ever, EVER, laughed at one of his jokes?
Is he really a 52 year old virgin?
Mhmm nootka
I threw away all my emergency supplies and scrapped my plans for building an underground bunker after watching this
So this is what Luna has been doing
Tfw this show was really good until they made it about demons and souls and shit
Tracy Morgan looks like he's about to cry and tells Alec Baldwin "I love you" repeatedly
So Trump stole his slogan from Futurama?
I have friends who defend this movie, are they autistic?
He had an axe in his head throughout all of the movies?
She literally fucked a guy to death in season 1, why does everyone keep forgetting that?
I don't get what's so important about nutka...
Well, i just ruined a whole meal trying to do this...
*blocks your path*
Favorite horror films from the 1980s and onward edition
A mysterious spaceship crashes down onto Pandora, the fifth moon of the gas giant Polyphemus...
What was the moral of the story?
Captain Fantastic
Is this kino?
Well this quadrology was disappointing...
Was he, dare I say, our guy?
Describe the following characters WITHOUT saying what they look like...
Was it autism?
*blocks your path*
Have you ever purchased any authentic movie or tv set props?
Movies that make you wish you were young again
Anakin, you're breaking my balls!
ITT scenes women will never understand
We discuss the greatest quotes and moments from American Psycho
Thoughts on this movie?
Tell Rey a story about the Old Republic
Time for our bi-weekly "don't save her she don't wanna be saved" how-to-fix-Sup Forums hiro-sanctioned meta thread
Anna Kendrick
What is the best cooking show that doesn't feature Gordon Ramsay?
Are you watching this?
I'm so glad neurotic soy brained retards who think Harry Potter is a substitute for spiritualism are going to be...
It's the future
What the fuck kind of ending shot is this? Bane home?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Why isn't she in more shows?
Why do women pretend to like Star Wars?
ITT: believable strong female characters
Favorite Jew
Wait, they're clearly married in the first picture. What's going on in the second?
Do Americans really do this?
Explain why you didn't like these films
Opinions on this film?
Sup Forums suddenly hates Frozen
Opinions on a tiny actress Dakota Skye and her body of work?
What's the main attraction of Stranger Things other than being a 80s nostalgia flick?
Is this the GOAT action movie?
Left or right
Come onto board
So, Donald Trump
SNL is on fucking fire
Daily reminder that Hollywood din du nuffin
The Wire thread coming, yo!
It's a 'The Simpsons are going to (some foreign country)!' episode
*blocks your path*
SNL attacks corporations for ridiculous liberalism
*blocks your path*
What is the Marvel equivalent of this scene?
Is Keanu legit operator?
Best classic simpsons
Movies or Scenes that always make you cry
Me on the left
Give me some good raincore
Tfw you don't even own a TV
What are some movies about characters who go through transformations
Watching prescreen of The Red Pill
Ywn hunting down pages of the rarest of all grimoires
Black Sails: Season 4, Episode 3
Male lead is ugly and jewish looking
Just saw this because you faggots constantly saw how good it was
What's the name of this hairstyle called?
I'm about to get stoned in my comfy room. Should I watch Arrival, Accountant or Pain&Gain (with The Rock)
What was Aragorn's tax policy?
Great movie, but it didn't have that simple enjoyable feeling like the first one did...
What's the name of this movie again?
Is Joe Rogan intellectual?
Wew lad
I'm watching Taboo
Tfw too intelligent to enjoy Scooby Doo Wrestlemania
I skipped a lot of seasons to watch Neegan show off his core strength...
That one episode of Seinfeld where Costanza gets humiliated by a woman who saw his tiny dick was one of the best...
Black could be in anything
Who are some moralfag protags done right?
Post celebs eating
...So, did he do it?
Dropped this show years ago, have any of the more recent seasons been standing out?
/got/ general
What extraordinary achievement...
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT: Favourite Music VIDEOS
What is your favorite horor movie?
Why does Sup Forums like Normie MacDonald?
Official LOTR power thread
Jenna stop
James Bond
What do you think of this movie?
ITT: Actresses that haven't been BLACKED
So realistically what do you think of this show? Do you think it ended well on a great note?
Post movies/shows atheists could NEVER understand
Movies or Scenes that always make you cry
It's a "Mods deleted the Smashing Pumpkins thread for being off topic but the fucking tranny post is alive and well"...
What the fuck was his problem?
Nathan for You
Give your favourite movie and I'll tell you why it's bad
Dat let's pretend we are animals scene
On March 24, 2008, in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron, Abdel Fattah al-Sharif...
How hard did you cry?
Why do I hate this man so much? Whenever I see his face I just want to shoot him
Post YouTube film 'critics' who are fake movie fans
44 years old
Why does she look 35?
Has there been any movie remakes that are better than the original?
They cast a black man as L
What was his endgame?
Who would you cast in a live action movie?
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 scores 100/100
Beauty & The Beast
Literally joking about how many ad breaks they can fit into a video
What did Lia mean by this?
BWHAHAHAHAHAH what the fuck did I just see?
Sits on her ass all day gorging on junk food
How do we save Sup Forums?
Thoughts on this?
Anyway how is your sex life?
Should I watch the nice guys?
Highly advanced alien species
Just got shot down from every girl I asked out this weekend. 16th year in a row (starting at age 12)
So it's universally agreed on that this movie is kino, right?
Arrival is considered "a thinking man's sci-fi"
"I need 5 gallons of diesel and some high octane gasoline"
I like her face
Today is the 43rd birthday of Alex Jones, AKA /our guy/
The average American is so fucking braindead that they can't even find Father Ted or anything that isn't lol bacon and...
Is film school worth it?
My obsession with Emma has become debilitating. I usually enjoy crying, it makes me feel better. But this morning...
What movie would you add to this image?
Redpill me about this show, Sup Forums
How come actors who become directors never develop their own style?
Tfw no cutie mute androgenous assassin gf
Cash me outside, how bout dat
He thinks this is better than CGI
The Chronicles of Narnia, The real question
Fuck Marry Kill
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: Box Office Bombs you saw in the theater
ITT: God tier kid characters
When will based trump nuke the fucking chinks?
Look who I met, Sup Forums!
What did they mean by this?
So atheists can't be good people?
Name the movie
Cameron will blow all you haters out of the fucking water with his Avatar saga
Walk into the saloon
Hey Sup Forums, what are some good Netflix originals? There are so many. I binged Stranger Things and The OA...
Name me a better final fight
So transfusing a pint of Dr Pavel's blood into the body of a dead guy would convince any investigators that Pavel was...
Is this film's lasting contribution to cinema the fetish of inflation art?
Has this show demonstrated once and for all that black people can't think logically
Good luck, everyone
What's next for her career?
What is the Ulysses of film?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on after hours?
Reminder if your favorite director isn't on this list you're a fucking pleb
You niggas wanna watch a McMovie™ ?
God tier opening credits
Tfw ur torn
How Does Sup Forums Feel About Michael Shannon?
Literally every episode this season has had Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump
So, what exactly did she do wrong?
Could this be plausible?
Is there anything else we can needlessly speculate on?
What movie is this???
ITT: Forgotten childhoodkino
What other non-words should I avoid?
Is Joel Kinnaman the worst mainstream actor alive?
What are some good movies about autistic retards in positions of power?
Newbie here
Best Christian movies? I'll start
Why are dog movies so popular in the family genre? Air Bud and it's billion spins offs, etc
Ticktick boooom
How come *BRRAAAAAAAAAAPPPP* is so popular and our superior fart meme is so underappreciated? It's not fair!
Where did it go wrong? He's a pretty decent actor and twice Grammy winner
Did he have a point?
He's dead, right?
Hurddur lex Plan didnt make sense
Edge of Seventeen
I think.. I want you to fuck me in my ass... I've never done that before but I think I want you to do it to me...
What do you think is holding Luke Hemsworth back from making it big in Hollywood alongside his brothers Chris & Liam...
Why is this considered a top 100 film?
Do you rate CNN?
Movie opens with a shot of the city
You're in prison and this guy bench presses 100 lbs in front of you and your black friends. What do you do?
Why did she abort the baby?
Well, well, well, well. If it isn't fat, stinking billygoat Billy-Boy in poison. How art thou...
‘The Batman’ Finds New Director in Matt Reeves
Did I hit you?
I'm sorry, who is this again?
/legion/ general
THE CIRCLE (Emma Watson, John Boyega Movie)
What movies would you add to this list
How underrated is this movie? Or any other thoughts about it
Movies where the bad guys actually end up being the good guys?
Macbeth 2015
So I just finished watching this movie. And I am not really getting the feels I am supposed to...
Why can't stupidass racist white people understand satire??
Immortality/not aging
Sketch is best girl, right?
Is friends with dude his age
Who'll play him in the inevitable biopic?
Hey Sup Forums, there's this movie I cannot recall the title of...
Steve Jobs
What's your favourite Monty Python sketch Sup Forums?
You're still not answering my question
Are you really supposed to believe there were people so stupid that walked into their deaths so easily?
Keanu Reeves eating a cupcake
Jon Hamm now resorting to tax commercials
Could this have been as good as LOTR with some editing?
Taboo General
Well? How do you rate them?
It's a Snooki pretends she didn't blow Mike for three seasons episode
What was so bad about season 4...
Why didn't Mairon travel into the future to defeat Sauron, his evil self?
Lego Batman
Replaying BvS Ultimate made me realize somethings
Thoughts? Haven't been to the cinema in years but I feel this film might make me want to go
Trying not to die the next 2 years
This torrent is soooo slow. can anyone help me get this film...
Apparently this gook shit is the greatest movie ever made according to Sup Forums
Well this was a pretty solid movie
Is this the only good MCU movie?
Just watched The Edge of Seventeen
Is anyone else being bombarded with advertisements for this movie...
Whoah dude that really makes you think huh? btw did you see that chinese woman getting jacked by a tiger...
Isildur's Bane?
Why didn't Discount Hershlag carrer never took of?
Did Supernatural ruin Jensens Career?
Who is the smartest actor?
What makes you say this guy/everything he does isn't Sup Forums related?
20 years old
Operator Kino
ITT: Films so boring it should be illegal
What non-American country has produced the best cinema?
This guy has been laid
Character looks at a woman in a bar
This is a fucking waste of money right?
Well, has it happened to you?
Television and Film
Twin Peaks
Which IDIOT greenlit this? And why?
Manchester by the Sea
Think of how much better this show would be if Netflix had staggered the episode releases by a few days each so we...
Asian television
I wish Chat Noir was real and my boyfriend
Character is explaining alternate dimensions
Could Batman be real? Why not? What would happen if someone tried? What could Batman even do in real life realistically...
Even MORE World War 2 movies in the works
Was he really from Buenos Aires?
Press F to Pay Respects
I am the senate
Name one (1) frickin' flaw
Criticize this show without mentioning the name of the website that begins with R
What's it like to take your date to a movie?
Did he really do it? Did he get another person's show cancelled?
Are there any good Sup Forums-related Discords...
The Young Pope
Fifty Shades Darker wins Friday over Lego Batman & John Wick 2
What are the best film set in Europe from 1500-1900? Not necessarily movies about nobility/upperclass people
Be wagecuck
Is he the worst actor ever.... Or does he's movies just stink?
Just dipped below 1k
I'm itching for a good murder mystery guys, give me what you got
Unpopular but true opinion - this is nowhere near as good as the old top gear
Is there a point to buying movies at all? It's not like books where you can proudly display them...
It's a final season when Truman already knew he was being filmed so he starts masturbating very slowly making sure...
I challenge anyone to find a better episode from a series better than International Assassin from The Leftovers...
Thursday - 400 whales beach themselves
Could a live action Evangelion ever work?
You have no soul if you didn't like this movie, you nu-male reddit piece of shit
Sopranos General
How would John Ford react to this?
ITT: People who deserve biopics
Would you try it Sup Forums?
Is it any good? I love the books. Does it translate well to TV or is it too cartoony...
Jerk off at least twice a day
Bill's monologue was terrific today
How come humans still have jobs in the sci-fi kino future?
Is this a joke?
Why does everyone hate blacks when asians are much worse?
Does a movie without sex and violence even exist?
Scenes that turned boys into men
Fuck Sup Forums
Movies where the bad guys actually end up being the good guys?
Who was in the wrong here?
How does this make you feel?
Remember that one movie where a pro NBA player got the shit beaten out of him by Bruce Lee?
Find new show
What are some movies(kinos) that an intellectual(smart person) like myself
ITT: Actresses that had a seat on this couch
Anyone else fucking hyped for this?
/kuwtk/ - Keeping Up With The Kardashians General
Be honest Sup Forums, what would your rating have been?
Will this cgi ever be topped lads
Gotta go watch this for my old lady. What am I in for?
Natalie Dormer
"lol sorry daughter, you're gonna have a shitty short painful life but it makes ME feel more aliiiive so deal with it"
Serious Sup Forums discussion
What did he mean by this?
Webm Thread
Just what Netflix needs...
Hmm nootka
The best "Vietnam" movie that's not Platoon or Jacob's Ladder, made in 2000's Russia
We are the sex organs of the robots
Trial by Combat
Kinos you've forgotten
Watching randum dr phil videos on youtube
Why can't western media give me these feels?
So now that Netflix is officially dead, what will be the next big streaming service?
What kind of IDIOT doesnt immediately ask for a lawyer?
ITT: Meme actresses without range
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...