What does Sup Forums think of this?

What does Sup Forums think of this?

I think it's shit.


Kate Winslet was such a turbo bitch I don't know how anyone can watch the whole thing.

one of the best and most innovative films of this century


It's incredibly boring if you aren't heterosexual.
Some sort of ideal relationships the autists on here imagine.

makes me feel like shit desu

Painfully mediocre.

>HOLY FUCK! So much shit taste

It's essential cuckcore

legit kino. gondry's peak.


Kill yourself faggot

>Kate Winslet was such a turbo bitch I don't know how anyone can watch the whole thing.
this. i wanted to turn it off after 8 minutes

Stick to posting on your faggot board queer.

made me want to die

>It's incredibly boring if you aren't heterosexual


It was a great film, deserves the praise
I was surprised Jim Carey can do really good movies like this even hes basically only known for schlock

This movie is playing at a theatre near me tomorrow.

Might go watch it.

ywn understand the movie if you never fell in love. I don't mean just a relationship, I mean falling in love, I know it sounds fucking corny.

you can certainly enjoy it, i did.

then i watched it again after my first relationship ended.

Then the feels really resonate with you something fierce.

I think that's kind of the point, Carey's character is in love with her despite the fact that she really is an annoying cunt

>Some sort of ideal relationships the autists on here imagine.
I'm an autist here:
Their relationship was constantly on the edge and was always going nowhere fast. Forgetting one another was the best investment they could've made, but then that had to go and get fucked up. You know what happened after the movie was over? She did stupid crazy shit again and he most likely became an alcoholic. I don't want to imagine myself as someone more fucked than what I've already got going for me.

You're dumb, and stupid, and probably a spaghetti head.

moreover its about the greatest part of any relationship is the beginning, where you're essentially strangers, you know nothing deep about each other and the mystery is what keeps the relationship going.

Once you find out every single niggling detail about the person you're with, even all the most annoying ones its when everythings on your nerves and the relationship is on a thread.

A bit overrated.
Unique for its time.