Who'll play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who'll play him in the inevitable biopic?

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>thirty pints

A pint's about £5.80 so where is he finding the money.

>potato niggers

put it on the tab and paid when he sold the movie rights

the irish are an abominable & contemptible menagerie of subhuman filth

I think it's time for a black Pintman Paddy Losty.


Fuck right off.

Jim Broadbent

Idris Elba

in a hipster zone 1 bar it cost that much
pint costs less than water in ireland

>your ancestors try repeatedly to wipe out a nation of subhumans that live too close for comfort
>like cockroaches they always resist extermination
>future society makes you out to be the bad guys because they have 1/10th mick blood in them and so one day a year dress in puke green and drink piss water

Beer used to be a lot weaker than it is now.

>A pint's about £5.80

What are you some soft London twat or something?

Are you people trying to say there are any good beers outside Shoreditch? I only drink English crafts.



Paddy Losty's granddaughter is doing an AMA right now in the Pintman Pintposting facebook group.

>A pint's about £5.80
>not going to wetherspoons


>the Pintman Pintposting facebook group.
The internet was a mistake.

>tfw have to get up and go to work every day
>tfw can't just sit in a pub all day long and drink enormous amounts of beer
Life is suffering


Being a pintman is serious work user

30 drinks in one day? so are they just like alcoholics who cant even drunk anymore or what

not true used to be but the government taxes it massively to try stop us being alcoholics, in dublin now youre doing well to pay under 5 euro

Is it possible to learn this power?

30 drinks may sound like a lot to normal people, but that's because for the normal person the typical period of time in which they might be drinking is at most 8 hour (6PM to 2AM) and often even fewer hours like between 9 and midnight. 30 pints in 3 hours will absolutely devastate you. But if you're drinking from 10AM to midnight then you have plenty of time to get your blood alcohol level to a nice comfy plateau and ride it out for the rest of the day.

you are a special lad.

Himself, of course

I still can't believe they devoted an entire episode to fucking pintmen.

how can you literally do this

my grandmother is an alcoholic and so was my grandfather and uncle. my grandfather would walk around the block to drink a bottle of whisky and he liked normal when he came back after 6 minutes.

if i drink 8 beers in a night i feel bad for almost two days

In the 1st World a pint is about £5.

Years and years of practice

It's interesting that you can go from getting sick from drinking alcohol to potentially dying from not drinking it (alcohol withdrawal syndrome).

Drinking a shitload of beer in a couple hours will fuck you up. Drinking the same amount over the course of a whole day every day for years and you won't even feel it.


They were 50p back then

Get fucked, Nige.

Perfidious Paddy wins again


Not from an englishman




that is grand
